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Hi! I'm new to this forum and hope I do things right.
My computer is running slower than a snail. I have to wait several minutes for a response.
I am a musician and make my own rhythm tracks using Band In A Box 2007 and Power Tracks Pro 12.
I also burn the tracks with added recorded vocals and print the necessary info directly on the CD along with Cd liners. Since my computer has slowed down to a crawl it takes me forever to accomplish a simple task.
There ar 49 or so programs running in the background and I do not want to start deleting any of them without sound advice.
I have two 80 gig drives installed in the computer and two external USB drives. One is 260 Gig and the other is 500 gigs which I transfer all my completed work to for storage. My music files are large so I need the room. The 500 gig drive is connected only when I want to store my files in archives.
I am using an AMD Athalon 1.05 Ghz, 2.00 Gb ram. Windows XP Home edition V2002 with service pack 2.
My sound card is an Creative SB Live drive and an ATI All In Wonder video card.
I hope you are able to help me. Thanks in advance.