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[Closed] Laptop slowing to standstill when running Security

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#1 madscotsbloke


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Posted 02 November 2007 - 06:14 PM


When I activate my internet security the laptop comes to a complete standstill. To simply open the START menu can take anything between 30 seconds and 5 minutes. I have ran Spybot and also ZoneAlarm (when I can get it to work without freezing). Zonealarm has found 2 Trojans and 1 Backdoor. Unfortunatley the laptop crashed before I was able to write down the full names or carryout further actions.

I have now downloaded Hijack This and here is my Log report-:

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 00:05:44, on 03/11/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16544)

Running processes:
C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\EvtEng.exe
C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\S24EvMon.exe
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\bin\AppleMobileDeviceService.exe
C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5\guard.exe
C:\Program Files\Comodo\Firewall\cmdagent.exe
C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\RegSrvc.exe
C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPLpr.exe
C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe
C:\Program Files\Arcade\PCMService.exe
C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel\atiptaxx.exe
C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTTask.exe
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Album Starter Edition\3.2\Apps\apdproxy.exe
C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5\avgas.exe
C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\msnmsgr.exe
C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\WMPNSCFG.exe
C:\Program Files\blueyonder IST\bin\mpbtn.exe
C:\Program Files\acer\eRecovery\Monitor.exe
C:\Program Files\Hijackthis\HijackThis.exe
C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE

R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Bar = http://g.msn.co.uk/0...S01?FORM=TOOLBR
R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = http://go.microsoft....k/?LinkId=69157
R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Search_URL = http://go.microsoft....k/?LinkId=54896
R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchURL,(Default) = http://g.msn.co.uk/0...S01?FORM=TOOLBR
R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Local Page =
R0 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Local Page =
R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Connection Wizard,ShellNext = http://g.msn.co.uk/0...northenders.net
R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyOverride =
R3 - URLSearchHook: (no name) - - (no file)
O2 - BHO: (no name) - {53707962-6F74-2D53-2644-206D7942484F} - C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\SDHelper.dll
O2 - BHO: (no name) - {7E853D72-626A-48EC-A868-BA8D5E23E045} - (no file)
O2 - BHO: Windows Live Sign-in Helper - {9030D464-4C02-4ABF-8ECC-5164760863C6} - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live\WindowsLiveLogin.dll
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [epm-dm] c:\acer\epm\epm-dm.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SynTPLpr] C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPLpr.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SynTPEnh] C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [PCMService] "C:\Program Files\Arcade\PCMService.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [MSPY2002] C:\WINDOWS\system32\IME\PINTLGNT\ImScInst.exe /SYNC
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [IMJPMIG8.1] "C:\WINDOWS\IME\imjp8_1\IMJPMIG.EXE" /Spoil /RemAdvDef /Migration32
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [IgfxTray] C:\WINDOWS\system32\igfxtray.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HotKeysCmds] C:\WINDOWS\system32\hkcmd.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [eRecoveryService] C:\Windows\System32\Check.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ePowerManagement] C:\Acer\ePM\ePM.exe boot
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ATIPTA] C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel\atiptaxx.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Motive SmartBridge] C:\PROGRA~1\BLUEYO~1\SMARTB~1\blueyonder-istnotifier.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [QuickTime Task] "C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTTask.exe" -atboottime
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Adobe Photo Downloader] "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Album Starter Edition\3.2\Apps\apdproxy.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [!AVG Anti-Spyware] "C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5\avgas.exe" /minimized
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [COMODO Firewall Pro] "C:\Program Files\Comodo\Firewall\CPF.exe" /background
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [msnmsgr] "C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\msnmsgr.exe" /background
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [ctfmon.exe] C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [WMPNSCFG] C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\WMPNSCFG.exe
O4 - Global Startup: blueyonder Instant Support Tool.lnk = C:\Program Files\blueyonder IST\bin\blueyonder-istconfig.exe
O8 - Extra context menu item: Add to Windows &Live Favorites - http://favorites.liv...m/quickadd.aspx
O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {e2e2dd38-d088-4134-82b7-f2ba38496583} - %windir%\Network Diagnostic\xpnetdiag.exe (file missing)
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: @xpsp3res.dll,-20001 - {e2e2dd38-d088-4134-82b7-f2ba38496583} - %windir%\Network Diagnostic\xpnetdiag.exe (file missing)
O9 - Extra button: Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Windows Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
O11 - Options group: [INTERNATIONAL] International*
O16 - DPF: {00B71CFB-6864-4346-A978-C0A14556272C} (Checkers Class) - http://messenger.zon...kr.cab31267.cab
O16 - DPF: {05D44720-58E3-49E6-BDF6-D00330E511D3} (StagingUI Object) - http://zone.msn.com/...UI.cab55579.cab
O16 - DPF: {1F2F4C9E-6F09-47BC-970D-3C54734667FE} (LSSupCtl Class) - http://www.symantec....rl/LSSupCtl.cab
O16 - DPF: {3BB54395-5982-4788-8AF4-B5388FFDD0D8} (MSN Games – Buddy Invite) - http://zone.msn.com/...dy.cab55579.cab
O16 - DPF: {406B5949-7190-4245-91A9-30A17DE16AD0} (Snapfish Activia) - http://www1.snapfish...fishActivia.cab
O16 - DPF: {4F1E5B1A-2A80-42CA-8532-2D05CB959537} (MSN Photo Upload Tool) - http://wilson1978uk....ad/MsnPUpld.cab
O16 - DPF: {5736C456-EA94-4AAC-BB08-917ABDD035B3} (ZonePAChat Object) - http://zone.msn.com/...at.cab55579.cab
O16 - DPF: {644E432F-49D3-41A1-8DD5-E099162EEEC5} (Symantec RuFSI Utility Class) - http://security.syma...n/bin/cabsa.cab
O16 - DPF: {67DABFBF-D0AB-41FA-9C46-CC0F21721616} - http://download.divx...owserPlugin.cab
O16 - DPF: {6A344D34-5231-452A-8A57-D064AC9B7862} (Symantec Download Manager) - https://webdl.symant...ex/symdlmgr.cab
O16 - DPF: {6E32070A-766D-4EE6-879C-DC1FA91D2FC3} (MUWebControl Class) - http://www.update.mi...b?1180640842859
O16 - DPF: {6F750202-1362-4815-A476-88533DE61D0C} (Kodak Gallery Easy Upload Manager Class) - http://www.kodakgall..._2/axofupld.cab
O16 - DPF: {7E980B9B-8AE5-466A-B6D6-DA8CF814E78A} (MJLauncherCtrl Class) - http://zone.msn.com/...mjolauncher.cab
O16 - DPF: {809A6301-7B40-4436-A02C-87B8D3D7D9E3} (ZPA_DMNO Object) - http://zone.msn.com/...no.cab55579.cab
O16 - DPF: {8E0D4DE5-3180-4024-A327-4DFAD1796A8D} (MessengerStatsClient Class) - http://messenger.zon...nt.cab31267.cab
O16 - DPF: {95B5D20C-BD31-4489-8ABF-F8C8BE748463} (ZPA_HRTZ Object) - http://zone.msn.com/...tz.cab58570.cab
O16 - DPF: {9AA73F41-EC64-489E-9A73-9CD52E528BC4} (ZoneAxRcMgr Class) - http://cdn2.zone.msn...gr.cab31267.cab
O16 - DPF: {9BDF4724-10AA-43D5-BD15-AEA0D2287303} (MSN Games – Texas Holdem Poker) - http://zone.msn.com/...he.cab60231.cab
O16 - DPF: {A4110378-789B-455F-AE86-3A1BFC402853} (ZPA_SHVL Object) - http://zone.msn.com/...vl.cab55579.cab
O16 - DPF: {B8BE5E93-A60C-4D26-A2DC-220313175592} (MSN Games - Installer) - http://cdn2.zone.msn...ro.cab56649.cab
O16 - DPF: {C45B1500-7B63-47C2-AB25-C28CB46AFDEE} (MSN Music Mediabar) - http://sib1.od2.com/...nagerPlugin.CAB
O16 - DPF: {D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000} (Shockwave Flash Object) - http://fpdownload2.m...ash/swflash.cab
O16 - DPF: {DA2AA6CF-5C7A-4B71-BC3B-C771BB369937} (MSN Games – Game Communicator) - http://zone.msn.com/...xy.cab55579.cab
O16 - DPF: {E5D419D6-A846-4514-9FAD-97E826C84822} (HeartbeatCtl Class) - http://fdl.msn.com/z...s/heartbeat.cab
O16 - DPF: {FF3C5A9F-5A99-4930-80E8-4709194C2AD3} (ZPA_Backgammon Object) - http://zone.msn.com/...on.cab55579.cab
O18 - Protocol: livecall - {828030A1-22C1-4009-854F-8E305202313F} - C:\PROGRA~1\MSNMES~1\MSGRAP~1.DLL
O18 - Protocol: msnim - {828030A1-22C1-4009-854F-8E305202313F} - C:\PROGRA~1\MSNMES~1\MSGRAP~1.DLL
O20 - Winlogon Notify: igfxcui - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\igfxsrvc.dll
O20 - Winlogon Notify: WgaLogon - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WgaLogon.dll
O21 - SSODL: WPDShServiceObj - {AAA288BA-9A4C-45B0-95D7-94D524869DB5} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\WPDShServiceObj.dll
O23 - Service: Notebook Manager Service (anbmService) - OSA Technologies Inc. - C:\Acer\eManager\anbmServ.exe
O23 - Service: Apple Mobile Device - Apple, Inc. - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\bin\AppleMobileDeviceService.exe
O23 - Service: Ati HotKey Poller - ATI Technologies Inc. - C:\WINDOWS\system32\Ati2evxx.exe
O23 - Service: AVG Anti-Spyware Guard - GRISOFT s.r.o. - C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5\guard.exe
O23 - Service: Comodo Application Agent (CmdAgent) - COMODO - C:\Program Files\Comodo\Firewall\cmdagent.exe
O23 - Service: EvtEng - Intel Corporation - C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\EvtEng.exe
O23 - Service: Google Updater Service (gusvc) - Google - C:\Program Files\Google\Common\Google Updater\GoogleUpdaterService.exe
O23 - Service: InstallDriver Table Manager (IDriverT) - Macrovision Corporation - C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Driver\11\Intel 32\IDriverT.exe
O23 - Service: RegSrvc - Intel Corporation - C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\RegSrvc.exe
O23 - Service: Spectrum24 Event Monitor (S24EventMonitor) - Intel Corporation - C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\S24EvMon.exe
O23 - Service: TrueVector Internet Monitor (vsmon) - Zone Labs, LLC - C:\WINDOWS\system32\ZONELABS\vsmon.exe

