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norton and packard bell

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#1 Donald2


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Posted 11 November 2007 - 09:57 AM

:blush: Hello everybody,like a lot of people i've some trouble with a a-brand computer (better build it your self) I"m working on a packard bell 5410 with windows xp home ed. my problem is that i removed norton internet security,because it s..cks. but after i did this ,the infocentre ,witch give you all the internal and external info of this machine,doesn't work anymore. what can i do? I'm not afraid to work in the register so any stuff is welcom Thanks sofar greetings from holland Donald


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#2 shelf life

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Posted 11 November 2007 - 07:54 PM

hi Donald2,

witch give you all the internal and external info of this machine

what information about the computer are you looking for? there is plenty of software that will tell you about hardware, software etc...

shelf life
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