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Microsoft Excel 2010 Help

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#1 amonty87


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Posted 07 December 2013 - 02:11 AM

This is pretty straight forward problem I have. I'm Creating a spread sheet with 29 tabs that has identical tables with different information in each table. I need to copy information from B3:K200 on tab "A" and paste to B3:K200 on tab "B" but only if H3:H200 ="NO" with only the line containing "NO" making the transfer to tab "B" 


I'm not sure if more information is needed for a soultion I'm on here often to check so please ask for more info if needed I can post a dummy copy I just have to draw it up. I can't post my final as it has sensitive information regarding customer and technician info...


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#2 paws


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Posted 07 December 2013 - 03:15 AM

Hi amonty87,


That sure looks like a "Business" type issue you have there. If that's true then it would be wise to consult your firm's IT support dept or the IT consultants that provide business support for them.


Post back with more details if its in fact a very large private (not business) Excel spreadsheet you are trying to adjust.

Here's an extract from the WTT site's Terms of Use:

We offer free computer help and tech support for home and personal use. We are not here to support others that work for profit, or to support/replace your company's IT department

I've reposted the above in your other topic on the same or similar subject here:







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