At the mercy of 'AI' ...
... The focus on loss of privacy from Watson, Cortana, Google, Facebook, DeepMind, and Siri risks us missing an even greater threat
> http://www.infoworld...your-money.html
Oct 20, 2016 - "... privacy is not the only issue, and not necessarily the most important one. All of these artificial intelligent systems - Watson, Cortana, Google's DeepMind and intelligent assistants, Facebook, and Apple's Siri - are being proposed as all-knowing, objective advisers to people, companies, and governments. The AI will tell you who's a good job candidate, what's the best medical treatment, what car you should buy, where you should live, what gas station you should frequent, and what you should eat...
At the SoTech conference, I asked the IBM engineer of this coming future: How would people escape getting blacklisted algorithmically, or at least understand why their résumés never get to an HR pro, their insurance rates skyrocket, they don't get housing applications accepted in certain areas, and so on?
His answers:
• 'You don't know today why a company doesn't call you in for an interview or even doesn't hire you after an interview.
• We comply with all government regulations...'"
(More at the infoworld URL above.)