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4 replies to this topic

#1 milco


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Posted 09 March 2007 - 06:03 PM

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 6:40:45 PM, on 3/9/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16414)

Running processes:
C:\Program Files\Ashampoo\Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2\bin\aDefragService.exe
C:\Program Files\Ashampoo\Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2\bin\defragActivityMonitor.exe
C:\Program Files\Common Files\LightScribe\LSSrvc.exe
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VS7DEBUG\MDM.EXE
C:\Program Files\Eset\nod32krn.exe
C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Shared\hpqwmiex.exe
C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel\atiptaxx.exe
C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe
C:\Program Files\HP\QuickPlay\QPService.exe
C:\Program Files\HPQ\Quick Launch Buttons\EabServr.exe
C:\Program Files\hpq\HP Wireless Assistant\HP Wireless Assistant.exe
C:\Program Files\HP\HP Software Update\HPWuSchd2.exe
C:\Program Files\Zone Labs\ZoneAlarm\zlclient.exe
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_10\bin\jusched.exe
C:\Program Files\Eset\nod32kui.exe
C:\Program Files\Ashampoo\Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2\bin\defragTaskBar.exe
C:\Program Files\PowerISO\PWRISOVM.EXE
C:\Program Files\YourWare Solutions\FreeRAM XP Pro\FreeRAM XP Pro.exe
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\My Documents\Unzipped\hijackthis\HijackThis.exe