If someone can help that would be great.

Thanks in advance.


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#2 Scotty


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Posted 03 November 2007 - 03:56 AM

Hi! Welcome to the WTT forums.
My name is Scotty. I would be glad to take a look at your log and help you with solving any malware problems. HijackThis logs can take a while to research.
Please be patient.

Please make a uninstall list using HijackThis
To access the Uninstall Manager you would do the following:

1. Start HijackThis
2. Click on the Config button
3. Click on the Misc Tools button
4. Click on the Open Uninstall Manager button.
5. Click on the Save list... button and specify where you would like to save this file. When you press Save button a notepad will open with the contents of that file. Simply copy and paste the contents of that notepad here in a reply.
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#3 madscotsbloke


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Posted 03 November 2007 - 07:24 AM

HI Scotty, thank you. Is this what your looking for? Acer eManager for Notebook Acer eNetManagement Acer ePowerManagement Acer GridVista Adobe Flash Player ActiveX Adobe® Photoshop® Album Starter Edition 3.2 Apple Mobile Device Support Apple QuickTime Installer Apple Software Update Arcade 3.0 ATI - Software Uninstall Utility ATI Control Panel ATI Display Driver AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5 blueyonder Instant Support Tool BUM COMODO Firewall Pro Conexant AC-Link Audio FinePixViewer Ver.4.2 FUJIFILM USB Driver Hijackthis 1.99.1 HijackThis 1.99.1 Hotfix for Windows Media Format 11 SDK (KB929399) Hotfix for Windows Media Player 11 (KB939683) Hotfix for Windows XP (KB914440) Hotfix for Windows XP (KB915865) Hotfix for Windows XP (KB926239) ImageMixer VCD2 for FinePix Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software KODAK Picture CD Macromedia Shockwave Player mCore Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Compression Client Pack 1.0 for Windows XP Microsoft Internationalized Domain Names Mitigation APIs Microsoft National Language Support Downlevel APIs Microsoft Protection Service Microsoft User-Mode Driver Framework Feature Pack 1.0 Microsoft Windows Live OneCare Resources v1.6.2111.10 Microsoft Windows OneCare Live AntiSpyware and AntiVirus Microsoft Windows OneCare Live v1.6.2111.10 Microsoft Windows OneCare Live v1.6.2111.10 Idcrl Install Microsoft Works 7.0 MicroStaff WINASPI mMHouse mPfMgr mProSafe MSN MSN Music Mediabar MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB925672) MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) MSXML 4.0 SP2 Parser and SDK MSXML 6.0 Parser (KB933579) mWlsSafe mXML NTI Backup NOW! 4 NTI CD & DVD-Maker Picasa 2 PIXresizer 1.0.9 PowerProducer PX Engine RAW FILE CONVERTER LE Rome - Total War - Gold Edition SAMSUNG CDMA Modem Driver Set SAMSUNG Mobile Composite Device Software Samsung Mobile phone USB driver Software SAMSUNG Mobile USB Modem 1.0 Software SAMSUNG Mobile USB Modem Software Samsung PC Studio 3 USB Driver Installer Security Update for CAPICOM (KB931906) Security Update for CAPICOM (KB931906) Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (KB928365) Security Update for Windows Internet Explorer 7 (KB937143) Security Update for Windows Internet Explorer 7 (KB938127) Security Update for Windows Internet Explorer 7 (KB939653) Security Update for Windows Media Player (KB911564) Security Update for Windows Media Player 10 (KB911565) Security Update for Windows Media Player 10 (KB917734) Security Update for Windows Media Player 11 (KB936782) Security Update for Windows Media Player 6.4 (KB925398) Security Update for Windows XP (KB890046) Security Update for Windows XP (KB893756) Security Update for Windows XP (KB896358) Security Update for Windows XP (KB896422) Security Update for Windows XP (KB896423) Security Update for Windows XP (KB896424) Security Update for Windows XP (KB896428) Security Update for Windows XP (KB899587) Security Update for Windows XP (KB899591) Security Update for Windows XP (KB900725) Security Update for Windows XP (KB901017) Security Update for Windows XP (KB901190) Security Update for Windows XP (KB901214) Security Update for Windows XP (KB902400) Security Update for Windows XP (KB904706) Security Update for Windows XP (KB905414) Security Update for Windows XP (KB905749) Security Update for Windows XP (KB905915) Security Update for Windows XP (KB908519) Security Update for Windows XP (KB908531) Security Update for Windows XP (KB911280) Security Update for Windows XP (KB911562) Security Update for Windows XP (KB911567) Security Update for Windows XP (KB911927) Security Update for Windows XP (KB912812) Security Update for Windows XP (KB912919) Security Update for Windows XP (KB913446) Security Update for Windows XP (KB913580) Security Update for Windows XP (KB914388) Security Update for Windows XP (KB914389) Security Update for Windows XP (KB916281) Security Update for Windows XP (KB917159) Security Update for Windows XP (KB917344) Security Update for Windows XP (KB917422) Security Update for Windows XP (KB917953) Security Update for Windows XP (KB918118) Security Update for Windows XP (KB918439) Security Update for Windows XP (KB918899) Security Update for Windows XP (KB919007) Security Update for Windows XP (KB920213) Security Update for Windows XP (KB920214) Security Update for Windows XP (KB920670) Security Update for Windows XP (KB920683) Security Update for Windows XP (KB920685) Security Update for Windows XP (KB921398) Security Update for Windows XP (KB921503) Security Update for Windows XP (KB921883) Security Update for Windows XP (KB922616) Security Update for Windows XP (KB922819) Security Update for Windows XP (KB923191) Security Update for Windows XP (KB923414) Security Update for Windows XP (KB923694) Security Update for Windows XP (KB923980) Security Update for Windows XP (KB924191) Security Update for Windows XP (KB924270) Security Update for Windows XP (KB924496) Security Update for Windows XP (KB924667) Security Update for Windows XP (KB925486) Security Update for Windows XP (KB925902) Security Update for Windows XP (KB926255) Security Update for Windows XP (KB926436) Security Update for Windows XP (KB927779) Security Update for Windows XP (KB927802) Security Update for Windows XP (KB928255) Security Update for Windows XP (KB928843) Security Update for Windows XP (KB929123) Security Update for Windows XP (KB930178) Security Update for Windows XP (KB931261) Security Update for Windows XP (KB931784) Security Update for Windows XP (KB932168) Security Update for Windows XP (KB933729) Security Update for Windows XP (KB935839) Security Update for Windows XP (KB935840) Security Update for Windows XP (KB936021) Security Update for Windows XP (KB938829) Security Update for Windows XP (KB941202) SoftV92 Data Fax Modem with SmartCP Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.4 Synaptics Pointing Device Driver Texas Instruments PCIxx21/x515 drivers. Update for Windows XP (KB894391) Update for Windows XP (KB898461) Update for Windows XP (KB900485) Update for Windows XP (KB904942) Update for Windows XP (KB910437) Update for Windows XP (KB914882) Update for Windows XP (KB916595) Update for Windows XP (KB920872) Update for Windows XP (KB922582) Update for Windows XP (KB927891) Update for Windows XP (KB929338) Update for Windows XP (KB930916) Update for Windows XP (KB931836) Update for Windows XP (KB933360) Update for Windows XP (KB936357) Update for Windows XP (KB938828) Windows Genuine Advantage v1.3.0254.0 Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Windows Internet Explorer 7 Windows Live Messenger Windows Live OneCare safety scanner Windows Live Sign-in Assistant Windows Media Format 11 runtime Windows Media Format 11 runtime Windows Media Player 11 Windows Media Player 11 Windows XP Hotfix - KB873339 Windows XP Hotfix - KB885250 Windows XP Hotfix - KB885835 Windows XP Hotfix - KB885836 Windows XP Hotfix - KB886185 Windows XP Hotfix - KB887472 Windows XP Hotfix - KB887742 Windows XP Hotfix - KB888113 Windows XP Hotfix - KB888302 Windows XP Hotfix - KB890859 Windows XP Hotfix - KB891781 ZoneAlarm Security Suite

