SpyEye's target list - US, UK, Canada, Germany, and Australia now on top
July 26, 2011 - "Research findings from the Trusteer Situation Room and our anomaly detection service Pinpoint indicate that the number of financial institutions targeted by the SpyEye Trojan is growing. In parallel with this, our risk analysis teams have also observed an increase in the number of countries where financial institutions are being targeted by fraudsters using SpyEye. Analyzing the SpyEye command and control centers that our risk analysis team reviews every month revealed that
60% of the SpyEye bots target financial institutions in the US. This is followed by the UK with 53%, Canada with 31%, Germany 29%, and Australia 20%... the percentage of SpyEye bots targeting Canadian banks has more than doubled from 14% in May to 31% in June... SpyEye continues to expand its “hit list”... SpyEye developers appear to have figured how these defenses operate and are now constantly trying to ensure their code activity flies under the radar of these detection systems. SpyEye seems to follow
Agile software development practices, namely it is flexibly and simply coded, and new configurations are being rolled out as quickly as possible by its developers. At certain times, we have even seen
two new versions of the malware released every week... A new version means that the program code itself has been modified, while a new variant is just new packing around the same code...
early versions of the malware included a feature to remove Zeus from an infected host machine. This feature was, of course, in place to ensure that SpyEye is the only financial malware on the infected computer..."
SpyEye Tracker
"... quick statistics about the SpyEye Trojan:
SpyEye C&C servers tracked: 381
SpyEye C&C servers online: 184
SpyEye C&C server with files online: 38
• Average SpyEye binary Antivirus
detection: 26.14% ..."
ZeuS Tracker
"... quick statistics about the ZeuS crimeware:
ZeuS C&C servers tracked: 659
ZeuS C&C servers online: 223
ZeuS C&C servers with files online: 53
ZeuS FakeURLs tracked: 19
ZeuS FakeURLs online: 6
• Average ZeuS binary Antivirus
detection rate: 38.67% ..."
(... as of 2011.08.04)
Edited by AplusWebMaster, 04 August 2011 - 03:32 AM.