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Orange screen when connected to external monitor

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#1 solo58


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Posted 01 April 2023 - 10:12 AM


I'm not sure this is an MS problem or a malware problem.  

My lenovo Flex 6 Ideapad has been working great for 2 years until this week, when the screen on both the laptop and an external LG monitor added an orange tint.  When I disconnected the monitor and restarted the laptop, the orange tint goes away.  When I connected to another monitor the tint reappears.  I've upgraded the graphics card driver (AMD) and I'm still seeing the problem.  So long as the laptop is not connected to the monitor, it functions fine. 

I tried to run malwarebytes...but it wouldn't come up.  So I've revouninstalled it for now. I've attached the FRST and the Addition txt files as you've instructed. 

Thank you. 




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#2 solo58


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Posted 04 April 2023 - 05:47 AM

Any thoughts on what could be the problem?

...Also, all of a sudden, when I open a new google doc in Chrome...it opens in Bing...I've set the default to Chrome in the Chrome settings but that doesn't seem to help.  

I've run malwarebytes (should I be using something else?) and isolated four issues...but I still have the problem.   

Interesting...yesterday, the laptop/monitor worked fine all day...then turned orange in the evening...

When I disconnected the separate monitor and restarted the laptop, the Orange tint went away...when I re-connected the monitor the orange tint slowly re-appeared...

So I disconnected the monitor again for the rest of the night. 

This morning...I reconnected the monitor...there's no problem.  It's like it "gets tired" 

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