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Outlook Express

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#1 twins


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Posted 24 October 2009 - 10:21 PM

I can't seem to download my e-mails and I keep getting this message that my username and password is incorrect but I've re-entered them so it can't be wrong. Anything else that I should look at? The error message was as follows: Unable to poll for new messages on your HTTP server. Account: 'Hotmail', Server: 'http://services.msn....il/httpmail.asp' Protocol: HTTPMail, Server Response: 'Forbidden', Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 998, Error Number: 0x800CCC33


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#2 8210GUY



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Posted 25 October 2009 - 06:32 PM

Am I right in thinking your trying to use Hotmail on your PC's email client ?
Assuming I'm right was your account one of the original accounts that allowed PC access ? or was it after they blocked that and newer accounts could only access mail via web access ?

What I suspect is whatever account you have, Hotmail have blocked PC access to they're mail, I believe they have been rolling this out over recent months, I couldn't access my mail for a few days (I have an original account with PC access), initially I thought they were just having issues, but looked into it when it didn't resolve, and what I found is they have changed the details to check the mail from the PC, if this is whats happened to you it's an easy fix.

Basically you need to edit the account, or create a new account depending if it will allow changing of the HTTP protocol (I assume you simply selected Hotmail as opposed to pop or anything ?), and what you need to do is as follows, enter everything as normal, BUT, when you get to the account details where you select pop etc, select pop as the medium to use, and in the pop address box enter the following:-


Now in the SMTP box enter the following:-


When you reach the advanced options you need to do the following, for the incoming\pop setting you need to tell it to use port 995 (obviously checking the box), then for the outgoing\SMTP you need to select port 25 (again checking the box), AND, you have to check the box for "My SMTP server requires authentication" then check use same settings as incoming etc, IIRC the pop port is the default anyway, but the SMTP you will have to type in hope the details haven't changed since I last set this up, haven't sent mail from my Hotmail for quite a while now, so hopefully this will get you sorted, if not let me know and I will check again.


#3 twins


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Posted 27 October 2009 - 02:26 AM

I've adjusted the settings but I still couldn't download the mail. I got this message instead: The connection to the server has failed. Account: 'Hotmail (1)', Server: 'pop.live.com', Protocol: POP3, Port: 995, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

#4 8210GUY



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Posted 27 October 2009 - 06:14 PM

Sorry for a slow reply, got so much on lately, anyway, who is your isp ? I ask as searches of that error say it's an easy fix just to use port 25, but if you did it as I said above port 25 should already be set, the posts I saw in this instance suggested the persons isp may have blocked that port, could this be possible here ? Also how did you do this, edit the original or create a new account ? Might be worth creating a new account from scratch, using the above settings that is, it may be a weird bug blocking a successful edit assuming thats what you have tried, if so try this and see if it works.


#5 twins


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Posted 28 October 2009 - 01:36 AM

Actually the internet I'm using uses a proxy which I have to enter my authorization before using the internet and I've already checked the settings but I still can't get it to download. I'll try again when I get access to a "normal" internet line.

#6 8210GUY



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Posted 28 October 2009 - 04:47 AM

I assume web mail works OK ? Also is it 1 way only ? eg can you send but not receive ? or vice versa ?


#7 twins


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Posted 28 October 2009 - 06:45 AM

Web mail as in the one through a browser. If so, then yes. And I can't send nor receive mail through outlook.

#8 8210GUY



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Posted 28 October 2009 - 03:02 PM

Yes web mail is via your browser, so that proves the account is active, it's just figuring out whats blocking you, stupid question time, you have checked you haven't blocked your access via firewall or similar by chance ?


#9 twins


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Posted 28 October 2009 - 10:53 PM

I've already checked and nothing is blocking the outlook express.I tried just now and could only download the mails in my inbox. Is this right? Because I also want the mails in the hotmail folders to be downloaded too.

#10 paws


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Posted 29 October 2009 - 03:01 AM

Hi twins,
Yes the system has recently changed with hotmail.......
You will still be able to access your OE folders through webmail but only the Inbox etc through OE.( using POP3)
Your inbox will now include your hotmail account and any other accounts you have (same for the "Sent" folder and the outbox etc.
More information from here:
If you can download stuff in your Inbox and send new emails satisfactorily then it is all working OK....any other folders you have been using in your hotmail ..just access via webmail.
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#11 twins


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Posted 30 October 2009 - 02:23 AM

Ok. My reason for using outlook is because I don't always have internet access to read my mail so I have to download my mails to read them. Just asking, about the Microsoft Office Outlook Connector, will it enable me to download my folders?

#12 paws


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Posted 30 October 2009 - 02:33 AM

Hi twins,Just a quick point..your topic is focused on Outlook Express and not Microsoft Office Outlook...... although similar they are not the same! I have not tried to download folders from hotmail via Microsoft Office Outlook, but I think the result would be the same as for Outlook Express Regards paws
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#13 twins


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Posted 30 October 2009 - 06:26 AM

Ok. Thanks to everyone for your assistance in this matter.

#14 paws


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Posted 30 October 2009 - 07:12 AM

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#15 8210GUY



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Posted 30 October 2009 - 08:48 AM

Right just made some time to have a play, and I added one of my newer accounts which has a @live Addy, now I don't know if it being a live account has made a difference, but it shows all my folders in Outlook 2007, I can create a new Hotmail account for testing if need be, but to add the account I simply launched Outlook, then select Outlook Connector from the top menu options, add your user name (email) and pass and job done.

If you do not have such an entry you may need to add it, you can download it Here, if your still struggling let me know what @hotmail your using (,com etc) and I will get one and test it here to see if I get anything different.it may well be as per above, but as I have it on mine I can't be sure if it's as simple as an add in required, or as I said above they are rolling it out slowly and I haven't been totally hit by it yet, but can't hurt to look if it is as simple as an add in.


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