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Microsoft Word not responding, Internet Explorer 7.0 trouble, intrusio

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#31 paws


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Posted 17 January 2007 - 04:32 AM

Hi Safira, Dough has asked me to look in here as he is going to be offline for a short while. You have been given so much important and valuable information and advice that you must be beginning to suffer from information overload!! Consequently I don't want to add to the "overload", however before you spend money on buying stuff or any more of your tremendous download marathon's...WOW 13 hours, that really is something! have you ever tried to use the free Word processor that is installed as part of the Windows XP operating system? It might, just might, be worth trying, as its dead easy to use, and if you found that you could do the copy and paste thing by using it, then it would be a useful work around, until Dough or Ax and the other folks come up another solution. It's called Wordpad, and all you need to do is: 1 click on Start 2 click on Run 3 type in the white box: wordpad 4 Click on OK The Word processor will open, it's very similar to the Word that you have been using up to now, but not quite so sophisticated! Let us know how you get on. Good luck Regards paws
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#32 paws


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Posted 17 January 2007 - 06:14 AM

Sorry hammer, I didn't mean to miss you off the previous post.! Regards paws
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#33 paws


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Posted 19 January 2007 - 11:03 AM

Hi Safira, Just checking in with you to see if you found the Wordpad programme any help in dealing with the cut and paste problem? Regards paws
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#34 Safira


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Posted 19 January 2007 - 07:22 PM

Hi Paws, good to "see" you again and thanks for checking on me :) This reply is late as i had a marathon phonecall w/microsoft and then the printer dindt work but the printer is now workng. Yes, info overload is what ive been suffering with the past few weeks! Thanks for recommending Notepad...yes i actually tried that after a friend recoomended that. its copying/pasting well and ill use it while i wait for the open office cd to arrive in the mail. (after that marathon download that didnt work i decided to buy it off amazon) Dough told me (post #29) that my copy of Java RE is terribly outdated and I have still not downloaded/saved the JRE 6 (build 1.6.0-b105) he said i needed because i didnt know which 2 of the Windows platforms to use. (see post #30) And i wanted to ask him if i should download and isntall the SDM so the Java download works ok. I havent deleted the Java items in my add/remove programs yet as I dont know if its safe to do so since I havent been able to download the new Java yet. Maybe I should wait on the Java till Dough gets back? Thanks for explaining about the Notepad ; ) bbfn, Safira

#35 paws


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Posted 20 January 2007 - 03:19 AM

Hi Safira, I'm glad to hear that your Cut 'n Paste works Ok in Wordpad. I'm going to be tied up now for a bit as all my urgent stuff can be put off no longer! Dough will be back soon and will be able to talk through the Java update/uninstall Regards paws
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#36 Safira


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Posted 22 January 2007 - 10:19 PM

Hi, I thought I'd post an update for when Dough et al come back, I made two more calls to microsoft: the first rep had me try to get into safe mode. it did not work, said f8 option not working so went to normal mode and tried to clean boot the system. then we did an IE optimization w/another troubleshooting step. Then they had me temporarily disable the 3rd party software. None of this worked (wasnt ablet to browse w/IE). the next rep had me Uninstall and Reinstall my Panda Av software. I had serious reservations about being online even for a few minutes w/no av running but I risked it and thankfully, got no virus while i checked to see if I could browse w/IE. With my pervious trouble w/Norton av being impossible to remove it made my anxious to uninstall the panda but the uninstall worked and FINALLY im able to browe w/IE 6 now and i've reinstalled the Panda av. They said the problem was the panda files and the IE files were interacting w/each other when it was updated to ie7.....some trouble w/the file structure. I still can't copy/paste w/Microsoft word since i cant get that update but I've recevied my open office disk from amazon and will try it out. Dough, if youre reading this Id appreciate any help you could give on the Java update/unistall, thanks. bbfn, Safira

#37 Safira


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Posted 27 January 2007 - 12:01 AM

Heres another update: As Dough recommended I downloaded the Java SE Runtime Environment 6.0. I didnt see any save option there so I clicked on run. I tried to uninstall java 2 runtime standared edidion v.1.3 And a box came up saying “The system indicates that the following shared file is no longer used by any programs. If any programs are still using this file and it is removed, those programs may not function. Are you sure you want to remove the shared file? Leaving this file will not harm your system. If you are not sure what to do, it is suggested that you choose to not remove this shared component. File name: ActPanel.dll Located in: C:\WINDOWS\System32\ I clicked “no to all’ as I dont know if any programs are/were using that file. And it said java 2 was successfully uninstalled I tried to uninstall Java 2 runtime environment sE v.1.4.1_03 and I I uninstalled Java Web Start Dough wrote: “Then navigate to: C:\Program Files\(delete item/filders w/the name Java in it) ….How do I do "navigate" there.... by typing it in the Run box? It install wizard said I successfully installed Java se runtime edition 6. Do you know how I set it to check for new updates? bbfn, Safira

#38 Ax238


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Posted 27 January 2007 - 12:09 AM

Hi Safira,

In order to keep you moving, I'll assist you with your questions for now. OK, you sound like you're doing pretty good with the instructions. The shared components will probably get overwritten by the fresh install of Java.

As far navigation goes, yes, you can just type C: in the run box and hit enter. This will take you to the C drive and you can navigate to the appropriate location from there.

Java is configured to check for updates automatically.