R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = http://www.yahoo.com/
R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = http://go.microsoft....k/?LinkId=69157
R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Search_URL = http://go.microsoft....k/?LinkId=54896
R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = http://go.microsoft....k/?LinkId=54896
R0 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = http://go.microsoft....k/?LinkId=69157
R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Connection Wizard,ShellNext = http://ie.redirect.h...a...o&pf=laptop
O2 - BHO: (no name) - %49E9F-C8D7-4D59-B87D-784B7D6BE0B3} - (no file)
O2 - BHO: (no name) - ¨¨B-D6F0-462C-B6EB-D4DAF1D92D43} - (no file)
O2 - BHO: (no name) - è@d43a9-0d85-11d4-9908-00400523e39a} - (no file)
O2 - BHO: (no name) - ˜@FD14D-132B-48FC-8861-0048AE113215} - (no file)
O3 - Toolbar: McAfee SiteAdvisor - {0BF43445-2F28-4351-9252-17FE6E806AA0} - C:\Program Files\SiteAdvisor\4608\SiteAdv.dll
O3 - Toolbar: &RoboForm - {724d43a0-0d85-11d4-9908-00400523e39a} - C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\roboform.dll
O3 - Toolbar: (no name) - {E0E899AB-F487-11D5-8D29-0050BA6940E3} - (no file)
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ATIPTA] "C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel\atiptaxx.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SynTPEnh] C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [QPService] "C:\Program Files\HP\QuickPlay\QPService.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [eabconfg.cpl] C:\Program Files\HPQ\Quick Launch Buttons\EabServr.exe /Start
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [RecGuard] C:\Windows\SMINST\RecGuard.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [hpWirelessAssistant] C:\Program Files\hpq\HP Wireless Assistant\HP Wireless Assistant.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ISUSScheduler] "C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\UpdateService\issch.exe" -start
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HP Software Update] C:\Program Files\HP\HP Software Update\HPWuSchd2.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Zone Labs Client] "C:\Program Files\Zone Labs\ZoneAlarm\zlclient.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SunJavaUpdateSched] "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_10\bin\jusched.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [NeroFilterCheck] C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\Lib\NeroCheck.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [nod32kui] "C:\Program Files\Eset\nod32kui.exe" /WAITSERVICE
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [DefragTaskBar] "C:\Program Files\Ashampoo\Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2\bin\defragTaskBar.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [PWRISOVM.EXE] C:\Program Files\PowerISO\PWRISOVM.EXE
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [ctfmon.exe] C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [FreeRAM XP] "C:\Program Files\YourWare Solutions\FreeRAM XP Pro\FreeRAM XP Pro.exe" -win
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [updateMgr] "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\AdobeUpdateManager.exe" AcRdB7_0_9 -reboot 1
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [Pando] "C:\Program Files\Pando Networks\Pando\Pando.exe" /Minimized
O4 - Global Startup: Adobe Reader Speed Launch.lnk = C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\reader_sl.exe
O8 - Extra context menu item: Customize Menu - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComCustomizeIEMenu.html
O8 - Extra context menu item: E&xport to Microsoft Excel - res://C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~4\OFFICE11\EXCEL.EXE/3000
O8 - Extra context menu item: Fill Forms - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComFillForms.html
O8 - Extra context menu item: RoboForm Toolbar - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComShowToolbar.html
O8 - Extra context menu item: Save Forms - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComSavePass.html
O8 - Extra context menu item: Save to &Xdrive - res://C:\Program Files\Xdrive\Xdrive Desktop\xdrive.exe/std.html
O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608501} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_10\bin\ssv.dll
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Sun Java Console - {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608501} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_10\bin\ssv.dll