#4 Scotty


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Posted 03 November 2007 - 09:26 AM


Download Deckard's System Scanner (DSS) to your Desktop. Note: You must be logged onto an account with administrator privileges.
  • Close all applications and windows.
  • Double-click on dss.exe to run it, and follow the prompts.
  • When the scan is complete, two text files will open - main.txt <- this one will be maximized and extra.txt<-this one will be minimized
  • Copy (Ctrl+A then Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) the contents of main.txt and the extra.txt in your next reply

If possible;

Please do an online scan with Kaspersky Online Scanner. You will be prompted to install an ActiveX component from Kaspersky, Click Yes.
  • The program will launch and then start to download the latest definition files.
  • Once the scanner is installed and the definitions downloaded, click Next.
  • Now click on Scan Settings
  • In the scan settings make sure that the following are selected:
    • Scan using the following Anti-Virus database:

      + Extended(If available otherwise Standard)
    • Scan Options:

      + Scan Archives
      + Scan Mail Bases
  • Click OK
  • Now under select a target to scan select My Computer
  • The scan will take a while so be patient and let it run. Once the scan is complete it will display if your system has been infected.
  • Now click on the Save as Text button
  • Save the file to your desktop.
  • Copy and paste that information in your next post.

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#5 madscotsbloke


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Posted 05 November 2007 - 04:24 AM

Deckard's System Scanner v20071014.68
Run by Lesley on 2007-11-05 09:26:14
Computer is in Normal Mode.

-- System Restore --------------------------------------------------------------

Successfully created a Deckard's System Scanner Restore Point.

-- Last 4 Restore Point(s) --
4: 2007-11-05 09:26:19 UTC - RP335 - Deckard's System Scanner Restore Point
3: 2007-11-03 07:30:17 UTC - RP334 - Cleaned registry with Windows Live OneCare safety scanner
2: 2007-11-03 01:22:06 UTC - RP333 - System Checkpoint
1: 2007-11-01 23:39:00 UTC - RP332 - Removed Samsung PC Studio 3

Backed up registry hives.
Performed disk cleanup.

-- HijackThis (run as Lesley.exe) ----------------------------------------------

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 09:27:49, on 05/11/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16544)

Running processes:
C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\EvtEng.exe
C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\S24EvMon.exe
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\bin\AppleMobileDeviceService.exe
C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5\guard.exe
C:\Program Files\Comodo\Firewall\cmdagent.exe
C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\RegSrvc.exe
C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPLpr.exe
C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe
C:\Program Files\Arcade\PCMService.exe
C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel\atiptaxx.exe
C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTTask.exe
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Album Starter Edition\3.2\Apps\apdproxy.exe
C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5\avgas.exe
C:\Program Files\Comodo\Firewall\CPF.exe
C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\msnmsgr.exe
C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\WMPNSCFG.exe
C:\Program Files\blueyonder IST\bin\mpbtn.exe
C:\Program Files\acer\eRecovery\Monitor.exe
C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\TO3ISR66\dss[1].exe

