I am really hoping someone can help me w/this soon! as I am on a dialup connection on aol and have spent many hours trying to fix this and its over my head

Recently, one of my microsoft updates said to download and install the new Internet Explorer 7.0 update so I did.
Not too long after that, i discovered that when using MIcrosoft Word (2002) the eggtimer was on and Microsoft would NOT paste any of the data i was trying to copy/paste of/in Yahoo groups while on IE. The only other change around this same time was I unfortunately downloaded and tried to install Adobe Acrobat so i dont know if the root of the problem is adobe or IE, im thinking its IE.
The error message I got from Microsoft came in a box called End Program. Doc 2 Microsoft Word
“This program is not responding. If you choose to end the program immediately, you’ll lose unsaved data. To end the program now, click end now or cancel.”
“Microsfot Word has encountered a program and needs to close”
I sent an error report to MIcrosoft by using the Office Application Error Reporting tool and did not hear back from them. This year I paid them $160 about for a legit copy of Windows and i dont feel like paying the $35 fee for email support as ive emailed them before w/not good followthrough

I followed their insturctions to search their knowledge base articles to no avail.
Here is the error siganture address that describes the error that occurred:
AppName: winword.exe AppVer: 10.0.4109.0 ModName: mso.dll
ModVer: 10.0.3501.0 Offset: 0001c371 Error Message
To compound the problem, On Dec 17, 2006 I got a warning message when I clicked on Yahoo Messenger from Panda Titanium 2006 (my AV)
Warning: Intrusion attempt blocked (browser hijacker type attack) An attempt to modify the settings of you
r Internet browser has been detected" !!
but the Panda box didnt say what to do about it.
On December 23, 2006 when panda tried to do an update, a box popped up a few times daying: " Update canceled!
The user id entered in the updates settings is incorrect.
Check the user name and password entered in the updates settings."
But I checked on the panda updates settings page and it said username and password correct/ id details were correct.
Each time I click on something to get help in the Panda box it tries to access the Pada webpate through IE and then a Panda box pops up saying something like an intrustion attempt has been blocked and each time IE could not display the webpage

I studied Pandas instructions to configure updates as i couldnt get it to update successfully auto and it said: "Check that the Internet Explorer settings do not interfere with the process. :
Click on the Security tab and click on the Custom Level... button under Internet.
In User Authentication, Logon, check that the Automatic logon only in Intranet zone or Prompt for user name and password checkbox is enabled."
So I did the above so "Prompt for username and password checkbox"is checkmarked/ enabled.
Was that safe for me to do? I updated it manually and it said it Titanium 2006 updated correctly.
But I'm worried that something is awfully wrong and my securtiy/settings are threatened w/IE 7.0 and now i regret downloading/installing it!
Is there another way I can access my Yahoo inbox to copy/paste my 400+ posts w/microsoft word and not do that through IE??
I say that becuase MIcrosoft Word is letting me copy/paste when I"m not on IE.
Here is my Hijack this Header:
Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 10:03:55 PM, on 12/23/2006
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.5730.0011)
I'd greatly apprecate any help! thanks, Safira