O9 - Extra button: Fill Forms - {320AF880-6646-11D3-ABEE-C5DBF3571F46} - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComFillForms.html
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Fill Forms - {320AF880-6646-11D3-ABEE-C5DBF3571F46} - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComFillForms.html
O9 - Extra button: Save - {320AF880-6646-11D3-ABEE-C5DBF3571F49} - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComSavePass.html
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Save Forms - {320AF880-6646-11D3-ABEE-C5DBF3571F49} - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComSavePass.html
O9 - Extra button: RoboForm - {724d43aa-0d85-11d4-9908-00400523e39a} - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComShowToolbar.html
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: RoboForm Toolbar - {724d43aa-0d85-11d4-9908-00400523e39a} - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComShowToolbar.html
O9 - Extra button: Research - {92780B25-18CC-41C8-B9BE-3C9C571A8263} - C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~4\OFFICE11\REFIEBAR.DLL
O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {e2e2dd38-d088-4134-82b7-f2ba38496583} - %windir%\Network Diagnostic\xpnetdiag.exe (file missing)
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: @xpsp3res.dll,-20001 - {e2e2dd38-d088-4134-82b7-f2ba38496583} - %windir%\Network Diagnostic\xpnetdiag.exe (file missing)
O9 - Extra button: Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Windows Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
O11 - Options group: [INTERNATIONAL] International*
O14 - IERESET.INF: START_PAGE_URL=http://ie.redirect.hp.com/svs/rdr?TYPE=3&tp=iehome&locale=EN_US&c=Q106&bd=presario&pf=laptop
O15 - Trusted Zone: *.stumbleupon.com
O16 - DPF: {30528230-99F7-4BB4-88D8-FA1D4F56A2AB} (YInstStarter Class) - http://us.dl1.yimg.c...nst_current.cab
O16 - DPF: {406B5949-7190-4245-91A9-30A17DE16AD0} (Snapfish Activia) - http://www1.snapfish...fishActivia.cab
O16 - DPF: {6E32070A-766D-4EE6-879C-DC1FA91D2FC3} (MUWebControl Class) - http://update.micros...b?1160918678906
O16 - DPF: {D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000} (Shockwave Flash Object) - http://fpdownload2.m...ash/swflash.cab
O18 - Protocol: livecall - {828030A1-22C1-4009-854F-8E305202313F} - C:\PROGRA~1\MSNMES~1\MSGRAP~1.DLL
O18 - Protocol: msnim - {828030A1-22C1-4009-854F-8E305202313F} - C:\PROGRA~1\MSNMES~1\MSGRAP~1.DLL
O18 - Protocol: siteadvisor - {3A5DC592-7723-4EAA-9EE6-AF4222BCF879} - C:\Program Files\SiteAdvisor\4608\SiteAdv.dll
O20 - Winlogon Notify: WgaLogon - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WgaLogon.dll
O23 - Service: AshampooDefragService - - C:\Program Files\Ashampoo\Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2\bin\aDefragService.exe
O23 - Service: Ati HotKey Poller - ATI Technologies Inc. - C:\WINDOWS\system32\Ati2evxx.exe
O23 - Service: Automatic LiveUpdate Scheduler - Unknown owner - C:\Program Files\Symantec\LiveUpdate\ALUSchedulerSvc.exe (file missing)
O23 - Service: hpqwmiex - Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. - C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Shared\hpqwmiex.exe
O23 - Service: InstallDriver Table Manager (IDriverT) - Macrovision Corporation - C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Driver\11\Intel 32\IDriverT.exe
O23 - Service: iPod Service - Apple Computer, Inc. - C:\Program Files\iPod\bin\iPodService.exe
O23 - Service: Kodak Camera Connection Software (KodakCCS) - Eastman Kodak Company - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\KodakCCS.exe
O23 - Service: LightScribeService Direct Disc Labeling Service (LightScribeService) - Hewlett-Packard Company - C:\Program Files\Common Files\LightScribe\LSSrvc.exe
O23 - Service: LiveUpdate - Unknown owner - C:\PROGRA~1\Symantec\LIVEUP~1\LUCOMS~1.EXE (file missing)
O23 - Service: Norton AntiVirus Auto-Protect Service (navapsvc) - Unknown owner - c:\Program Files\Norton Internet Security\Norton AntiVirus\navapsvc.exe (file missing)
O23 - Service: NBService - Nero AG - C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero BackItUp\NBService.exe
O23 - Service: NOD32 Kernel Service (NOD32krn) - Eset - C:\Program Files\Eset\nod32krn.exe
O23 - Service: Pml Driver HPZ12 - HP - C:\WINDOWS\system32\HPZipm12.exe
O23 - Service: TrueVector Internet Monitor (vsmon) - Zone Labs, LLC - C:\WINDOWS\system32\ZoneLabs\vsmon.exe