R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Bar = http://g.msn.co.uk/0...S01?FORM=TOOLBR
R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = http://go.microsoft....k/?LinkId=69157
R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Search_URL = http://go.microsoft....k/?LinkId=54896
R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchURL,(Default) = http://g.msn.co.uk/0...S01?FORM=TOOLBR
R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Local Page =
R0 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Local Page =
R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Connection Wizard,ShellNext = http://g.msn.co.uk/0...northenders.net
R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyOverride =
R3 - URLSearchHook: (no name) - - (no file)
O2 - BHO: (no name) - {53707962-6F74-2D53-2644-206D7942484F} - C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\SDHelper.dll
O2 - BHO: (no name) - {7E853D72-626A-48EC-A868-BA8D5E23E045} - (no file)
O2 - BHO: Windows Live Sign-in Helper - {9030D464-4C02-4ABF-8ECC-5164760863C6} - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live\WindowsLiveLogin.dll
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [epm-dm] c:\acer\epm\epm-dm.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SynTPLpr] C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPLpr.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SynTPEnh] C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [PCMService] "C:\Program Files\Arcade\PCMService.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [MSPY2002] C:\WINDOWS\system32\IME\PINTLGNT\ImScInst.exe /SYNC
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [IMJPMIG8.1] "C:\WINDOWS\IME\imjp8_1\IMJPMIG.EXE" /Spoil /RemAdvDef /Migration32
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [IgfxTray] C:\WINDOWS\system32\igfxtray.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HotKeysCmds] C:\WINDOWS\system32\hkcmd.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [eRecoveryService] C:\Windows\System32\Check.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ePowerManagement] C:\Acer\ePM\ePM.exe boot
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ATIPTA] C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel\atiptaxx.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Motive SmartBridge] C:\PROGRA~1\BLUEYO~1\SMARTB~1\blueyonder-istnotifier.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [QuickTime Task] "C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTTask.exe" -atboottime
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Adobe Photo Downloader] "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Album Starter Edition\3.2\Apps\apdproxy.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [!AVG Anti-Spyware] "C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5\avgas.exe" /minimized
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [COMODO Firewall Pro] "C:\Program Files\Comodo\Firewall\CPF.exe" /background
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [msnmsgr] "C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\msnmsgr.exe" /background
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [ctfmon.exe] C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [WMPNSCFG] C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\WMPNSCFG.exe
O4 - Global Startup: blueyonder Instant Support Tool.lnk = C:\Program Files\blueyonder IST\bin\blueyonder-istconfig.exe
O8 - Extra context menu item: Add to Windows &Live Favorites - http://favorites.liv...m/quickadd.aspx
O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {e2e2dd38-d088-4134-82b7-f2ba38496583} - %windir%\Network Diagnostic\xpnetdiag.exe (file missing)
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: @xpsp3res.dll,-20001 - {e2e2dd38-d088-4134-82b7-f2ba38496583} - %windir%\Network Diagnostic\xpnetdiag.exe (file missing)
O9 - Extra button: Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Windows Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
O11 - Options group: [INTERNATIONAL] International*
O16 - DPF: {00B71CFB-6864-4346-A978-C0A14556272C} (Checkers Class) - http://messenger.zon...kr.cab31267.cab
O16 - DPF: {05D44720-58E3-49E6-BDF6-D00330E511D3} (StagingUI Object) - http://zone.msn.com/...UI.cab55579.cab
O16 - DPF: {1F2F4C9E-6F09-47BC-970D-3C54734667FE} (LSSupCtl Class) - http://www.symantec....rl/LSSupCtl.cab
O16 - DPF: {3BB54395-5982-4788-8AF4-B5388FFDD0D8} (MSN Games – Buddy Invite) - http://zone.msn.com/...dy.cab55579.cab
O16 - DPF: {406B5949-7190-4245-91A9-30A17DE16AD0} (Snapfish Activia) - http://www1.snapfish...fishActivia.cab
O16 - DPF: {4F1E5B1A-2A80-42CA-8532-2D05CB959537} (MSN Photo Upload Tool) - http://wilson1978uk....ad/MsnPUpld.cab
O16 - DPF: {5736C456-EA94-4AAC-BB08-917ABDD035B3} (ZonePAChat Object) - http://zone.msn.com/...at.cab55579.cab
O16 - DPF: {5ED80217-570B-4DA9-BF44-BE107C0EC166} (Windows Live Safety Center Base Module) - http://cdn.scan.onec...lscbase4009.cab
O16 - DPF: {644E432F-49D3-41A1-8DD5-E099162EEEC5} (Symantec RuFSI Utility Class) - http://security.syma...n/bin/cabsa.cab
O16 - DPF: {67DABFBF-D0AB-41FA-9C46-CC0F21721616} - http://download.divx...owserPlugin.cab
O16 - DPF: {6A344D34-5231-452A-8A57-D064AC9B7862} (Symantec Download Manager) - https://webdl.symant...ex/symdlmgr.cab
O16 - DPF: {6E32070A-766D-4EE6-879C-DC1FA91D2FC3} (MUWebControl Class) - http://www.update.mi...b?1180640842859
O16 - DPF: {6F750202-1362-4815-A476-88533DE61D0C} (Kodak Gallery Easy Upload Manager Class) - http://www.kodakgall..._2/axofupld.cab
O16 - DPF: {7E980B9B-8AE5-466A-B6D6-DA8CF814E78A} (MJLauncherCtrl Class) - http://zone.msn.com/...mjolauncher.cab
O16 - DPF: {809A6301-7B40-4436-A02C-87B8D3D7D9E3} (ZPA_DMNO Object) - http://zone.msn.com/...no.cab55579.cab
O16 - DPF: {8E0D4DE5-3180-4024-A327-4DFAD1796A8D} (MessengerStatsClient Class) - http://messenger.zon...nt.cab31267.cab
O16 - DPF: {95B5D20C-BD31-4489-8ABF-F8C8BE748463} (ZPA_HRTZ Object) - http://zone.msn.com/...tz.cab58570.cab
O16 - DPF: {9AA73F41-EC64-489E-9A73-9CD52E528BC4} (ZoneAxRcMgr Class) - http://cdn2.zone.msn...gr.cab31267.cab
O16 - DPF: {9BDF4724-10AA-43D5-BD15-AEA0D2287303} (MSN Games – Texas Holdem Poker) - http://zone.msn.com/...he.cab60231.cab
O16 - DPF: {A4110378-789B-455F-AE86-3A1BFC402853} (ZPA_SHVL Object) - http://zone.msn.com/...vl.cab55579.cab
O16 - DPF: {B8BE5E93-A60C-4D26-A2DC-220313175592} (MSN Games - Installer) - http://cdn2.zone.msn...ro.cab56649.cab
O16 - DPF: {C45B1500-7B63-47C2-AB25-C28CB46AFDEE} (MSN Music Mediabar) - http://sib1.od2.com/...nagerPlugin.CAB
O16 - DPF: {D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000} (Shockwave Flash Object) - http://fpdownload2.m...ash/swflash.cab
O16 - DPF: {DA2AA6CF-5C7A-4B71-BC3B-C771BB369937} (MSN Games – Game Communicator) - http://zone.msn.com/...xy.cab55579.cab
O16 - DPF: {E5D419D6-A846-4514-9FAD-97E826C84822} (HeartbeatCtl Class) - http://fdl.msn.com/z...s/heartbeat.cab
O16 - DPF: {FF3C5A9F-5A99-4930-80E8-4709194C2AD3} (ZPA_Backgammon Object) - http://zone.msn.com/...on.cab55579.cab
O18 - Protocol: livecall - {828030A1-22C1-4009-854F-8E305202313F} - C:\PROGRA~1\MSNMES~1\MSGRAP~1.DLL
O18 - Protocol: msnim - {828030A1-22C1-4009-854F-8E305202313F} - C:\PROGRA~1\MSNMES~1\MSGRAP~1.DLL
O20 - Winlogon Notify: igfxcui - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\igfxsrvc.dll
O20 - Winlogon Notify: WgaLogon - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WgaLogon.dll
O21 - SSODL: WPDShServiceObj - {AAA288BA-9A4C-45B0-95D7-94D524869DB5} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\WPDShServiceObj.dll
O23 - Service: Notebook Manager Service (anbmService) - OSA Technologies Inc. - C:\Acer\eManager\anbmServ.exe
O23 - Service: Apple Mobile Device - Apple, Inc. - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\bin\AppleMobileDeviceService.exe
O23 - Service: Ati HotKey Poller - ATI Technologies Inc. - C:\WINDOWS\system32\Ati2evxx.exe
O23 - Service: AVG Anti-Spyware Guard - GRISOFT s.r.o. - C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5\guard.exe
O23 - Service: Comodo Application Agent (CmdAgent) - COMODO - C:\Program Files\Comodo\Firewall\cmdagent.exe
O23 - Service: EvtEng - Intel Corporation - C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\EvtEng.exe
O23 - Service: Google Updater Service (gusvc) - Google - C:\Program Files\Google\Common\Google Updater\GoogleUpdaterService.exe
O23 - Service: InstallDriver Table Manager (IDriverT) - Macrovision Corporation - C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Driver\11\Intel 32\IDriverT.exe
O23 - Service: RegSrvc - Intel Corporation - C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\RegSrvc.exe
O23 - Service: Spectrum24 Event Monitor (S24EventMonitor) - Intel Corporation - C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\S24EvMon.exe
O23 - Service: TrueVector Internet Monitor (vsmon) - Zone Labs, LLC - C:\WINDOWS\system32\ZONELABS\vsmon.exe

-- File Associations -----------------------------------------------------------

All associations okay.

