SPAM/fraud aimed at credit card users...
- http://community.web...ompromised.aspx
28 Jul 2011 - "Websense... has been monitoring and tracking a recent wave of email attacks being spread and aimed at credit card users and holders. The attack comes in the form of a short email with fairly detailed text alerting the recipient that their credit card has been blocked, and that they should open the attached file to find out more. The format seems old, with the content and attached file properties being the distinctive factor. With the recent attacks and data breaches of organizations in the press, this seems to be worth the buzz as personal details and credit card details were part of the information leaked... There is less the wording within the message body and the header information with regards to sender address or connecting IP's which are listed in this blog post*... The file is also VM-Aware, as the resulting execution of a download for fake AV only works if host based analysis is used (as opposed to a guest virtual machine)..."
- http://labs.m86secur...ansaction-spam/
July 29, 2011
July 29, 2011
Sophisticated injection abuses the Twitter trend service
- http://community.web...nd-service.aspx
27 Jul 2011 - "... Websense... has detected a mass injection campaign that has infected more than 10,000 Web sites. What is surprising is the size of injected code; it’s very big – over 6,000 kbs. Surely such a large injection code can contain a lot of malicious content. The attacker used 5 layers of obfuscated methods to conceal the final redirect code. The redirect target is determined based on Twitter trend services... The redirect target is different every day, and even different at day and at night... The URL redirects customers to the Blackhole Exploit Kit where a rogue AV application will be installed. Below are IP addresses that host the Blackhole Exploit Kit. ..."
Edited by AplusWebMaster, 29 July 2011 - 02:52 PM.