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#2 Susan528



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Posted 10 March 2007 - 08:44 AM

Hello milco and Welcome to TomCoyote,

Please do the following:

Scan with HijackThis. Place a check against each of the following:
O2 - BHO: (no name) - % 49E9F-C8D7-4D59-B87D-784B7D6BE0B3} - (no file)
O2 - BHO: (no name) - ¨ ¨ B-D6F0-462C-B6EB-D4DAF1D92D43} - (no file)
O2 - BHO: (no name) - è@ d43a9-0d85-11d4-9908-00400523e39a} - (no file)
O2 - BHO: (no name) - ˜@ FD14D-132B-48FC-8861-0048AE113215} - (no file)
O3 - Toolbar: (no name) - {E0E899AB-F487-11D5-8D29-0050BA6940E3} - (no file)
O15 - Trusted Zone: *.stumbleupon.com

Close all windows or browsers except for Hijackthis. Click on Fix Checked when finished and exit HijackThis.

Please print out or copy these instructions/tutorial to Notepad as the internet will not be (while in Safe Mode) available to you at certain points of the removal process. Make sure to work through all the Steps in the exact order in which they are listed below. If there's anything that you don't understand, ask your question(s) before moving on with the fixes.

Please download AVG Anti-Spyware to your Desktop or to your usual Download Folder.
  • Install AVG Anti-Spyware by double clicking the installer.
  • Follow the prompts. Make sure that Launch AVG Anti-Spyware is checked.
  • On the main screen under Your Computer's security
    • Click on Change state next to Resident shield. It should now change to inactive.
    • Click on Change state next to Automatic updates. It should now change to inactive.
    • Next to Last Update, click on Update now. (You will need an active internet connection to perform this)
    • Wait until you see the Update succesfull message.
  • Right-click the AVG Anti-Spyware Tray Icon and uncheck Start with Windows.
  • Right-click the AVG Anti-Spyware Tray Icon and select Exit.
  • Confirm by clicking Yes.
If you are having problems with the updater, you can use this link to manually update AVG Anti-spyware.
AVG Anti-Spyware manual updates.
Download the Full database to your Desktop or to your usual Download Folder and install it by double clicking the file. Make sure that AVG Anti-Spyware is closed before installing the update.