-- Drivers: 0-Boot, 1-System, 2-Auto, 3-Demand, 4-Disabled ---------------------

R1 StarOpen - c:\windows\system32\drivers\staropen.sys
R1 UBHelper - c:\windows\system32\drivers\ubhelper.sys
R2 AegisP (AEGIS Protocol (IEEE 802.1x) v3.1.6.0) - c:\windows\system32\drivers\aegisp.sys <Not Verified; Meetinghouse Data Communications; AEGIS Client>
R2 EpmPsd (Acer EPM Power Scheme Driver) - c:\windows\system32\drivers\epm-psd.sys <Not Verified; Acer Value Labs, USA; Acer EPM Power Scheme Driver>
R2 EpmShd (Acer EPM System Hardware Driver) - c:\windows\system32\drivers\epm-shd.sys <Not Verified; Acer Value Labs, USA; Acer EPM System Hardware Driver>
R2 MASPINT - c:\windows\system32\drivers\maspint.sys <Not Verified; MicroStaff Co.,Ltd.; Aspi32 Driver for WinNT>
R2 osaio - c:\windows\system32\drivers\osaio.sys <Not Verified; Avocent/OSA Technologies Inc.; Windows ® Server 2003 DDK driver>
R2 osanbm - c:\windows\system32\drivers\osanbm.sys <Not Verified; Windows ® 2000 DDK provider; OSA int15 Driver>
R2 s24trans (WLAN Transport) - c:\windows\system32\drivers\s24trans.sys <Not Verified; Intel Corporation; Intel Wireless LAN Packet Driver>
R3 int15.sys - c:\program files\acer\erecovery\int15.sys
R3 NTIDrvr (Upper Class Filter Driver) - c:\windows\system32\drivers\ntidrvr.sys <Not Verified; NewTech Infosystems, Inc.; >
R3 pfc (Padus ASPI Shell) - c:\windows\system32\drivers\pfc.sys <Not Verified; Padus, Inc.; Padus® ASPI Shell>

-- Services: 0-Boot, 1-System, 2-Auto, 3-Demand, 4-Disabled --------------------

R2 anbmService (Notebook Manager Service) - c:\acer\emanager\anbmserv.exe <Not Verified; OSA Technologies Inc.; Acer eManager for Notebook>
R2 Apple Mobile Device - "c:\program files\common files\apple\mobile device support\bin\applemobiledeviceservice.exe" <Not Verified; Apple, Inc.; Apple Mobile Device Service>
R2 RegSrvc - c:\program files\intel\wireless\bin\regsrvc.exe <Not Verified; Intel Corporation; RegSrvc Module>

-- Device Manager: Disabled ----------------------------------------------------

Class GUID: {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
Description: 1394 Net Adapter
Device ID: V1394\NIC1394\585B09C09F00
Manufacturer: Microsoft
Name: 1394 Net Adapter
PNP Device ID: V1394\NIC1394\585B09C09F00
Service: NIC1394

Class GUID: {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
Description: Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet
Device ID: PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_169C&SUBSYS_00661025&REV_03\4&1D3F0FBB&0&40F0
Manufacturer: Broadcom
Name: Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet
PNP Device ID: PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_169C&SUBSYS_00661025&REV_03\4&1D3F0FBB&0&40F0
Service: b57w2k

Class GUID: {4D36E977-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
Description: Intel PCIC compatible PCMCIA controller
Manufacturer: Intel
Name: Intel PCIC compatible PCMCIA controller
Service: pcmcia

-- Scheduled Tasks -------------------------------------------------------------

2007-11-03 03:30:02 388 --a------ C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\RegClean Scheduled Scan.job
2007-09-23 16:57:34 284 --a------ C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\AppleSoftwareUpdate.job

-- Files created between 2007-10-05 and 2007-11-05 -----------------------------

2007-11-02 23:28:21 0 d-------- C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Application Data\Comodo
2007-11-02 23:28:16 0 d-------- C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Comodo
2007-11-02 23:26:29 0 d-------- C:\Program Files\Comodo
2007-11-02 20:48:11 0 d-------- C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Grisoft
2007-11-02 20:46:32 0 dr-h----- C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\SendTo
2007-11-02 20:46:32 0 dr-h----- C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Recent
2007-11-02 20:46:32 0 d--h----- C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\PrintHood
2007-11-02 20:46:32 0 d--h----- C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\NetHood
2007-11-02 20:46:32 0 dr------- C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents
2007-11-02 20:46:32 0 dr------- C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Favorites
2007-11-02 20:46:32 0 d-------- C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop
2007-11-02 20:46:32 0 d--hs---- C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Cookies
2007-11-02 20:46:32 0 dr-h----- C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data
2007-11-02 20:46:32 0 d---s---- C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Microsoft
2007-11-02 20:46:32 0 d-------- C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Identities
2007-11-02 20:46:31 0 d--h----- C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Templates
2007-11-02 20:46:31 0 dr------- C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu
2007-11-02 20:46:31 0 d--h----- C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings
2007-11-02 20:46:30 786432 --ah----- C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\NTUSER.DAT
2007-11-02 20:17:03 0 d-------- C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Application Data\Grisoft
2007-11-02 20:16:51 0 d-------- C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Grisoft
2007-10-27 10:38:31 0 d-------- C:\Documents and Settings\Guest\Application Data\Google

-- Find3M Report ---------------------------------------------------------------

2007-11-01 20:58:42 512 --a------ C:\ScanSectorLog.dat
2007-10-25 00:08:54 4212 ---h----- C:\WINDOWS\system32\zllictbl.dat
2007-09-29 01:50:48 0 d-------- C:\Program Files\Real
2007-09-29 01:50:48 0 d-------- C:\Program Files\Common Files\Real
2007-09-29 01:27:26 0 d-------- C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Application Data\Real
2007-09-23 16:58:14 0 d-------- C:\Program Files\QuickTime
2007-09-23 16:57:08 0 d-------- C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple
2007-09-23 11:44:48 0 d-------- C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Application Data\Samsung
2007-09-23 11:35:52 0 d-------- C:\Program Files\Samsung

-- Registry Dump ---------------------------------------------------------------

*Note* empty entries & legit default entries are not shown

"epm-dm"="c:\acer\epm\epm-dm.exe" [28/03/2005 18:04]
"SynTPLpr"="C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPLpr.exe" [07/10/2004 23:44]
"SynTPEnh"="C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe" [07/10/2004 23:43]
"REGSHAVE"="C:\Program Files\REGSHAVE\REGSHAVE.exe" [04/02/2002 22:32]
"PHIME2002ASync"="C:\WINDOWS\system32\IME\TINTLGNT\TINTSETP.exe" [04/08/2004 05:00]
"PHIME2002A"="C:\WINDOWS\system32\IME\TINTLGNT\TINTSETP.exe" [04/08/2004 05:00]
"PCMService"="C:\Program Files\Arcade\PCMService.exe" [09/03/2005 18:59]
"MSPY2002"="C:\WINDOWS\system32\IME\PINTLGNT\ImScInst.exe" [04/08/2004 05:00]
"IMJPMIG8.1"="C:\WINDOWS\IME\imjp8_1\IMJPMIG.exe" [04/08/2004 05:00]
"IgfxTray"="C:\WINDOWS\system32\igfxtray.exe" [07/02/2005 19:36]
"HotKeysCmds"="C:\WINDOWS\system32\hkcmd.exe" [07/02/2005 19:32]
"eRecoveryService"="C:\Windows\System32\Check.exe" [23/03/2005 10:01]
"ePowerManagement"="C:\Acer\ePM\ePM.exe" [24/03/2005 09:13]
"ATIPTA"="C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel\atiptaxx.exe" [08/02/2005 21:05]
"Motive SmartBridge"="C:\PROGRA~1\BLUEYO~1\SMARTB~1\blueyonder-istnotifier.exe" [22/09/2005 09:05]
"QuickTime Task"="C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTTask.exe" [29/06/2007 06:24]
"Adobe Photo Downloader"="C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Album Starter Edition\3.2\Apps\apdproxy.exe" [09/03/2007 11:09]
"!AVG Anti-Spyware"="C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5\avgas.exe" [11/06/2007 09:25]
"COMODO Firewall Pro"="C:\Program Files\Comodo\Firewall\CPF.exe" [02/11/2007 23:26]

