Avg Anti-spyware Reliability?
Started by
, Apr 30 2007 12:36 AM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 30 April 2007 - 12:36 AM
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Posted 01 May 2007 - 11:28 AM
Those entries are in your Windows System Restore Program , its not finding new items. AVG is one of the best reliable programs on the market.
Flush it out like this, I can't tell you enough how important it is to create a new restore point.
System Restore makes regular backups of all your settings, if you ever had to use this program to restore your system to a previous date, you will be infected all over again so we need to clean out the previous Restore Points
Turn off System Restore.
Turn ON System Restore.

Those entries are in your Windows System Restore Program , its not finding new items. AVG is one of the best reliable programs on the market.
Flush it out like this, I can't tell you enough how important it is to create a new restore point.
System Restore makes regular backups of all your settings, if you ever had to use this program to restore your system to a previous date, you will be infected all over again so we need to clean out the previous Restore Points
Turn off System Restore.
- Right-click My Computer.
- Click Properties.
- Click the System Restore tab.
- Check Turn off System Restore on all Drives.
- Click Apply, and then click OK.
Turn ON System Restore.
- Right-click My Computer.
- ClickProperties.
- Click the System Restore tab.
- UN-Check Turn off System Restore on all Drives.
- Click Apply, and then click OK.
- Go to Start/ Control Panel/ Performance and Maintenance/ System Restore/ Create a New Restore Point <--You will have to be in Catagory View in the Control Panel to see this
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Posted 05 May 2007 - 06:27 AM
Since this issue appears to be resolved ... this Topic has been closed. Glad we could be of assistance.
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