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#31 lin0056


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Posted 16 January 2008 - 06:04 PM

sorry for the double post, this one has been edited.

Edited by lin0056, 16 January 2008 - 06:06 PM.


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#32 lin0056


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Posted 16 January 2008 - 06:04 PM

oh i see. umm there wasnt an error message. ill start from the beginning This is a SCHOOL laptop. It is on a network. I do not know the local administrators password, so i log on through the networks password. therefore, when i log into safe mode, i must log into safe mode with networking. i then do that, and after loading the final driver (mup.sys) it just crashes, or sometimes just reboots. i have never been able to log on since this virus. maybe a file or 2 has been corrupted by this virus? im not sure. oh, and also when i left on my holiday, i left my lapptop to my cousin. i think he added a lot of files and games and the such. i'll write a list for you if you like, so you know which files are infected or something. or should i do a hijackthis log? im really sorry if this stuffs up your results

#33 lin0056


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Posted 25 January 2008 - 11:27 PM

hi rip chain, are you still there? if i dont get a reply soon i may reformat my laptop, thanks. Oh and also is there anyone out there that is good with memory issues? My cousin came over last weekend and he installed this game called Maplestory by Nexon America. He says every time he plays there are memory issues, with errors such as this coming up: wuauclt.exe has an error the instruction "0x000000" cannot write to "0x000001" or wmiprvse.exe has suffered an error, the instcution "0x000000" cannot write to "0x000001" sorry if it has not been exact, i have not played the game personally, so this is what came out of my cousin. also, i have google this and people say reformatting won't help this? i need an experts help, thanks.

#34 __RiP_ChAiN_


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Posted 29 January 2008 - 01:26 AM

Hello lin0056 :)

hi rip chain, are you still there?

I have been too busy to log on to my computer recently, let alone reply to logs, especially ones that have gotten as complicated as this one has. I have gotten some free time around once again, and I've come up with the best suggestion I think possible at this point.

Mentioning that this was a school laptop earlier on might have made it a bit easier here, and it would explain all of the extra group policies and restrictions put in place on the laptop. You may be best off just to format the laptop, it's almost impossible to tell whether some of the policies and registry entries set on your computer were setup by the school or by malicious malware. To add to that, it really adds further difficulty to the situation when you can't do basic things, like boot into Safe Mode.

Oh and also is there anyone out there that is good with memory issues?

If you post a specific question related to memory issues in the correct forum here, somebody may be able to help you.
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#35 lin0056


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Posted 29 January 2008 - 04:18 AM

Oh and also is there anyone out there that is good with memory issues?

If you post a specific question related to memory issues in the correct forum here, somebody may be able to help you.

yeh umm well to be specific, sometimes when my computer is being slow, or when someone plays any online games (not including browser games) i get a lot of errors. I've looked for help elsewhere and i recently found somewhere that reformatting my laptop will not help. they said i needed a new processor? and also, i keep crashing when my computer becomes slow, so i'm guessing its because of the memory. im guess the memory cannot handle it and just crashes. its not one of those memory dump crashes, it is one of those crashes where it just turns of straight away without doing anything. so yeh i hope you can help. oh and also today wasn't very hot and i didnt crash once, so i think it is an overheating problem. hope you can help Rip Chain.

#36 __RiP_ChAiN_


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Posted 10 February 2008 - 02:27 PM

My expertise isn't all in the hardware side of computers, if you suspect some hardware is overheating, I suggest you make a new topic about that problem in the appropriate forum, here: http://forums.whatth...dware_f126.html
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#37 lin0056


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Posted 03 March 2008 - 05:31 AM

hi rip chain. this has been inactive for a while. i have already reimaged my computer. i do not crash anymore. my guess is that it isnt as hot around here anymore. (we're just coming out of summer where i live). so yeh thanks for your help. i have bookmarked these forums in case i need help. thanks for your help. please close this topic, and again thanks. bye Rip Chain. say thanks to SNOWHITE for me as well =]

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