Hi Tom Tom, sorry to hear of the issues with your Outlook 2013 and win 7.
I'm sorry to say that lots of folks are experiencing similar problems (although I know this is no great consolation to you.)
I don't know of any sure fire 100% guaranteed method of resolving these issues that will apply to everyone's computers.
However if you follow the link below here are 115 posts and many fixes.... some have worked for some folks whilst others have not....
I would recommend that you back up your Registry and make a System Restore Point and a disc image before trying any of the fixes in the link. (keep at least one copy of your disc images safe offsite on removable media)
Having done that you could start with ensuring, and double checking that all your Win Updates are installed (especially net framework) and MSO 2013 is fully updated.
Next try resetting IE (via Advanced) then you can move onto the Outlook settings referred to in the link.
It's important that you close down and perform a full restart (reboot) after each change is made).missing this step out means that the changes will not work correctly)
Let us know which fix works for you.
Here's the link: