Ever since installing Win10 my diagnostic tools have been reporting an 'Unknown device' - I've had it uninstalled and disabled many times.
But, it keeps coming back after every boot, sleep and hibernate. Some data: 'drivers not installed (Code 28)' - no drivers found on the i-net either,
'Install Error E 0000228', 'In root container <true>', 'Device Instance Path: ACPI\SNYA008\4&392C9499&0', 'Capabilities: 00000020, CM_DEVCAP_SILENTINSTALL'.
[Classroom Teacher ken545 (in another thread):
'That unknown device looks like it pointing to Sony Wireless.
This is what i would do, post in our Windows forum, this forum is for malware removal only, they would be the guys to help you with the Unknown device error. https://forums.whatt...p?showforum=119 <----Post here']
What to do about it?
Edited by Ql33P, 18 June 2017 - 12:26 PM.