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Norton Anti-Virus Security Pop-Up WON'T STOP

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#1 DELL 4500s XP

DELL 4500s XP

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Posted 13 February 2008 - 03:17 PM

I have Symantec SystemWorks 2003 Professional Edition on my XP. My subscription has expired, so, as one would expect, I get a security warning pop-up saying my virus definitions are not up to date. But what's not expected is that the pop-up keeps popping up every few seconds!

Posted Image

I've tried disabling the auto live update feature, but this does not work. (I've also tried disabling the auto-protect feature, but that didn't work either, and obviously I want auto-protect on.)

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This makes using my computer next to impossible. I'm ready to uninstall the darned program.

Please help!



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#2 Abydos


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Posted 13 February 2008 - 05:47 PM

Hi there Dell 4500s XP :)

Yeah Norton have the habit of turning on you when you don't renew. I like to joke that Norton itself is like a virus.
Norton can prove to be quite hard to remove, if one doesn't know where to look...

But Symantec have made a tool to remove there product!!!! B)
(Gives alittle clue about the nature of this program)

It can be found here: LINK
Download the approiate tool for your version.

Otherwise, if you don't want to get rid of the endless pop-ups, warnings etc etc, you have to pay/repay for the program.

Regards Abydos

Disclaimer: Any opinions stated here are on my own behalf, and doesn't represent any other than myself. There, just to be sure my head isn't ripped off :D


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#3 Doug


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Posted 13 February 2008 - 10:33 PM

Well stated Abydos. :thumbup: I might also add, that the various attempt to disable the pop-ups mentioned by Dell 4500s XP are hazardous. Recommendation: Renew Norton/Symantec, or use the linked uninstall tool before replacing Norton/Symantec with other good tools.
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#4 DELL 4500s XP

DELL 4500s XP

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Posted 13 February 2008 - 11:43 PM

Thanks all. I was forced to uninstall SystemWorks. Now I'm wondering what other anti-virus software I should install, as I'm quite disenchanted with Symantec. Are there any free trials I should check out? Thanks again.

#5 Abydos


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Posted 14 February 2008 - 12:29 AM

Are there any free trials I should check out?

Thanks again.

Hi again DELL 4500s XP

The two I would recommend to try out, is AVG Antivirus and Avast. They have different strengths, but are equally good in my opinion.

AVG Antivirus can be downloaded from here: LINK

Avast from here: LINK

With Avast, you have to register for a product key, but its still free and the program-key lasts for 14 months, by which time you have to renew it, still free of charge.

You can try them both out, and see which one you like. Just remember to only have one active Antivirus program at any given time. Otherwise they would conflict, and actually give you a poorer defense.

Regards Abydos

Edited by Abydos, 14 February 2008 - 12:31 AM.


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#6 DELL 4500s XP

DELL 4500s XP

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Posted 14 February 2008 - 02:36 PM

Thanks much, Abydos!

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#7 Abydos


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Posted 14 February 2008 - 02:57 PM

Thanks much, Abydos!

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Youre welcome :thumbup:

Regards Abydos


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