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what is activex

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#1 vijay.gupta


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Posted 25 August 2012 - 09:07 PM

can anyone please let me know what is activex?
I already gone through wikipedia but did not get it. can someone please explain it in simple language?



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#2 paws


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Posted 26 August 2012 - 06:40 AM

Hi Vijay.
Here is the briefest definition I could find....
Hope it helps
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#3 vijay.gupta


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Posted 26 August 2012 - 07:34 AM

Thanks paws.
"Some websites require you to install ActiveX controls to see the site or perform certain tasks on it. When you visit such a site, Windows Internet Explorer asks if you want to install the ActiveX control."
So, does this mean that if you visit such site on Firefox or any browser other than IE, then it will not ask to install ActiveX control?

"they can help with tasks such as installing security updates at Microsoft Update."
why any site require you to install Microsoft Update before viewing the site?

"They can enhance your browsing experience by allowing animation"
why any site on the internet require these controls to allow animation?


#4 paws


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Posted 26 August 2012 - 08:20 AM

If a website asks you to accept an Active X control then I would think carefully before saying YES...... Before you accept any Active X control consider three things:

1 The benefit to you of Accepting the Active X control...... eg being able to access a particular website and its features.
2 Do you trust the website concerned...if you have any doubts then do not accept the Active X control
3 The risks of accepting an Active X control
Note An Active X control is Microsoft Technology

The point about Microsoft or Windows update using an Active X control is that to use the update service from them you will need to install or allow the installation of the Active X control...(otherwise you won't be able to use the Windows update site)
I trust the Microsoft Update website and therefore have no problem in accepting an Active X control from them...but I do check that I am actually on the official Microsoft Update website and not a fake or replica site!

When determining memory requirements for a computer (either my own, or a customers') I often use the Crucial.com website and use their scanner to scan the computer concerned, identify the memory specifications necessary for compatibility, and get an idea of the price of the recommended memory upgrade...... The Crucial.com scanner will ask me to accept an Active X control to perform the scan..... I trust Crucial.com and as with the Microsoft Update site have no problem with accepting an Active X control for the purposes stated.

The above are examples where I'm happy to accept an Active X control there are many others, but a key point is Number 2 above....Do you trust the website concerned?
To look at some of the perceived risks take a look here:

I hope this helps
To sum up if in doubt dont accept an ActiveX control ..... you may not get the full fuctionallity from a website but you will add to your safety.

Edited by paws, 26 August 2012 - 01:55 PM.
typo corrected

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#5 inzanity



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 07:15 PM

Hi, To add into what paws said. Some sites require you install active x because some parts of those sites like clicking a button, running animations, etc are built upon active x. Without those, one can't navigate properly on said website that do use active x.

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#6 dexcowork


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Posted 25 June 2024 - 03:12 AM

ActiveX is a framework developed by Microsoft that allows software components to interact in various network environments, especially over the Internet. It is widely used to embed and run content in web browsers and applications, enabling interactive features such as video playback, forms, and data sharing. However, security concerns have limited its widespread use.

#7 dasun


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Posted 25 January 2025 - 07:52 PM

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