Reboot your computer in Safe Mode.
  • If the computer is running, shut down Windows, and then turn off the power.
  • Wait 30 seconds, and then turn the computer on.
  • Start tapping the F8 key. The Windows Advanced Options Menu appears. If you begin tapping the F8 key too soon, some computers display a "keyboard error" message. To resolve this, restart the computer and try again.
  • Ensure that the Safe Mode option is selected.
  • Press Enter. The computer then begins to start in Safe mode.
  • Login on your usual account.

Close ALL open Windows / Programs / Folders. Please start AVG Anti-Spyware and run a full scan.
  • Click on Scanner on the toolbar.
  • Click on the Settings tab.
    • Under How to act?
      • Click on Recommended Action and choose Quarantine from the popup menu.
    • Under How to scan?
      • All checkboxes should be ticked.
    • Under Possibly unwanted software:
      • All checkboxes should be ticked.
    • Under Reports:
      • Select Automatically generate report after every scan and uncheck Only if threats were found.
    • Under What to scan?
      • Select Scan every file.
  • Click on the Scan tab.
  • Click on Complete System Scan to start the scan process.
  • Let the program scan the machine.
  • When the scan has finished, follow the instructions below.
    IMPORTANT : Don't click on the "Save Scan Report" button before you did hit the "Apply all Actions" button.
    • Make sure that Set all elements to: shows Quarantine (1), if not click on the link and choose Quarantine from the popup menu. (2)
    • At the bottom of the window click on the Apply all Actions button. (3)
      Posted Image
  • When done, click the Save Scan Report button. (4)
    • Click the Save Report as button.
    • Save the report to your Desktop.
  • Right-click the AVG Anti-Spyware Tray Icon and select Exit. Confirm by clicking Yes.
Reboot in Normal Mode.

Please post:
  • AVG Anti-spyware log
  • A new HijackThis log
Your may need several replies to post the requested logs, otherwise they might get cut off.
Posted Image

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#3 milco


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Posted 12 March 2007 - 09:55 PM

thank you so much, already can fell the deference, by the way avg is excellent. here are the logs:

AVG Anti-Spyware - Scan Report

+ Created at: 11:27:13 PM 3/12/2007

+ Scan result:

C:\System Volume Information\_restore{D5341F9C-33F7-43CF-8BD2-1AE937C9BA1B}\RP185\A0059409.exe -> Adware.SpywareRem : Cleaned.
:mozilla.72:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Adbrite : Cleaned.
:mozilla.73:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Adbrite : Cleaned.
:mozilla.74:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Adbrite : Cleaned.
:mozilla.75:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Adrevolver : Cleaned.
:mozilla.76:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Adrevolver : Cleaned.
:mozilla.77:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Adrevolver : Cleaned.
:mozilla.78:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Adrevolver : Cleaned.
:mozilla.79:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Adrevolver : Cleaned.
:mozilla.80:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Adrevolver : Cleaned.
:mozilla.163:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Clickbank : Cleaned.
:mozilla.81:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Clickhype : Cleaned.
:mozilla.82:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Clickhype : Cleaned.
:mozilla.48:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Com : Cleaned.
:mozilla.44:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Cpvfeed : Cleaned.
:mozilla.45:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Cpvfeed : Cleaned.
:mozilla.46:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Cpvfeed : Cleaned.
:mozilla.47:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Cpvfeed : Cleaned.
:mozilla.31:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Falkag : Cleaned.
:mozilla.32:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Falkag : Cleaned.
:mozilla.33:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Falkag : Cleaned.
:mozilla.34:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Falkag : Cleaned.
:mozilla.35:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Falkag : Cleaned.
:mozilla.36:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Falkag : Cleaned.
:mozilla.165:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Googleadservices : Cleaned.
:mozilla.179:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Googleadservices : Cleaned.
:mozilla.171:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Ivwbox : Cleaned.
:mozilla.101:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Liveperson : Cleaned.
:mozilla.102:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Liveperson : Cleaned.
:mozilla.103:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Liveperson : Cleaned.
:mozilla.104:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Liveperson : Cleaned.
:mozilla.217:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Onestat : Cleaned.
:mozilla.218:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Onestat : Cleaned.
:mozilla.147:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies-1.txt -> TrackingCookie.Realmedia : Cleaned.
:mozilla.148:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies-1.txt -> TrackingCookie.Realmedia : Cleaned.
:mozilla.153:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies-2.txt -> TrackingCookie.Realmedia : Cleaned.
:mozilla.154:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies-2.txt -> TrackingCookie.Realmedia : Cleaned.
:mozilla.171:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies-3.txt -> TrackingCookie.Realmedia : Cleaned.
:mozilla.172:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies-3.txt -> TrackingCookie.Realmedia : Cleaned.
:mozilla.11:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Revsci : Cleaned.
:mozilla.124:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies-2.txt -> TrackingCookie.Revsci : Cleaned.
:mozilla.125:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies-2.txt -> TrackingCookie.Revsci : Cleaned.
:mozilla.12:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Revsci : Cleaned.
:mozilla.13:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Revsci : Cleaned.
:mozilla.14:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Revsci : Cleaned.
:mozilla.153:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Revsci : Cleaned.
:mozilla.15:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Revsci : Cleaned.
:mozilla.16:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Revsci : Cleaned.
:mozilla.28:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies-3.txt -> TrackingCookie.Revsci : Cleaned.
:mozilla.40:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies-3.txt -> TrackingCookie.Revsci : Cleaned.
:mozilla.97:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies-1.txt -> TrackingCookie.Revsci : Cleaned.
:mozilla.98:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies-1.txt -> TrackingCookie.Revsci : Cleaned.
:mozilla.178:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Statcounter : Cleaned.
:mozilla.28:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Tacoda : Cleaned.
:mozilla.29:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Tacoda : Cleaned.
:mozilla.30:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Tacoda : Cleaned.
:mozilla.212:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Yadro : Cleaned.
:mozilla.216:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Yadro : Cleaned.
:mozilla.38:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Yieldmanager : Cleaned.
:mozilla.39:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Yieldmanager : Cleaned.
:mozilla.25:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Zedo : Cleaned.
:mozilla.26:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Zedo : Cleaned.
:mozilla.27:C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5u43fo8x.default\cookies.txt -> TrackingCookie.Zedo : Cleaned.

::Report end

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 11:46:13 PM, on 3/12/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16414)

Running processes:
C:\Program Files\Ashampoo\Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2\bin\aDefragService.exe
C:\Program Files\Ashampoo\Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2\bin\defragActivityMonitor.exe
C:\Program Files\Common Files\LightScribe\LSSrvc.exe
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VS7DEBUG\MDM.EXE
C:\Program Files\Eset\nod32krn.exe
C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Shared\hpqwmiex.exe
C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel\atiptaxx.exe
C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe
C:\Program Files\HP\QuickPlay\QPService.exe
C:\Program Files\HPQ\Quick Launch Buttons\EabServr.exe
C:\Program Files\hpq\HP Wireless Assistant\HP Wireless Assistant.exe
C:\Program Files\HP\HP Software Update\HPWuSchd2.exe
C:\Program Files\Zone Labs\ZoneAlarm\zlclient.exe
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_10\bin\jusched.exe
C:\Program Files\Eset\nod32kui.exe
C:\Program Files\Ashampoo\Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2\bin\defragTaskBar.exe
C:\Program Files\PowerISO\PWRISOVM.EXE
C:\Program Files\YourWare Solutions\FreeRAM XP Pro\FreeRAM XP Pro.exe
C:\Documents and Settings\Ane\My Documents\Unzipped\hijackthis\HijackThis.exe