"msnmsgr"="C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\msnmsgr.exe" [19/01/2007 12:54]
"ctfmon.exe"="C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe" [04/08/2004 05:00]
"WMPNSCFG"="C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\WMPNSCFG.exe" [18/10/2006 20:05]

"Picasa Media Detector"=C:\Program Files\Picasa2\PicasaMediaDetector.exe

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
blueyonder Instant Support Tool.lnk - C:\Program Files\blueyonder IST\bin\blueyonder-istconfig.exe [22/04/2006 12:56:08]

"DisableRegistryTools"=0 (0x0)


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\shared tools\msconfig\startupfolder\C:^Documents and Settings^All Users^Start Menu^Programs^Startup^Adobe Reader Speed Launch.lnk]
path=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Adobe Reader Speed Launch.lnk
backup=C:\WINDOWS\pss\Adobe Reader Speed Launch.lnkCommon Startup

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\shared tools\msconfig\startupreg\Picasa Media Detector]
C:\Program Files\Picasa2\PicasaMediaDetector.exe

-- End of Deckard's System Scanner: finished at 2007-11-05 09:29:17 ------------

Deckard's System Scanner v20071014.68
Extra logfile - please post this as an attachment with your post.

-- System Information ----------------------------------------------------------

Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (build 2600) SP 2.0
Architecture: X86; Language: English

CPU 0: Intel® Pentium® M processor 1.73GHz
Percentage of Memory in Use: 45%
Physical Memory (total/avail): 1022.05 MiB / 560.61 MiB
Pagefile Memory (total/avail): 2459.46 MiB / 2063.1 MiB
Virtual Memory (total/avail): 2047.88 MiB / 1929.25 MiB

C: is Fixed (FAT32) - 35.7 GiB total, 18.19 GiB free.
D: is Fixed (FAT32) - 35.87 GiB total, 35.87 GiB free.
E: is CDROM (No Media)

\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0 - ST9808210A - 74.53 GiB - 3 partitions
\PARTITION0 - Unknown - 2.93 GiB
\PARTITION1 (bootable) - Unknown - 35.71 GiB - C:
\PARTITION2 - Extended w/Extended Int 13 - 35.88 GiB - D:

-- Security Center -------------------------------------------------------------

AUOptions is scheduled to auto-install.
Windows Internal Firewall is disabled.

FirstRunDisabled is set.

FW: Windows Live OneCare Firewall v1.0.0 (Microsoft Corporation)
FW: ZoneAlarm Security Suite Firewall v7.0.337.000 (Check Point, LTD.)
AV: ZoneAlarm Security Suite Antivirus v7.0.337.000 (Check Point, LTD.)
AV: Windows Live OneCare v1.0.0 (Microsoft Corporation) Disabled Outdated

"C:\\Program Files\\MSN Messenger\\msncall.exe"="C:\\Program Files\\MSN Messenger\\msncall.exe:*:Enabled:Windows Live Messenger 8.0 (Phone)"
"%windir%\\Network Diagnostic\\xpnetdiag.exe"="%windir%\\Network Diagnostic\\xpnetdiag.exe:*:Enabled:@xpsp3res.dll,-20000"
"C:\\Program Files\\MSN Messenger\\msnmsgr.exe"="C:\\Program Files\\MSN Messenger\\msnmsgr.exe:*:Enabled:Windows Live Messenger 8.1"
"C:\\Program Files\\MSN Messenger\\livecall.exe"="C:\\Program Files\\MSN Messenger\\livecall.exe:*:Enabled:Windows Live Messenger 8.1 (Phone)"

"C:\\Program Files\\Messenger\\MSMSGS.EXE"="C:\\Program Files\\Messenger\\MSMSGS.EXE:*:Enabled:Windows Messenger"
"C:\\Acer\\ePM\\ePM.exe"="C:\\Acer\\ePM\\ePM.exe:*:Enabled:Acer ePowerManagement"
"C:\\Program Files\\MSN Messenger\\msncall.exe"="C:\\Program Files\\MSN Messenger\\msncall.exe:*:Enabled:Windows Live Messenger 8.0 (Phone)"
"C:\\Program Files\\LimeWire\\LimeWire.exe"="C:\\Program Files\\LimeWire\\LimeWire.exe:*:Enabled:LimeWire"
"%windir%\\Network Diagnostic\\xpnetdiag.exe"="%windir%\\Network Diagnostic\\xpnetdiag.exe:*:Enabled:@xpsp3res.dll,-20000"
"C:\\Program Files\\MSN Messenger\\msnmsgr.exe"="C:\\Program Files\\MSN Messenger\\msnmsgr.exe:*:Enabled:Windows Live Messenger 8.1"
"C:\\Program Files\\MSN Messenger\\livecall.exe"="C:\\Program Files\\MSN Messenger\\livecall.exe:*:Enabled:Windows Live Messenger 8.1 (Phone)"

-- Environment Variables -------------------------------------------------------

ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users
APPDATA=C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Application Data
CLASSPATH=.;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_02\lib\ext\QTJava.zip
CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files
HOMEPATH=\Documents and Settings\Lesley
Path=C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel;C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\;"C:\Program Files\Zone Labs\ZoneAlarm\MailFrontier";C:\Program Files\Samsung\Samsung PC Studio 3\;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;;C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\MUVEET~130625
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 6 Model 13 Stepping 8, GenuineIntel
ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files
QTJAVA=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_02\lib\ext\QTJava.zip
USERPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley

-- User Profiles ---------------------------------------------------------------

Lesley (admin)
Administrator (new local, admin)
Guest (guest)

