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#16 Rstoner


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Posted 05 December 2006 - 08:01 AM

Thanks paws. I have thought about a new profile for the user. I would need to log in as another profile on there to make sure this problem is related to the profile and not system wide. I wasn't able to go past the first post that you linked to. If we are free of malware, which I thought we were, we will just have to get along with this problem for awhile. Thanks, Rob


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#17 Doug


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Posted 05 December 2006 - 10:17 AM

To help our stream of work, I'm posting what you sent to me earlier: Unlocker will allow me to unlock the file but the problem is still there. I have determined that it is unique to the users profile and not system wide. I can log on to that computer with my profile and I can not cause the lock to happen as I can when the regular user is logged on. It will be up to him whether I delete his profile and start over if we can't find out what is causing it. I'm not sure how much of a problem it is to him as it is now. Thanks to "Paws" for the excellent suggestion. I'll persist with the StartUp List, so that maybe you can "fix" the owner/user's present Account. But at least you know that you also have a workable backup plan. Best Regards, Doug EDIT: Three heads are definitely better than one, and add LDTate as a fourth for rulling out any malware and the JAVA update suggestion.

Edited by dough, 05 December 2006 - 10:20 AM.

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