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Excel 2007 encountered a problem and needs to close.

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#1 khbalaska


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Posted 27 June 2008 - 03:31 PM

I have a networked user who works with .csv files. If he moves too fast through them (like scrolling), he gets the error "Microsoft Office Excel has encountered a problem and needs to close" and bombs out. The error signature is as follows: AppName: excel.exe AppVer: 12.0.6214.1000 AppStamp: 47069e60 ModName: excel.exe ModVer: 12.0.6214.1000 ModStamp: 47069e60 Debug: 0 Offset: 00148ac6 He has 2 gig of memory. Extra Add-Ins include: Excel Visual Studio Design Time Adaptor Addin, iSeries Access Data Transfer, and TFC Office Shim (none of which should make a difference). SP1 has been installed. Note that the problem only seems to occur while working with .csv files and not with .xls or .xlsx files. Very irritating to have to crawl through the .csv files in order not to bomb them. The obvious workaround is to convert the .csv files to .xls but why should he have to do that? Maybe Office 2007 doesn't like .csv anymore? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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#2 paws


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Posted 06 August 2008 - 10:21 AM

please see response made here:
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#3 jacksen


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Posted 17 September 2008 - 10:27 AM

Excel 2003 stops responding or you receive an "Microsoft Excel has encountered a problem" error message when you open an XML spreadsheet. SYMPTOMS: When you open a workbook that was saved as an XML Spreadsheet in Microsoft Office Excel 2003, Excel may stop responding (hang) or you may receive the following error message: CAUSE: This problem may occur if you select a noncontiguous selection in your workbook and the Excel workbook is saved as an XML Spreadsheet (*.xml), a single file Web page, or a multiple file Web page. Note This problem may occur if a noncontiguous selection is included in any one of the following: • Sheet selection • AutoFilter ---------------------------------------------------- jacksen REMOVED Advertisment.

#4 Tallon41


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Posted 18 September 2008 - 12:56 AM

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

page-up & down work fine ?

Ctrl-end or Ctrl-home ?

I would Investigate RAM integrity. http://www.memtest.org/memtest86+

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