Hi all,
I have a recurring problem of either bluescreen or else that white text on black "I/O device errors..." usually during some critical piece of text editing, natch. I run Windows 7.
I have snooped around in the BIOS (American Megatrends) and there are a couple of things that don't seem to stack up and I'm wondering whether the machine just can't find the drives in the "right" places.
The boot option priorities are
Boot option #1 P4: (followed by the DVD drive spec)
Boot option #2 P5: (followed by HDD spec)
When the machine is booting up, it reports a line of text
"Detected ATA/ATAPI devices...
Port 3 (reports dvd spec)
then it either a) gives the black screen from which there's no way back, only switch off and try again - or
B) reports "Port 4 (followed by HDD spec) in which case it goes on to start Windows normally
My question is: is there a discrepancy between the boot options and the ports that the machine is actually using? If so is it "fatal" so to speak? And could it cause the crashes/bluescreens that I get inexplicably and without warning halfway through a session or, more worryingly, some vital piece of work with a swine of a deadline? If it's not a likely cause, can anyone suggest another possible way to eradicate this troublesome thing?
I have tried to find a way to edit the BIOS and the ports that it looks for during boot up, but no joy.
You can probably tell I'm a neo here, but this is what the forum's for I guess.
It might take a few passes to get to the nub of the problem, but I'd really appreciate some advice
Thanks very much and good evening - I'll be stopping by again shortly to see if there's any thoughts.