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Excel sheet window size

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#1 Whigged


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Posted 07 February 2008 - 01:14 PM

I'm trying to get an Excel window to fit my monitor. When I reduce it, I still cannot access the bottom of the sheet, like if I wanted to jump from sheet one to two, etc. The spreadsheet was made on a bigger monitor, and is now on my laptop. I'm sure this is a simple fix, but it's one that is driving me nuts nonetheless!

Edited by Whigged, 07 February 2008 - 01:24 PM.


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#2 Tomk


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Posted 07 February 2008 - 06:53 PM

Whigged, Just so I understand, when you maximize the window you can't get to the tabs at bottom either?
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#3 tallin



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Posted 07 February 2008 - 09:37 PM

Hello Whigged,

I have searched google for you. I came up with this link that just may help you


this link

Please post back to tell us if it helped and how you are progressing.

kind regards,

#4 Whigged


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Posted 08 February 2008 - 03:18 PM

This is kind of a tough one to explain, so I've attached two screen captures: The first one is the problem I'm having. The sheet runs all the way down past where I'm able to bring it up and adjust it to the way I want. The second one is the way I prefer, which is to have the whole sheet in the window and adjustable. Hopefully this helps explain a bit better the issue I'm having. Thanks.

Attached Thumbnails

  • excel_1.JPG
  • excel_2.JPG

#5 tallin



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Posted 08 February 2008 - 05:22 PM

Hi Again Whigged, Yes, I agree and understand what your problem is, your thumbnails explained it as I knew it. Obviously neither of the two links I sent were of any help, so I guess we will both have to further research on Google to come up with a remedy for your concerns here. Sorry at this stage I am of no further help, but perhaps someone else will come by to add their ideas. kind regards,

#6 Tomk


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Posted 08 February 2008 - 06:00 PM

Whigged, What happens when you maximize the window? (click on the box to the left of the red X, the one at the top of your "sheet". Not the top of your screen) I don't have any technical ideas about what has caused your problem but I have found that in the past, if I maximize the screen it "resets" the page so when I minimize again all is well.
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#7 kazzoo


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Posted 08 February 2008 - 07:12 PM


Is it me or is one of your screen captures showing 635 X 402? as the resolution?

The good one is at 640 x 400 ?

Not being a Office guru either, but sure looks like if you increase your native screen resoluton up to maybe 800 x 600 you will get the Excel sheet to fit much better.

Here is how you can change resolutions. (link below)

Change screen resolution by using your mouse or keyboard


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#8 Ax238


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Posted 09 February 2008 - 05:12 PM

You should also be able to just double-click the inner window title bar in order to maximize the spreadsheet in the Excel window.

#9 Whigged


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Posted 09 February 2008 - 11:11 PM

You should also be able to just double-click the inner window title bar in order to maximize the spreadsheet in the Excel window.

Yes, but maximizing it is not the problem...

Even with the screen captures, I think that there remains some confusion as to what exactly I am trying to do here. I am trying to make the first Excel sheet look like the second one. It's that simple.

This has nothing to do with screen resolution. and is most definitely not the problem. After I maximize the window, in effect "resetting it," it does absolutely nothing. Just goes right back to the point to where the bottom of the sheet is below the page.

The key here is this: The sheet at the left was created on a huge monitor, which allowed for much more wiggle room when the sheet was saved. The image that you see is how it looks now opened up on a much smaller screen, where there is a physical limitation in regards to expanding the window any further to reach the outside bottom of the sheet.

The capture to the right? That is how a new Excel document looks when created on the smaller screen. And how I need the one on the left to look.

Again, I hope that I am explaining a bit better.

Edited by Whigged, 09 February 2008 - 11:15 PM.

#10 Tomk


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Posted 09 February 2008 - 11:44 PM


Sorry but I'm not explaining myself very well. I believe I'm clear on what you want but I'm not doing much of a job telling you how to get there. :blush:

What I was trying to get at is if the tabs show when you maximize the sheet, then everything is working correctly. If that is the case you should be able to maximize the the window (the upper bar) and still be able to see the bottom tabs. Then all you need to do is simply drag the bottom of the sheet up so that it is shorter than what the window will be when you re-minimize it.

OK, that kind of sounds confusing to me and I know what I'm saying. Try this for the same result:

  • Leave the sheet minimized like in your screen capture
  • Right click on the blue bar above the sheet. You'll get a drop down menu.
  • Click on Arrange.... You'll get another drop down menu.
  • Select the radio button in front of Tiled.
  • Click OK.
That should give you a "reset" minimized screen. It will be bigger than you want. To resize it as you want, left click and hold on the gray square in the lower right corner of the sheet. Move your mouse while holding the left button to make the sheet the size you want. Let go of the button and you should be good to go. :thumbup:
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#11 Ax238


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Posted 11 February 2008 - 10:51 AM

You can also resize the sheet by going to the top edge of the inner window title bar and you'll see the cursor change to an up-down arrow. You can then left-click and shrink the window down to size. You can do the same thing for the horizontal size of the image by doing the same thing on the left edge of the sheet. Regards, Ax

#12 scruffy


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 03:09 PM

OK here's the simple way to fix this. I too had this very annoying problem and whenever I send my xls files to my partner, he can't resize them on his laptop because the little right hand corner on the bottom right edge of the xls window was stuck below the edge of the screen and could not be accessed. The simple fix is to resize your monitor settings to the lowest size: I have a mac so I do this by clicking on the little apple symbol on the upper left side of my monitor screen and open System Preferences/Hardware/Displays. My monitor window is set at 1920 x 1080 but if I reset it to the lowest setting to say 1440 x 900, the monitor screen resizes and the xls window resize corner then becomes accessible on the applications window. Grab that corner, resize your xls window to small then reset your monitor window back to its original size - in my case it would be 1920x1080. Then you can adjust the xls window to whatever size you need to fit your monitor screen.

#13 paws


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 01:57 AM

Hi scruffy and welcome to the WTT forums. This is a 4 year old topic and its likely therefore that the original poster has sorted out the problem.... However it's good to have your input and thanks for posting. There's a lot to see on the WTT forums so take a while to have a look around and if you need anything...just ask. Regards paws
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