Download and install ContextEdit to add a new entry to the Windows Explorer Context (right click) menu. It calls a batch file (.bat) that creates a list of all the files in a folder and writes it to a file in the default temp directory, then opens notepad with that file and then deletes the file. Just tested it on my Win 7 Pro X64 system and it works great.
Here is the batch file I use:
dir /a /-p /o:gen %1 >%temp%\GenFileList.txt & notepad %temp%\GenFileList.txt & del %temp%\GenFileList.txt
Above must all be on one line.
If you want just the filename.exe then add the /b switch after the /a, like this:
dir /a /b /-p /o:gen %1 >%temp%\GenFileList.txt & notepad %temp%\GenFileList.txt & del %temp%\GenFileList.txt
Open ContextEdit.
Scroll down to Folder. There may be two of them. If so, select the one that shows Internal name: Folder in the top of the ContextEdit window.
Click the New button.
Call the internal name genfilelist.
You can assign anything you want for the menu name, I used Create File List.
Set the Command line to the path you created GenFileList.bat in, for example:
c:\users\yourname\GenFileList.bat %1
The %1 is critical as that passes the full folder path to the batch file.
Click OK.
Now open Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder you want the file list for. Right click on it and select Create. The list of files will show in a notepad window. There will also be a black Command Prompt window but that will go away when you close the notepad window.
Edited by Ztruker, 07 November 2014 - 06:50 PM.