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control+click doesn't work in word 2010

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#1 hedley93


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Posted 11 July 2017 - 12:54 PM


Suddenly, control+click has stopped working in word 2010 documents and I have quite a few hundreds of them.  Anyone have any idea what the problem could be, please?


Thanks for reading and in advance for any help offered.



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#2 paws


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Posted 13 July 2017 - 09:21 AM

Hi hedley,

Are you wanting to open multiple documents simultaneously by using Ctrl+click...?



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#3 hedley93


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 09:03 AM

Hi paws, thanks for the reply. No, I have hundreds of documents with hyperlinks in them, leading to webpages, or other documents giving information on any certain information, depending what the first document is on. Or it could be a document entirely of links of information on a given subject, but since a few days ago, when I ctrl+click on a link in a document or maybe copy info from a webpage to a document which includes hyperlinks and then try to click on these links using ctrl+click I get this message box 'The operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your administrator'. Apart from the fact that I am the administrator and haven't changed anything lately, I don't understand what has happened to bring about this change in circumstances. It's playing havoc with my work at the moment. Turning off ctrl+click doesn't work either, just says the same thing when you try to click a link. Any ideas?
Thanks for the help.

#4 paws


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Posted 17 July 2017 - 07:18 AM

Ok, Thanks for the extra information.

I will install MSO word 2010 on one of my test machines and see if I can replicate the problem.


Can you tell me please what operating system you are using...? for example

win 10, 64 bit...etc

as this will help me replicate ( hopefully!) the problem and point the way to a fix.



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#5 hedley93


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Posted 17 July 2017 - 01:46 PM

Hi paws, thanks for the reply. I am using Windows 7 ultimate, 32 bit, is that it? Toying with the idea of updating to windows 10 as there seems to be something going wrong, or disappearing, (MS at work I sometimes wonder), nearly every day at the moment. They seem to be making it harder, or more awkward to stay with the older windows, so I try to keep up to date with windows 10 how-to's, therefore the links, apart from all my windows 7 documents with links in them!
Thanks for the help.

#6 paws


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Posted 17 July 2017 - 01:54 PM

Hi hedley

Ok ,

all understood.


I'll load win 7 32 bit on a test machine and then install MSO 2010 and see if I can replicate the problem, it would usually only take me an hour or two to set this up. but...... shortly ( tomorrow morning) I have to visit the Dental Surgeon for extraction of a bad  molar, so may be a tad fragile tomorrow....

However rest assured I'll get back to you as soon as I can.



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#7 Tomk


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Posted 17 July 2017 - 09:58 PM

Just a thought... I've heard it might be related to Chrome.


Do you use Chrome?


Have you recently uninstalled Chrome?

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#8 hedley93


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Posted 18 July 2017 - 09:29 AM

Hi paws, thanks, I'll be back later.

Hi Tonk, sorry, no, never have used chrome, I'm afraid. Never really fancied it at all. Thanks for the help, though.

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