-- Add/Remove Programs ---------------------------------------------------------

--> C:\PROGRA~1\BLUEYO~1\Uninstall.exe blueyonder
--> C:\WINDOWS\IsUninst.exe -f"C:\Program Files\Acer Inc.\Acer English Online Help Creator\Uninst.isu"
--> rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultUninstall 132 C:\WINDOWS\INF\PCHealth.inf
Acer eManager for Notebook --> C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Driver\8\Intel 32\IDriver.exe /M{827289F5-B44F-4E49-9993-840741585A62}
Acer eNetManagement --> RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\PROFES~1\RunTime701\Intel32\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{C06554A1-2C1E-4D20-B613-EE62C79927CC}\Setup.exe" -l0x9
Acer ePowerManagement --> RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\PROFES~1\RunTime701\Intel32\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{58E5844B-7CE2-413D-83D1-99294BF6C74F}\Setup.exe" -l0x9
Acer GridVista --> C:\WINDOWS\UnInst32.exe GridV.UNI
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX --> C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\uninstall_activeX.exe
Adobe® Photoshop® Album Starter Edition 3.2 --> MsiExec.exe /I{A654A805-41D9-40C7-AA46-4AF04F044D61}
Apple Mobile Device Support --> MsiExec.exe /I{3EBD3749-304E-4A4C-9575-C00E5F015217}
Apple QuickTime Installer --> RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\engine\6\INTEL3~1\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{E4302788-101F-11D6-8563-00500494EF5C}\SETUP.EXE"
Apple Software Update --> MsiExec.exe /I{B74F042E-E1B9-4A5B-8D46-387BB172F0A4}
Arcade 3.0 --> RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\engine\6\INTEL3~1\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{2637C347-9DAD-11D6-9EA2-00055D0CA761}\Setup.EXE" -uninstall
ATI - Software Uninstall Utility --> C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\UninstallAll\AtiCimUn.exe
ATI Control Panel --> RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\engine\6\INTEL3~1\ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{0BEDBD4E-2D34-47B5-9973-57E62B29307C}\setup.exe"
ATI Display Driver --> rundll32 C:\WINDOWS\system32\atiiiexx.dll,_InfEngUnInstallINFFile_RunDLL@16 -force_restart -flags:0x2010001 -inf_class:DISPLAY -clean
AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5 --> C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5\Uninstall.exe
blueyonder Instant Support Tool --> C:\WINDOWS\Motive\blueyonder\MCCUninst.exe
BUM --> MsiExec.exe /I{55937F00-A69B-4049-8D3A-1C7729742B6F}
COMODO Firewall Pro --> C:\Program Files\Comodo\Firewall\fwconfig.exe -uninstalln
Conexant AC-Link Audio --> CIAunwdm.exe
FinePixViewer Ver.4.2 --> RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\engine\6\INTEL3~1\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{24ED4D80-8294-11D5-96CD-0040266301AD}\SETUP.EXE"
FUJIFILM USB Driver --> RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\engine\6\INTEL3~1\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{5490882C-6961-11D5-BAE5-00E0188E010B}\SETUP.EXE"
Hijackthis 1.99.1 --> "C:\Program Files\Hijackthis\unins000.exe"
HijackThis 1.99.1 --> C:\Program Files\Hijackthis\HijackThis.exe /uninstall
Hotfix for Windows Media Format 11 SDK (KB929399) --> "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB929399$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
ImageMixer VCD2 for FinePix --> RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\engine\6\INTEL3~1\ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{934E9442-D305-4ACF-AD87-A6C11D677CB9}\setup.exe"
Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software --> C:\WINDOWS\Installer\iProInst.exe
KODAK EASYSHARE Gallery Easy Upload, v2.1 --> C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Local Settings\Application Data\KodakGallery\EasyShareSetup\$SETUP_140007_301bbc\Setup.exe /APR-REMOVE
KODAK Picture CD --> RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\engine\6\INTEL3~1\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{4C23837C-993E-11D4-9DE0-0060085C158A}\SETUP.EXE"
mCore --> MsiExec.exe /I{6DE14BE4-6F04-4935-8ABD-A0A19FE2E55A}
Microsoft Compression Client Pack 1.0 for Windows XP --> "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallMSCompPackV1$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
Microsoft Protection Service --> MsiExec.exe /I{1C1B6919-00D6-4A9C-B993-1EF82F956530}
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Framework Feature Pack 1.0 --> "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallWudf01000$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
Microsoft Windows Live OneCare Resources v1.6.2111.10 --> MsiExec.exe /I{5660022E-F3F2-4126-8CC5-9726C47150EB}
Microsoft Windows OneCare Live AntiSpyware and AntiVirus --> MsiExec.exe /I{5F9E8613-C1A5-4995-8E8B-3F178F439B6C}
Microsoft Windows OneCare Live v1.6.2111.10 --> MsiExec.exe /I{D07A8E7E-D324-4945-BA8C-E532AD008FF3}
Microsoft Windows OneCare Live v1.6.2111.10 Idcrl Install --> MsiExec.exe /I{3851147E-5A91-4469-BA4D-13FFFCC8A920}
Microsoft Works 7.0 --> MsiExec.exe /I{764D06D8-D8DE-411E-A1C8-D9E9380F8A84}
MicroStaff WINASPI --> C:\MWASPI\uninst.exe
mMHouse --> MsiExec.exe /I{F0BFC7EF-9CF8-44EE-91B0-158884CD87C5}
mPfMgr --> MsiExec.exe /I{8B928BA1-EDEC-4227-A2DA-DD83026C36F5}
mProSafe --> MsiExec.exe /I{23FB368F-1399-4EAC-817C-4B83ECBE3D83}
MSN --> C:\Program Files\MSN\MsnInstaller\msninst.exe /Action:ARP
MSN Music Mediabar --> C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files\MusicManagerUnInstaller.exe "C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files\MusicManagerPlugin.ocx" "{C45B1500-7B63-47C2-AB25-C28CB46AFDEE}"
MSXML 6.0 Parser (KB933579) --> MsiExec.exe /I{0A869A65-8C94-4F7C-A5C7-972D3C8CED9E}
mWlsSafe --> MsiExec.exe /I{FCA651F3-5BDA-4DDA-9E4A-5D87D6914CC4}
mXML --> MsiExec.exe /I{9CC89556-3578-48DD-8408-04E66EBEF401}
NTI Backup NOW! 4 --> C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\Driver\7\INTEL3~1\IDriver.exe /M{385979FE-DC4F-4140-8EAD-A59625000D72} /l1033 BUN4
NTI CD & DVD-Maker --> C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\Driver\7\INTEL3~1\IDriver.exe /M{1577A05B-EE62-4BBC-9DB7-FE748FA44EC2} /l1033 CDM7
Picasa 2 --> "C:\Program Files\Picasa2\Uninstall.exe"
PIXresizer 1.0.9 --> "C:\Program Files\PIXresizer\unins000.exe"
PowerProducer --> RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\engine\6\INTEL3~1\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{B7A0CE06-068E-11D6-97FD-0050BACBF861}\Setup.EXE" -uninstall
PX Engine --> MsiExec.exe /I{6513E869-647F-40FD-A55D-CFC92579B9BA}
RAW FILE CONVERTER LE --> RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\engine\6\INTEL3~1\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{D680C913-5955-469D-9D88-C1940F7506D6}\SETUP.EXE" -l0x9
Rome - Total War - Gold Edition --> RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\PROFES~1\RunTime\11\Intel32\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{2E97F7E8-ABDE-4E0D-B0AD-B6B4BAD89E24}\setup.exe" -l0x9 -removeonly
SAMSUNG CDMA Modem Driver Set --> C:\WINDOWS\system32\Samsung_USB_Drivers\3\SSCDUninstall.exe
SAMSUNG Mobile Composite Device Software --> C:\WINDOWS\system32\Samsung_USB_Drivers\6\SSBCUninstall.exe
Samsung Mobile phone USB driver Software --> C:\WINDOWS\system32\Samsung_USB_Drivers\5\SSSDUninstall.exe
SAMSUNG Mobile USB Modem 1.0 Software --> C:\WINDOWS\system32\Samsung_USB_Drivers\1\SS_Uninstall.exe
SAMSUNG Mobile USB Modem Software --> C:\WINDOWS\system32\Samsung_USB_Drivers\2\SSM_Uninstall.exe
Samsung PC Studio 3 USB Driver Installer --> RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\PROFES~1\RunTime\10\50\Intel32\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{EBA29752-DDD2-4B62-B2E3-9841F92A3E3A}\setup.exe" -l0x9 -removeonly
Security Update for CAPICOM (KB931906) --> MsiExec.exe /I{0EFDF2F9-836D-4EB7-A32D-038BD3F1FB2A}
Security Update for CAPICOM (KB931906) --> MsiExec.exe /X{0EFDF2F9-836D-4EB7-A32D-038BD3F1FB2A}
SoftV92 Data Fax Modem with SmartCP --> C:\Program Files\CONEXANT\CNXT_MODEM_PCI_VEN_8086&DEV_266D&SUBSYS_00661025\HXFSETUP.EXE -U -Iqta00665.inf
Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.4 --> "C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\unins000.exe"
Synaptics Pointing Device Driver --> rundll32.exe "C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynISDLL.dll",standAloneUninstall
Texas Instruments PCIxx21/x515 drivers. --> C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\Driver\7\INTEL3~1\IDriver.exe /M{8E50332B-772C-4AEA-BF56-94DE6A1D5F10} /l1033
Windows Live Messenger --> MsiExec.exe /I{571700F0-DB9D-4B3A-B03D-35A14BB5939F}
Windows Live OneCare safety scanner --> RunDll32.exe "C:\Program Files\Windows Live Safety Center\wlscCore.dll",UninstallFunction WLSC_SCANNER_PRODUCT
Windows Live Sign-in Assistant --> MsiExec.exe /I{F652D238-5F29-42D5-BAF3-0115EF977EC2}
Windows Media Format 11 runtime --> "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallWMFDist11$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"
ZoneAlarm Security Suite --> C:\Program Files\Zone Labs\ZoneAlarm\zauninst.exe

-- Application Event Log -------------------------------------------------------

Event Record #/Type1160 / Warning
Event Submitted/Written: 11/03/2007 07:36:44 AM
Event ID/Source: 1524 / Userenv
Event Description:
Windows cannot unload your classes registry file - it is still in use by other applications or services. The file will be unloaded when it is no longer in use.

