Perhaps we both had the same problem. I was given a link to one of your pages by Spybot S&D (working on defeating contravirus with them) to download HJT. The page is >>
There is a radio buton on that page that says "download hijack this". However, when I use that button, I do NOT get "HJTsetup.exe" which is a 477Kb app file. I get (and I bet Robbiep22 got) just "HJTsetup", no extension, a 25 Kb file ... which of course when one tries to open it prompts the standard window with a choice of using every program on one's machine to do so.
However, your (susan528) post to Robbiep22 in one of the forums (Can't Open Up HJT ... I don't know how else to reference it), post #9 by susan528, contained a link to "Click Here" to download HJTsetup.exe .... and THAT link works. So it appears the link on the page I referenced above is pointing to a useless (25Kb) file, not the HJTsetup.exe file.
Worth checking into?
FOR MODERATOR >>>>>>>>>>
Incidentally, don't have time to check all round here (been doing this for days), but is everyone OK on contravirus now???
I found the solution last Thurs and have been working with Spybot S&D (and others) to stop this. The problem/key is a file that acts like a mini-browser in windows "system" folder that autoloads on bootup and just keeps downloading copies of their 7.68 Mb app file ... whether you have your own browser running or not. In my case the mini-browser was "XPuupdate", and the executables were, all but one, named in the form "saXXXX.exe". They are stored in Windows/temp (NOT temporary internet files so clearing browser cache doesn't rid them). The "extra" clandestine one was called "1759134.exe".
One can stop the madness by "Ctrl Alt Del" and "exit task" for XPuupdate (or whatever your rouge might be called), then search (windows explorer) for the file's name (mine XPuupdate), deleting it (then it won't autoload again) and searching for recent files that look like "saXXXX.exe" or are same size.
Spybot is working on getting a complete solution and cleanup into their next update, they told me.
If nothing else, one can just stop it every time you boot up by Ctrl Alt Del and "end task" for XPuupdate (or whatever your rogue is named ... I've only seen that so far) and wait for Spybot or others to come up with an auto fix soon. If useful paste this wherever needed.
Pray for hell for the Contravirus people!