R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = http://www.yahoo.com/
R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = http://go.microsoft....k/?LinkId=69157
R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Search_URL = http://go.microsoft....k/?LinkId=54896
R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = http://go.microsoft....k/?LinkId=54896
R0 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = http://go.microsoft....k/?LinkId=69157
R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Connection Wizard,ShellNext = http://ie.redirect.h...a...o&pf=laptop
O3 - Toolbar: McAfee SiteAdvisor - {0BF43445-2F28-4351-9252-17FE6E806AA0} - C:\Program Files\SiteAdvisor\4608\SiteAdv.dll
O3 - Toolbar: &RoboForm - {724d43a0-0d85-11d4-9908-00400523e39a} - C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\roboform.dll
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ATIPTA] "C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel\atiptaxx.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SynTPEnh] C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [QPService] "C:\Program Files\HP\QuickPlay\QPService.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [eabconfg.cpl] C:\Program Files\HPQ\Quick Launch Buttons\EabServr.exe /Start
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [RecGuard] C:\Windows\SMINST\RecGuard.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [hpWirelessAssistant] C:\Program Files\hpq\HP Wireless Assistant\HP Wireless Assistant.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ISUSScheduler] "C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\UpdateService\issch.exe" -start
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HP Software Update] C:\Program Files\HP\HP Software Update\HPWuSchd2.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Zone Labs Client] "C:\Program Files\Zone Labs\ZoneAlarm\zlclient.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SunJavaUpdateSched] "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_10\bin\jusched.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [NeroFilterCheck] C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\Lib\NeroCheck.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [nod32kui] "C:\Program Files\Eset\nod32kui.exe" /WAITSERVICE
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [DefragTaskBar] "C:\Program Files\Ashampoo\Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2\bin\defragTaskBar.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [PWRISOVM.EXE] C:\Program Files\PowerISO\PWRISOVM.EXE
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [!AVG Anti-Spyware] "C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5\avgas.exe" /minimized
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [ctfmon.exe] C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [FreeRAM XP] "C:\Program Files\YourWare Solutions\FreeRAM XP Pro\FreeRAM XP Pro.exe" -win
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [updateMgr] "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\AdobeUpdateManager.exe" AcRdB7_0_9 -reboot 1
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [Pando] "C:\Program Files\Pando Networks\Pando\Pando.exe" /Minimized
O4 - Global Startup: Adobe Reader Speed Launch.lnk = C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\reader_sl.exe
O8 - Extra context menu item: Customize Menu - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComCustomizeIEMenu.html
O8 - Extra context menu item: E&xport to Microsoft Excel - res://C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~4\OFFICE11\EXCEL.EXE/3000
O8 - Extra context menu item: Fill Forms - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComFillForms.html
O8 - Extra context menu item: RoboForm Toolbar - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComShowToolbar.html
O8 - Extra context menu item: Save Forms - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComSavePass.html
O8 - Extra context menu item: Save to &Xdrive - res://C:\Program Files\Xdrive\Xdrive Desktop\xdrive.exe/std.html
O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608501} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_10\bin\ssv.dll
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Sun Java Console - {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608501} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_10\bin\ssv.dll
O9 - Extra button: Fill Forms - {320AF880-6646-11D3-ABEE-C5DBF3571F46} - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComFillForms.html
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Fill Forms - {320AF880-6646-11D3-ABEE-C5DBF3571F46} - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComFillForms.html
O9 - Extra button: Save - {320AF880-6646-11D3-ABEE-C5DBF3571F49} - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComSavePass.html
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Save Forms - {320AF880-6646-11D3-ABEE-C5DBF3571F49} - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComSavePass.html
O9 - Extra button: RoboForm - {724d43aa-0d85-11d4-9908-00400523e39a} - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComShowToolbar.html
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: RoboForm Toolbar - {724d43aa-0d85-11d4-9908-00400523e39a} - file://C:\Program Files\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboFormComShowToolbar.html
O9 - Extra button: Research - {92780B25-18CC-41C8-B9BE-3C9C571A8263} - C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~4\OFFICE11\REFIEBAR.DLL
O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {e2e2dd38-d088-4134-82b7-f2ba38496583} - %windir%\Network Diagnostic\xpnetdiag.exe (file missing)
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: @xpsp3res.dll,-20001 - {e2e2dd38-d088-4134-82b7-f2ba38496583} - %windir%\Network Diagnostic\xpnetdiag.exe (file missing)
O9 - Extra button: Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Windows Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
O11 - Options group: [INTERNATIONAL] International*
O14 - IERESET.INF: START_PAGE_URL=http://ie.redirect.hp.com/svs/rdr?TYPE=3&tp=iehome&locale=EN_US&c=Q106&bd=presario&pf=laptop
O16 - DPF: {30528230-99F7-4BB4-88D8-FA1D4F56A2AB} (YInstStarter Class) - http://us.dl1.yimg.c...nst_current.cab
O16 - DPF: {406B5949-7190-4245-91A9-30A17DE16AD0} (Snapfish Activia) - http://www1.snapfish...fishActivia.cab
O16 - DPF: {6E32070A-766D-4EE6-879C-DC1FA91D2FC3} (MUWebControl Class) - http://update.micros...b?1160918678906
O16 - DPF: {D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000} (Shockwave Flash Object) - http://fpdownload2.m...ash/swflash.cab
O18 - Protocol: livecall - {828030A1-22C1-4009-854F-8E305202313F} - C:\PROGRA~1\MSNMES~1\MSGRAP~1.DLL
O18 - Protocol: msnim - {828030A1-22C1-4009-854F-8E305202313F} - C:\PROGRA~1\MSNMES~1\MSGRAP~1.DLL
O18 - Protocol: siteadvisor - {3A5DC592-7723-4EAA-9EE6-AF4222BCF879} - C:\Program Files\SiteAdvisor\4608\SiteAdv.dll
O20 - Winlogon Notify: WgaLogon - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WgaLogon.dll
O23 - Service: AshampooDefragService - - C:\Program Files\Ashampoo\Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2\bin\aDefragService.exe
O23 - Service: Ati HotKey Poller - ATI Technologies Inc. - C:\WINDOWS\system32\Ati2evxx.exe
O23 - Service: Automatic LiveUpdate Scheduler - Unknown owner - C:\Program Files\Symantec\LiveUpdate\ALUSchedulerSvc.exe (file missing)
O23 - Service: AVG Anti-Spyware Guard - Anti-Malware Development a.s. - C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5\guard.exe
O23 - Service: hpqwmiex - Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. - C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Shared\hpqwmiex.exe
O23 - Service: InstallDriver Table Manager (IDriverT) - Macrovision Corporation - C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Driver\11\Intel 32\IDriverT.exe
O23 - Service: iPod Service - Apple Computer, Inc. - C:\Program Files\iPod\bin\iPodService.exe
O23 - Service: Kodak Camera Connection Software (KodakCCS) - Eastman Kodak Company - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\KodakCCS.exe
O23 - Service: LightScribeService Direct Disc Labeling Service (LightScribeService) - Hewlett-Packard Company - C:\Program Files\Common Files\LightScribe\LSSrvc.exe
O23 - Service: LiveUpdate - Unknown owner - C:\PROGRA~1\Symantec\LIVEUP~1\LUCOMS~1.EXE (file missing)
O23 - Service: Norton AntiVirus Auto-Protect Service (navapsvc) - Unknown owner - c:\Program Files\Norton Internet Security\Norton AntiVirus\navapsvc.exe (file missing)
O23 - Service: NBService - Nero AG - C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero BackItUp\NBService.exe
O23 - Service: NOD32 Kernel Service (NOD32krn) - Eset - C:\Program Files\Eset\nod32krn.exe
O23 - Service: Pml Driver HPZ12 - HP - C:\WINDOWS\system32\HPZipm12.exe
O23 - Service: TrueVector Internet Monitor (vsmon) - Zone Labs, LLC - C:\WINDOWS\system32\ZoneLabs\vsmon.exe