Hope this helps,


#39 Doug


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Posted 27 January 2007 - 12:42 PM

Hi Safira, Just a note of encouragement. I and apparently the others who have participated in this help thread, admire your determination and perseverence during what appears to have been a nightmare filled with conflicting problems. You appear to be managing quite well now, and may have fixed many or all of the items that have been suggested. I'm glad that you decided to become a Member here at TC. Though at much cost of time, energy, and money to yourself, the experience you've shared here will very likely assist other Members who read about the steps you have accomplished. Thanks for being such a good sport! Let us know of your progress and of any remaining items that you wish to work on. We can take them one at a time, or all together, if and when you present them. Best Regards, Doug
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#40 Safira


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Posted 31 January 2007 - 09:51 PM

Hi Ax, Thanks for trying to keep this from being a parked car ; ) I navigated and the only file I saw w/Java in it was JRE 1.6.0 file. 68.6MB so I kept this file as i only checked this now (after uninstalling the old java and reinstalling the new version) I assume this jre 1.6.0 i sthe java rese version 6 Dough told me to download/install? I'm glad to read Java is configured to check for updates automatically ; ) bbfn, Safira


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#41 Safira


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Posted 31 January 2007 - 10:31 PM

Good to see you back, Dough! (I was worried), Thank you for the note of encouragement!! :wavey: "... admire your determination and perseverence during what appears to have been a nightmare filled with conflicting problems. ******* There have been many times during my never-ending pc problems that I felt overwhelmed and wanted to give up, but w/no computer geek locally to help me, I could not and the GREAT SUPPORT here at TC has played a big part in my effort to move foward. Especially last year when i had my serious virus and had a close relative in the hospital! at the same time. I took my TC notes w/me to the hospital to study during my 12-hour shifts to learn and keep me afloat. " I'm glad that you decided to become a Member here at TC." ***** Thanks. Me too and I"ve met a lot of pc troupers that came through for me here the past year+. I intend to purchase from the TC store. "Thanks for being such a good sport!" ***** Thanks, yall, for yorurpatience and not giving up on me!!! I"m anxious about those 2 updates I still couldn't get and am not sure why. The last one said: "KB926247 Setup Error Setup cannot continue because one or more prerequisties required to install Kb926247 failed. For more details check the Log File c:\windows\KB926247.log" I searched on google for the log file and could not find it. the other updated I could not get done was SEcurity UPdate for Outlook Express for Windows XP (KB923694) I am going to try doing these again hoping that after uninstalling/reinstalling Panda maybe that will help. Do you think i should call aol if it does not? Apparently, from what Microsoft told me in the 2nd marathon call, my copy of Panda av was working w/IE6. Then, when IE7 was installed the files were updated and due to a file sturcture, a glitch in the file system, panda was conflicitng w/the windows IE6 files. The tech in New Delhi ......well, they asked if I was an IT proffessional! lol Anyway, they said IE 6 does not require any updates. (hope this is true) and to disable IE7 notifications open that notification (havent done this yet) and go to the custom installation and uncheck IE7 from the list. Now, if this post isnt long enough I'd like to ask this: Since I apparently (w/my illegit copy of microsoft office) cannot get certain updates like the Office XP SP3 one (the one I think thats made it impossible to copy/paste from yahoo) ..................is my system/computer at risk?? :oops: I fear whats around the corner. BBfn, Safira

#42 Safira


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Posted 07 February 2007 - 04:31 PM

I finally got my Open OFfice disk installed and i wanted to ask some q's about that please: Open office.org 2.1 Installation Wizard said: Select the file types for which you want OPenOffice.org 2.1 to be the default application Open office can be set as the default application to open the following file types. This means that if you double click on one of these files, open office will open it, not the program that opens it now. -Microsoft word documents -Microsoft excel spreadsheets -Microsoft powerpoint presentations If you are just trying out open office, you probably don’t want this to happen, so leave the boxes unchecked. (I left all boxes unchecked......was that a good idea?) I tried to register it and then had to exit due to lack of time and this came up: “Use the Database Wizard to create a new database, open an existing database, or connect to an existing database stored on a server.” Do I have to create a new database?? Hope to hear back, Om Mani Padme Hum, Safira

#43 Ax238


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Posted 07 February 2007 - 06:19 PM

Glad to hear you are ready to get rolling again.

(I left all boxes unchecked......was that a good idea?)

You could have checked them, since I am assuming you will open DOC, XLS, PPT, and MDB files with Open Office. But this is a setting you can change when you open the files. In that case, it is better the way you did it, since it is harder to change the file associations back. See the following link for more information:

I tried to register it and then had to exit due to lack of time and this came up:

“Use the Database Wizard to create a new database, open an existing database, or connect to an existing database stored on a server.”

Do I have to create a new database??

No, the database wizard is just for the Base Open Office program. You may want to check out the following link for some tutorials:

Let us know of any other issues.



Edited by Ax238, 07 February 2007 - 06:21 PM.

#44 Safira


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Posted 19 February 2007 - 04:00 PM

Hi Ax, and thank you for the OpenOffice help/links :) The print was easier to read ; ) I don't know what program has been this whole time opening my microsoft word. Is it safer to have OpenOffice open the files? Is it better to not associate ms office files w/Openoffice files? I hope you dont mind these q's, its just a foreign language to me. Since I have an illegit copy of Ms Office is my system at risk since I still can't get that Office xp SP3 Update? The only component of Ms Office Ive ever used is MS Word, so I'm wondering if for safety reasons, I should remove all the other programs/components of MS Office except Ms Word? (like Access, Excel, Plus, Powerpoint) bbfn, Safira

#45 Doug


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Posted 19 February 2007 - 04:16 PM

Hi Safira, You will occasionally want to open files that were created in MS Office formats, either files you've written yourself or files from other sources, therefore it is important to allow file associations such that Open Office is the default application to view and edit those files. As for your "illegitimate" installation of MS Office, if you are not able to use MS Updates to download and install the current and future security patches, your MS Office may become a vector for malware intrusion. Therefore it would be wise to either purchase the license or uninstall it, in favor of using Open Office to handle your Office needs. Best Regards
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