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MS Office home and student 2010

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#1 Peter1



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Posted 19 May 2016 - 04:30 PM

If I uninstall this and install it on another machine, would it be usable?

I have a 25 character key for it, but Dell is so OEM about everything.

I can install it on this machine but wonder if I will need to buy office for a newer pc, built or bought. 

I wonder, also, how long it is supported.

Maybe time to upgrade a lot.


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#2 paws


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Posted 20 May 2016 - 02:10 AM

Hi Peter,

Generally the licence on MSO Home & Student 2010 is for the original machine only.... but do check the EULA and any printed material you may have received with your software


Microsoft responded positively to widespread comment and relaxed the licencing somewhat for the 2013 version (but not as far as I know for the 2010 version.

More information here:



You could always try it and see how you get on, perhaps giving Dell or Microsoft a ring first to see what the current situation is, in your jurisdiction.



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#3 Peter1



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Posted 20 May 2016 - 05:37 AM

I think giving MS a call is my only option but I am not optimistic. I will do so if and when.

If they fought 2013 they will likely not honor 2010, imho.

I despise that OEM stuff. That is why I am willing to pay more for the retail OS than OEM.

Greed, greed,  greed - what would we do without it. Maybe $ for research in lieu of war.

Thank you for your input.

#4 paws


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Posted 20 May 2016 - 07:51 AM

:thumbup:  Yes ,all understood.
If you have a moment then please let us know how you get on.

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#5 Peter1



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Posted 20 May 2016 - 09:02 AM

For sure. As I said,  if and when.

TY for  replying.

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