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ESET Add-In Error Message

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#1 Troy


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Posted 06 June 2009 - 05:03 AM

Hi folks, it's time I had a problem of my own to fix. I recently had a trial of Nod32 antivirus program, and overall was reasonably impressed but there were a few niggling issues that lead me to uninstall the program. Now, every time I open Outlook I receive the following error message: Eset_Outlook_Plugin.jpg When I open the Trust Centre and select Add-Ins, lo and behold there is no ESET plugin to remove. :pullhair: Further to this, I have completely uninstalled all ESET software off my system and run the removal tool also. I would rather build a new computer or replace a faulty motherboard than waste my time with problems like this, but unfortunately it's not going away any time soon, so I'm going to need to learn something here. :P Just for reference, I am running: Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium SP2 (32-bit) Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate I would appreciate the correct response first go. :rofl: Cheers Troy


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#2 CatByte


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Posted 06 June 2009 - 06:32 AM

I would appreciate the correct response first go

OK - I'll be the first sucker to give it a go - I want bonus points if I get it right:

seems like there is still reference to it in the registry - if you're OK with editing the registry (which I'm sure you are)

check out the paragraph about halfway down:

"To Remove the Registry Entries"


need to edit this key:


(that article is for the old version Office 2000 - but I don't imagine it's different for 2007 )

If you want some help with that (which I don't imagine you will) we can export that key and I can do a fix for you :rofl:



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#3 Troy


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Posted 06 June 2009 - 07:54 AM

I couldn't believe it when I found an ESET key at that location... I was ready to hand you the award then and there...

But sorry, no. The error is still annoying me, so instead of bonus points, you get bonus negative points. (But kudos for trying).

While I was at it, I also completely deleted the ESET folder under software, but the error still comes up.

So... next! :P

Thanks CatByte :) Woo 3000 posts too, a nice little "milestone".

#4 CatByte


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Posted 06 June 2009 - 08:00 AM

well OK...

I am certainly not giving up that easily.... (no I am NOT stubborn - I'm tenacious - an endearing quality I'm told :rofl: )

I'll do anything for bonus points....

so try this one:

To delete the extend.dat file (Windows Vista):

1. Exit Outlook.

2. Click Start and then click Search. Click Advanced Search in the upper right corner.

3. Select the Include non-indexed, hidden, and system files (might be slow) check box on the left. On the right, type extend.dat in the Name field and click the Search button.

4. In the search results section, right-click on the extend.dat file and click Delete.

NOTE: If Outlook is used by multiple profiles, an extend.dat file exists for each profile. Each extend.dat file must be deleted. By default this file is located in C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Microsoft


(if this works I want a box of chocolates too )

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#5 Troy


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Posted 06 June 2009 - 06:34 PM

Ah yes, I've already deleted the extend.dat file. I tried that and it didn't work, but since then I have tried your suggestion and deleted those ESET registry keys, I thought I'd give it another shot. Maybe this time it would work? Sadly no, my extend.dat file no longer exists! It obviously wasn't rebuilt after deleting it the first time? :scratch: Cheers, awaiting further guesses.

#6 CatByte


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Posted 06 June 2009 - 06:37 PM

Try a reinstall - then a complete uninstall with Revo uninstaller

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#7 Troy


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Posted 06 June 2009 - 07:21 PM

Ouch... I'm hoping to avoid that! Or you mean try Revo Uninstaller to see if it picks up any ESET programs?

#8 SweetTech


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Posted 06 June 2009 - 07:37 PM

I hope you don't mind me jumping in and throwing my two cents in..

@ Troy
Correct me if I'm wrong but you've already gone ahead and uninstalled ESET Nod32 Anti-Virus?

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#9 SweetTech


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Posted 06 June 2009 - 08:02 PM

@ Troy
Have you tried to do the following yet??

In Outlook, click on Tools > Options > Other > Advanced Options > Add-In Manager.
Uncheck "NOD32 Emon" and click 'OK' until you are back in Outlook. This should
resolve that message that you are receiving upon opening Outlook.

I think CatByte was suggesting that you reinstall the ESET Anti-Virus Trial and then uninstall it using Revo Uninstaller.

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#10 Troy


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Posted 06 June 2009 - 10:10 PM

Hi SweetTech, welcome to the show :P Unfortunately, when I follow your directions, I get to the Advanced Options box but there is no "Add-In Manager" there. No_Add_In_Manager.jpg I think I might have it, hold on...


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#11 Troy


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Posted 06 June 2009 - 10:25 PM

When I open the Trust Centre and select Add-Ins, lo and behold there is no ESET plugin to remove. :pullhair:

Actually it is hiding in there, a tiny drop-down menu and a "Go" button hide down the bottom of the box. Here's where I found it:


So, I guess then I get the extra bonus points and the box of chocolates? :notworthy:

Cheers for the extra thoughts!


#12 Doug


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Posted 06 June 2009 - 10:52 PM

Nice work Troy. Better eat those Chocolates at home. If you bring Chocolates to class, you have to bring enough for everyone.
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#13 SweetTech


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Posted 06 June 2009 - 11:14 PM


So, I guess then I get the extra bonus points and the box of chocolates?

Well I think that this was a collaboration between Myself, You, and CatByte. If we didn't all put our ideas together then we wouldn't of been able to help you reach a solution for your issue. and I think we'd have to also share some of the chocolates with Doug; because he is an all and mighty administrator who can perform magic tricks. (a.k.a. make any of us disappear and make a bunny rabbit reappear). I should also remind you of the all so famous kindergarten rule that you learned as a kid and that rule is: "Sharing is Caring".

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#14 Doug


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Posted 06 June 2009 - 11:28 PM

I would never make Troy disappear. :) He's the master of off-topic comments. :thumbup: :popcorn:
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#15 Troy


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Posted 06 June 2009 - 11:42 PM

I would never make Troy disappear. :)
He's the master of off-topic comments offtopicness. :thumbup:


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