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MS Publisher won't launch

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#1 Karelia


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 06:55 AM

First question is do i even really have Microsoft Publisher or could i have all the Microsoft Office items except Publisher. As some people here at work tell me i may not actually have it. (No, we don't have any IT dept)

I can Launch





Attached is a picture of the MSpub within Program files(x86)-Microsoft Office-Office14  

When i attempt to launch MSPub the pops appear. Launching in safe mode does not resolve the issue.




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#2 Tomk


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 07:04 AM

Which version of MS office do you have?  Home? Pro?



Attached is a picture of the MSpub within Program files(x86)-Microsoft Office-Office14  

When i attempt to launch MSPub the pops appear. Launching in safe mode does not resolve the issue.

No picture attached.  What pop ups appear?

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#3 Karelia


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 08:56 AM

Well I might of answered my own question.= feeling dumb

As upon searching which MS Office Version I had = MS Office Home and Business 2010

it kindly lists the software included= "this product contains MS Excel, MS OneNote, MS Outlook, MS PowerPoint, MS Word."


So does that mean Publisher can be activated from Microsoft since it appears as an Application 9,450kb file in my directory?

Is it there to just taunt me? or only through a full $$$ purchase can it be mine to use? 



Just because you asked and i couldn't figure out how to upload an image or file. READ BELOW 


  POP UPS Read= "Publisher failed to start correctly last time. Starting Publisher in safe mode will help you correct or isolate a startup problem in order to successfully start the program. Some functionality may be disable in this mode."

Do you want to start Publisher in safe mode?"  yes/no



CHOOSING YES= "Please wait while Windows configures Microsoft Office Single Image 2010"


                              "Microsoft Office Single Image 2010 Setup completed successfully." 



(The computer doesn't restart in safe mode automatically when I enter "yes" from the 1st question) 

Edited by Karelia, 16 May 2017 - 09:02 AM.

#4 Tomk


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 10:40 AM

My belief is that "single image" is a file that has all the components for installation of "Home and Student", "Home and Business", and "Pro".  But you are only able to use what you have a key to activate.


Office 2010 is getting pretty old.  You can buy Publisher as a stand alone program... but I'm not sure that you will find 2010 around anymore.  You might be able to buy the Office 2010 pro (which comes with Publisher) license from a resaler.  These can be found, fairly inexpensively, on places like ebay.  I would suggest that you avoid someone who is selling a "used" program that they aren't using any longer, but rather look for one where the key comes from Microsoft and is a legit, genuine, new key.  Of course, you could just upgrade to Office 2016 pro... but that is a larger investment.

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#5 audra.lynne70


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Posted 19 July 2019 - 12:49 PM

I have the same problem, but I do have Office 365 Home and Publisher is included in the list of programs. What am 

I doing wrong?

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