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Will S-Video Cable Get Me Audio and Video?

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Posted 07 April 2012 - 01:31 PM

Before ordering-I want to be sure that if I connect S-Video Cable from my HD DVD Cable Box (Explorer 8300 HDC) to my separate Toshiba DVR/VCR combo I will then be able to record/tape from Cable Box to DVR getting full audio and video.Not vital that I can record to Video Disk in Hi-Def a clear picture with good sound will suffice.

The connections simply say "Video out" (from Cable Box) to "Video in" I want to be sure I will get audio too.

Thanks for response.

Edit by paws: Email address removed.....its not a good idea to post your email address in an open forum.....too many spammers may add it to their lists!

Edited by paws, 07 April 2012 - 03:18 PM.


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#2 8210GUY



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Posted 07 April 2012 - 02:43 PM

The short answer is No, it only transfers video signal, not audio, you would also need a separate audio feed to complement this if going for that choice, there is a dedicated digital audio output on the back of the DVR, or you could use Phono connectors, but all this depends on what connections you have on the Toshiba, without a model number I don't know what you have to work with, but if you have an HDMI connection on the Toshiba then this is the best option, if you want to mention the model of this I can try and see what the options would be for connecting them together, but the cable you are asking will not do what you want alone.




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Posted 08 April 2012 - 12:57 PM

8210 Guy..thanks for your feedback. My Toshiba DVD Video Recorder/Video Cassette Recorder Combo Device is model number DVR670KU. It pretty much worked from my previous Cable Box perfectly record to disk and tape, play from each. When I upgraded to Comcast's own HD DVR Cable Box I insisted that I not lose my ability to continue to record (at my option) to my own separate device (the Toshiba) and the installer assured me he would hook it up that way. He then said whoops I need an S-Video cable (he did not have that). Everything else is hooked-up/connnected fine using HDMI (which the Toshiba too seems too accept). Some parts of the hook-up involved the use of component(?) red yellow white cables. The only thing I cannot yet do is the major thing I asked Comcast to be sure I would continue to be able to do after they "upgraded" me by switching my Cable box to the "new" one (the HD DVR Box). Again thanks for any help, I just want to be able to record all cahnnels on the new Cable Box to Video Disk with decent sound and picture (no need for HD but that would be nice, just not mandatory). Happy holidays to all.

#4 8210GUY



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Posted 08 April 2012 - 04:34 PM

Right looking at what I can find your best result will be using Phono connections, others may know better having more knowledge of that equipment, but looking at the input\output options on each device, using Phono leads will give the best result, as they will have a superior quality than S-Video that I can make out, but you will need a set of 3 leads (R/G/B), and a pair of audio leads, then connect to the Video\Audio out on the Cable box, and connect to the Video\Audio in on the DVR, the attached pic shows the leads outputting from the back of your cable box, you need to ensure you use input jacks on the DVR, they should be clearly marked from what I can see, hope this helps.


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