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Trying to uninstall microsoft office professional 97

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#1 Ann J.

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Posted 02 February 2009 - 09:19 AM

I am using Windows Me , and I am trying to uninstall microsoft offise 97. It asks for the startup diskette, which I have , but then the computer says it can't read from drive e. I have tryed installing it again,and was hoping for an uninstall option, but no. It is registered in another name and another serial number. Back to drive e. I tryed to type in drive a ,but it comes up "cant read in drive e". I thank you for any advise to help me. Thanks Ann J.


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#2 Doug


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Posted 02 February 2009 - 09:48 AM

Is this a Microsoft "CD" or as you wrote as "diskette" (meaning a series of floppy disks) ? You indicate a "different name" and a "different serial number" are you referring to the 25 digit Product Identification Code?
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#3 Ann J.

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Posted 02 February 2009 - 12:20 PM

Is this a Microsoft "CD" or as you wrote as "diskette" (meaning a series of floppy disks) ?

You indicate a "different name" and a "different serial number" are you referring to the 25 digit Product Identification Code?

I meant a series of floppy disks.
Yes, It is the product code, and the name is not mine. I assume someone else downloaded the disks on here before me.
Thank you
Ann J.

#4 Doug


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Posted 02 February 2009 - 01:41 PM

Let's take this over to the Microsoft Office Forum, where we stand a chance of getting help from others, if we need it as we work on this.

I'll move your Topic over, and leave a link here to assist you in following.

I remember those "sets" of floppies and had a few, maybe even an early Office '97, but I seem to recall that mine was on CD.

Sometimes when having difficulty uninstalling an application program, it actually helps to "re-install it" over the top.
If one or more files have become corrupted, the uninstall might get hung up. Installing over the top sometimes fixes that.

1. Do you have the complete accurate Product ID Code?

2. Does your machine recognize Floppies "at all" when you insert them in the A:\ drive?

3. Are there other features of this machine that do not work the way you would expect?

Let us know the answers to the above and then we can get started.

Best Regards

p.s. Later, you can come back here to Meet and Greet to post a fresh "Hello" thread if you'd like.
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#5 Konfucide


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Posted 02 February 2009 - 07:17 PM


...The Office Removal Wizard can detect and remove Office 95, Office 97, Office 2000, and Office XP, as well as Microsoft Office Multilingual User Interface Packs (MUI Packs) and individual Office applications. A companion file list allows you to review and edit the detailed list of files that can be removed. The Removal Wizard does not remove documents or other user files from the computer.

Will this work? Googled it. i managed to find one, however, i am not really sure how will it work since i haven't used ME before. :scratch:

Edited by Konfucide, 02 February 2009 - 07:19 PM.

#6 Ann J.

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Posted 03 February 2009 - 07:47 AM

Yes, I have the complete I D code, and the entire set of floppys. Yes the machine will recognise the floppy set-up disk to install. When I try to add/remove the program it asks for disk #1, I put it in the machine and them it shows the error that it cannot read in drive E. So thats as far as I can go with it. I did try many times to click on and type In a:/ setup but it keeps sending the error. The only other feature that does not work well anymore is sending video e-mails, it most always shows an error.I am able to add/remove other programs with the add/remove setup. The other thing I tried to download off of the net was the removal Wizard but halfway through the download they wanted money before continuing,lost my job,no money for silly things like that. I greatly thank all of you for trying! Ann J.

#7 Doug


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Posted 03 February 2009 - 04:53 PM


Here is the Microsoft (free) tool for uninstalling Office '97 on machines with Windows ME

About A:\Setup.exe (failing)

Are you placing the floppy into the A:\drive where it is recognized and then "clicking" on the Setup.exe contained on the Floppy.
It should immediately start the Setup, without having to use Add/Remove.

If you continue to have trouble reinstalling Office "97 via your set of floppies,
Then please consider using the uninstall tool that I have linked above.

When using the instructions on that linked Microsoft page, be sure that you ***Back Up your Registry*** before performing the repair!

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#8 Ann J.

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Posted 04 February 2009 - 07:37 AM

Doug, It will recognize The disk for set-up, it will not recognize the disk for removal. I will install it again today,and If I still canot remove It, I will use the free link you provided me. Oh, not to sound dumb, which when It comes to computer stuff I sometimes am, please tell me how to "back up my regisrty". :blush: I cannot thank you enough for all your help! Have a fantastic day! Ann J.

#9 Abydos


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Posted 04 February 2009 - 08:09 AM

Oh, not to sound dumb, which when It comes to computer stuff I sometimes am, please tell me how to "back up my regisrty". :blush:

Hi Ann :)

Thats certainly not a dumb question. Only dumb questions are those not asked ;)

As you are running Windows ME, you don't need to worry about making backups of your registry. ME does that on its own accord everytime you boot it up. So to make a fresh copy, all you have to do is reboot the machine.

Restoring the registry in windows ME is another matter. Have a look here how to go about this;


Have a nice day ^_^

Regards Abydos

Edited by Abydos, 04 February 2009 - 08:10 AM.


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#10 Ann J.

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Posted 04 February 2009 - 03:15 PM

Hello Abydos, :wavey: So If I just want to uninstall microsoft office, I may need to restore the registry? Is this done before uninstall or after? Or is this done before I install the diskettes over the top. Or after? Are you confused yet? I am certainly getting close. :pullhair: Anyway, I will wait for a responce before I attempt anything. Thank you all again for helping the farm girl . Hope your having a super day! Ann J. :yeah:

#11 Abydos


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Posted 04 February 2009 - 03:32 PM

Hi Ann

None of the above B)

You should only use the registry recovery if something went wrong with
the uninstall. Windows ME aren't known for its great stability, so it is sort
of showing you the Fire exit, if the fire should hit the fan so to speak :D

Regards Abydos


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#12 Doug


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Posted 04 February 2009 - 04:32 PM

Attempt your procedure in the following sequence 1. Reinstall Office '97 using your set of Floppy Disks 2. Uninstall Office '97 using Control Panel - Add/Remove - Highlight MS Office - click Remove 3. If #1 and #2 do not succeed then use the linked MS Office Uninstall Tool that I linked for you above. 4. The caution about Registry was only in case something goes wrong. <-- not very likely Keep us informed of your progress. Best Regards
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#13 Ann J.

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 07:57 AM

Hi again Abydos, Ok, here goes ,I am gonna do this,and "the Lord willing and the creek don't rise"! It should work. :smack: I will let you know how it went. Thanks again Ann J. :notworthy:

#14 Ann J.

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 03:42 PM

Hello Doug and Abydos, Well I have thrown in the towel and excepted the fact that microsoft office will forever be on my computer! I want to thank you folks for trying very hard for me. :notworthy: Take care and I will catch ya later! Thans again Ann J. :wavey:

#15 Abydos


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Posted 05 February 2009 - 03:50 PM

Hi Ann No problem ;) Windows ME is tricky, and its been a long time since I used it. There may be a solution to it all, and perhaps it will cross your path at some point. Regards Abydos


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