Event Record #/Type1159 / Error
Event Submitted/Written: 11/03/2007 07:33:01 AM
Event ID/Source: 1000 / Application Error
Event Description:
Faulting application syntpenh.exe, version, faulting module syntpenh.exe, version, fault address 0x00010dc2.
Processing media-specific event for [syntpenh.exe!ws!]

Event Record #/Type1158 / Error
Event Submitted/Written: 11/03/2007 01:10:45 AM
Event ID/Source: 8 / crypt32
Event Description:
Failed auto update retrieval of third-party root list sequence number from: <http://www.download....uthrootseq.txt> with error: The specified server cannot perform the requested operation.

Event Record #/Type1157 / Error
Event Submitted/Written: 11/03/2007 01:10:45 AM
Event ID/Source: 8 / crypt32
Event Description:
Failed auto update retrieval of third-party root list sequence number from: <http://www.download....uthrootseq.txt> with error: This operation returned because the timeout period expired.

Event Record #/Type1136 / Error
Event Submitted/Written: 11/01/2007 09:02:02 PM
Event ID/Source: 1002 / Application Hang
Event Description:
Hanging application msnmsgr.exe, version, hang module hungapp, version, hang address 0x00000000.

-- Security Event Log ----------------------------------------------------------

No Errors/Warnings found.

-- System Event Log ------------------------------------------------------------

Event Record #/Type58741 / Error
Event Submitted/Written: 11/05/2007 09:22:21 AM
Event ID/Source: 29 / W32Time
Event Description:
The time provider NtpClient is configured to acquire time from one or more
time sources, however none of the sources are currently accessible.
No attempt to contact a source will be made for 14 minutes.
NtpClient has no source of accurate time.

Event Record #/Type58740 / Error
Event Submitted/Written: 11/05/2007 09:22:21 AM
Event ID/Source: 17 / W32Time
Event Description:
Time Provider NtpClient: An error occurred during DNS lookup of the manually
configured peer 'time.windows.com,0x1'. NtpClient will try the DNS lookup again in 15
The error was: A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host. (0x80072751)

Event Record #/Type58739 / Warning
Event Submitted/Written: 11/05/2007 09:22:21 AM
Event ID/Source: 1007 / Dhcp
Event Description:
Your computer has automatically configured the IP address for the Network
Card with network address 0012F06D4922. The IP address being used is

Event Record #/Type58736 / Error
Event Submitted/Written: 11/05/2007 09:20:16 AM
Event ID/Source: 29 / W32Time
Event Description:
The time provider NtpClient is configured to acquire time from one or more
time sources, however none of the sources are currently accessible.
No attempt to contact a source will be made for 15 minutes.
NtpClient has no source of accurate time.

Event Record #/Type58735 / Error
Event Submitted/Written: 11/05/2007 09:20:16 AM
Event ID/Source: 17 / W32Time
Event Description:
Time Provider NtpClient: An error occurred during DNS lookup of the manually
configured peer 'time.windows.com,0x1'. NtpClient will try the DNS lookup again in 15
The error was: A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host. (0x80072751)

-- End of Deckard's System Scanner: finished at 2007-11-05 09:29:17 ------------
Monday, November 05, 2007 10:20:44 AM
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition, Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
Kaspersky Online Scanner version:
Kaspersky Anti-Virus database last update: 5/11/2007
Kaspersky Anti-Virus database records: 451678

Scan Settings
Scan using the following antivirus database extended
Scan Archives true
Scan Mail Bases true

Scan Target My Computer

Scan Statistics
Total number of scanned objects 86442
Number of viruses found 0
Number of infected objects 0
Number of suspicious objects 0
Duration of the scan process 00:36:03

Infected Object Name Virus Name Last Action
C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\system.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\software.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\default.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SAM.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SECURITY.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SysEvent.Evt Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\AppEvent.Evt Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SecEvent.Evt Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\DEFAULT Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SECURITY Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SOFTWARE Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SYSTEM Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SAM Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\Internet.evt Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\MSFWSVC.evt Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\Windows_OneCare_Evt.evt Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\fidbox.idx Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\fidbox.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\fidbox2.idx Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\fidbox2.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\MAPPING1.MAP Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\MAPPING2.MAP Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\MAPPING.VER Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\INDEX.MAP Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\OBJECTS.MAP Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\OBJECTS.DATA Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\INDEX.BTR Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot2\edb.log Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot2\tmp.edb Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\h323log.txt Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\LogFiles\WUDF\WUDFTrace.etl Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\Debug\PASSWD.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\Sti_Trace.log Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\wiaservc.log Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\wiadebug.log Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\WindowsUpdate.log Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\SchedLgU.Txt Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\ReportingEvents.log Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\Internet Logs\fwpktlog.txt Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\DRM\drmstore.hds Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\DRM\Cache\Indiv02.tmp Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\ntuser.dat.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\NTUSER.DAT Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Cookies\index.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\ntuser.dat.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\NTUSER.DAT Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\ntuser.dat.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Local Settings\Temp\~DFC10F.tmp Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Local Settings\Temp\~DFC11D.tmp Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Local Settings\Temp\~DF1484.tmp Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Local Settings\Temp\~DF1565.tmp Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Local Settings\Temp\~DFBD34.tmp Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Local Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Local Settings\History\History.IE5\MSHist012007110520071106\index.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\AntiPhishing\B3BB5BBA-E7D5-40AB-A041-A5B1C0B26C8F.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Media Player\CurrentDatabase_360.wmdb Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows Live Contacts\tom_wilson77@msn.com\real\members.stg Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows Live Contacts\tom_wilson77@msn.com\shadow\members.stg Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Feeds Cache\index.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\Cookies\index.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\UserData\index.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Lesley\ntuser.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Program Files\blueyonder IST\log\mpbtn.log Object is locked skipped

C:\Program Files\blueyonder IST\SmartBridge\SmartBridge.log Object is locked skipped

C:\Program Files\blueyonder IST\SmartBridge\log\httpclient.log Object is locked skipped

C:\Program Files\blueyonder IST\SmartBridge\AlertFilter.log Object is locked skipped

C:\System Volume Information\_restore{203A9C89-7A2C-419F-A40E-8C82E0800C2E}\RP335\change.log Object is locked skipped

D:\System Volume Information\_restore{203A9C89-7A2C-419F-A40E-8C82E0800C2E}\RP335\change.log Object is locked skipped

Scan process completed.

#6 Scotty


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Posted 05 November 2007 - 10:58 AM


Im not seeing any problems in any of the logs that relate to malware. OneCare is disabled though. I take it this is the problem? Ive never used OneCare, but as you have Zone Alarm installed, why not try AVG's free anti-virus, for the moment?

Available here

Install that and run a scan. Let me know if you have any problems with it.

If not, it might be an idea to remove OneCare and reinstall.
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#7 Scotty


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Posted 11 November 2007 - 09:55 AM

Due to inactivity this topic will be closed. If you need help please start a new thread and post a new HJT log
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