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reccommend a brand?

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#1 denno


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Posted 22 July 2019 - 05:25 PM


First lemme say I'm after recommendations for a laptop. If there is already an almighty thread on this, you could maybe direct me there?  The search box gets me Google, not the forums.  (Am I missing a button?)


We have used Dell desk- and laptops for years.  They seem to work for us.  They are pretty cheap (you can always find a reseller on eBay.)

But they are proprietary (YOUR BATTERY CANNOT BE RECOGNIZED...)   And I wonder how sturdy they are.  And of late I'm having wiggle problems in the USB connectors.  And my wife's newer model has small-sized power jack, which has gotten to the point of not holding the plug at all.  I have a thread going on that problem in General Hardware.

A question in my mind is whether Dells are solid or are showing their planned obsolescence.   (Believe it or not, I learned that phrase in grade school---and I'm an Old Guy.)


So, wondering if another make might be sturdier, last more years, be upgradable, be affordable, be more flexible as to replacements and repairs.


I mostly write, process pix, use Dreamweaver, Audacity, like that.  Not a gamer; but I'm messing with video processing (not getting very far) and that would require a LOT more memory.  My Inspiron 3541 has 8GB and won't go higher.


Hope that's enuf framework for a little discourse.






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#2 Tomk


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Posted 27 July 2019 - 10:10 PM

I don't think I can give you a reasonable answer to your question.


Dell has a good name.  I've had good luck with HP laptops (though I know some people who hate them). 


In the early/mid 1980's I felt that Compaq made the only portable computer worth having.


Toshiba used to make a good laptop, but I've not been as impressed with them in recent years.


I've been using Lenovos for several years now.  I've been happy with them.


My usage may not match yours.  I use mine for work.  I draft using AutoCad.  I run Microsoft office.  I do material takoff of digital plans.  I email.  I order parts/materials.  I use my laptop to access my office computer through remote desktop when I'm out of town.  I try to help on a couple of forums.


I am a fan of inexpensive refurbished computers from reputable local shops. But the laptop I'm currently using I purchased new in 2008.  I rarely "upgrade".  I use my computers (and pretty much all equipment) until it is no longer usable. (My desktop at the office is newer.  It was built by a local shop in 2010.)  I consider any computer less than 5 years old as "New".

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#3 techman21


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Posted 04 February 2022 - 12:47 AM

i am suggest to check samsung brand



#4 rajjinna


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Posted 01 July 2023 - 03:17 AM


We are having the best laptop Brands with best Configurations Laptop Rental in Dubai. No need to worry about brands. reach us for best laptops for your need.

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