#4 Susan528



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Posted 14 March 2007 - 01:01 PM

Hi milco,

Glad your computer is running better. Your logs appear to be clean. If you are having any other problems please reply. Otherwise here are some recommendations to stay clean. You do need to update your Java so be sure to do that please.



Stay up to date on security patches and be extremely wary of clicking on links and attachments that arrive unbidden in instant messages and e-mail.

"The number one thing the majority of the malicious code we're seeing now does is disable or delete anti-virus and other security software," Dunham said. "In a lot of cases, once the user clicks on that attachment, it's already too late."

Now that you are clean, please follow these simple steps in order to keep your computer clean and secure:
  • Use an AntiVirus Software - It is very important that your computer has an anti-virus software running on your machine. This alone can save you a lot of trouble with malware in the future.

    See this link for a listing of some online & their stand-alone antivirus programs:
    Virus, Spyware, and Malware Protection and Removal Resources

  • Update your AntiVirus Software - It is imperative that you update your Antivirus software at least once a week (Even more if you wish). If you do not update your antivirus software then it will not be able to catch any of the new variants that may come out.

  • Visit Microsoft's Update Site Frequently - It is important that you visit Windows Updates regularly. This will ensure your computer has always the latest security updates available installed on your computer. If there are new updates to install, install them immediately, reboot your computer, and revisit the site until there are no more critical updates.

  • Install Spybot - Search and Destroy - Install and download Spybot - Search and Destroy with its TeaTimer option. This will provide realtime spyware & hijacker protection on your computer alongside your virus protection. You should also scan your computer with program on a regular basis just as you would an antivirus software.
    A tutorial on installing & using this product can be found here:
    Using Spybot - Search & Destroy to remove Spyware , Malware, and Hijackers

  • Install Ad-Aware - Install and download Ad-Aware. ou should also scan your computer with program on a regular basis just as you would an antivirus software in conjunction with Spybot.
    A tutorial on installing & using this product can be found here:
    Using Ad-aware to remove Spyware, Malware, & Hijackers from Your Computer

  • Install SpywareBlaster - SpywareBlaster will added a large list of programs and sites into your Internet Explorer settings that will protect you from running and downloading known malicious programs.
    A tutorial on installing & using this product can be found here:
    Using SpywareBlaster to protect your computer from Spyware and Malware

  • Updating Java
    • Download the latest version of Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6.0.
    • Scroll down to where it says "The J2SE Runtime Environment (JRE) allows end-users to run Java applications".
    • Click the "Download" button to the right.
    • Check the box that says: "Accept License Agreement".
    • The page will refresh.
    • Click on the link to download Windows Offline Installation with or without Multi-language and save to your desktop.
    • Close any programs you may have running - especially your web browser.
    • Go to Start > Control Panel double-click on Add/Remove programs and remove all older versions of Java.
    • Check any item with Java Runtime Environment (JRE or J2SE) in the name.
    • Click the Remove or Change/Remove button.
    • Repeat as many times as necessary to remove each Java versions.
    • Reboot your computer once all Java components are removed.
    • Then from your desktop double-click on jre-6-windows-i586.exe to install the newest version.
  • Update all these programs regularly - Make sure you update all the programs I have listed regularly. Without regular updates you WILL NOT be protected when new malicious programs are released.

  • More info on how to prevent malware you can also find here (By Tony Klein)
Follow this list and your potential for being infected again will reduce dramatically.

Thank you for allowing me to assist you.

Posted Image

Proud member of ASAP since 2005

The help you receive here is free. If you wish to show your appreciation, then you may donate to help keep us online.

Want to help others? Come join us in the Class Room and learn how.

#5 Susan528



  • Authentic Member
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Posted 19 March 2007 - 11:31 PM

Glad we could be of assistance. This topic is now closed. If you wish it reopened, please send us an email (Click for address) with a link to your thread.

Do not bother contacting us if you are not the topic starter. A valid, working link to the closed topic is required along with the user name used. If the user name does not match the one in the thread linked, the email will be deleted.
Make sure you use proper prevention to keep from having problems occur to your computer in the future.

Coyote's Installed programs for prevention:


The help you receive here is free. If you wish to show your appreciation, then you may donate to help keep us online.

Visit the CoyoteStore http://TomCoyote.org/coyotestore.php
Posted Image

Proud member of ASAP since 2005

The help you receive here is free. If you wish to show your appreciation, then you may donate to help keep us online.

Want to help others? Come join us in the Class Room and learn how.

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