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Office 2003 applications want reinstall

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#31 paws


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Posted 05 October 2009 - 10:57 AM


Not sure what this is....."slow restart" can you expand on this please?

1 I need to know what this is and exactly what you did to perform a "slow restart"
2 Did you write down and follow the suggestions in my previous posts methodically and 100 accurately?
3 When did the 1311 error first occur? (we have not heard from you about this prior to your last post...... if it has only happened for the first time then please let us know.
4 If I'm to help you further I need to know exactly what happens at each of the stages suggested in my previous posts ie a step by step ..what you did and what happened as a result, (you are in front of the machine and I'm thousands of miles away so I need you to report back accurately so I can form a picture in my mind of at each step of exactly what is going on.
5 Please repeat all the steps again make a log of each action and the machine's response and post back with the results.
I know its frustrating but its a step by step approach that will overcome the problem in the end!
Good luck
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#32 Jeff Davis

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Posted 06 October 2009 - 10:39 AM

Hi paws. Could you please help me by giving me a step by step plan starting from here on out? I cannot multi-task anywhere nearly as good as you and I am lost. I have now been able to load and (install?) Office but no applications will run. I get a quick pop open box when I click on one that says "Problem with shortcut", "This action is only valid for products that are currently installed" I will try to keep good notes about my activities as they happen. My tablet pc here is so hard to deal with and I cannot remember steps taken in the past and several at a time. Thanks for your help and persistance! Jeff

#33 paws


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Posted 06 October 2009 - 03:39 PM

Hi, OK Jeff, no problem, I will draft out a step by step and post it tomorrow.. All the best Regards paws
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#34 Jeff Davis

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Posted 06 October 2009 - 04:00 PM

Thanks and OK.

#35 paws


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Posted 08 October 2009 - 11:14 AM

Hi Jeff, You have made good progress so instead of starting again from the beginning, we will see if we can get your office up and running by doing a few simple things. If we still have no joy then we will have to go back to the beginning and I will send you a step by step to uninstall and then reinsatll it. In the meantime please try the following steps: 1 Click on Start 2 Click on My compter, 3 Right Click on C drive 4 Click on Properties 5 Click on Disk Cleanup you will now have to wait while your system checks things out,.... after a minute or two the window will populate with a list of items, each on which will have a tiny empty box immediately to the left of it. 6 Using the scroll arrows, scroll down the list and put a checkmark/tick in the tiny box immediately to the left of the entry that says "Office Set up files" 7 Click on OK 8 Accept any warnings wait for 1 minute. Next 9 Click on Start 10 Click on Run in the white box type winword.exe 11 Click on OK if Word opens then you are in luck....if it doesn't then close down your computer wait 30 seconds with a blank black screen, then Restart your computer. 12 Wait 5 minutes 13 now repeat the steps above Step 9 and then step 10, but this time type in the whitebox winword /a Click on OK post back and let me know what happens. If at any time your computer asks you to insert the Microsoft Office installation disc please do so and follow on screen directions. Regards paws
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#36 Jeff Davis

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Posted 08 October 2009 - 12:28 PM

Hi. Thanks! I get a super long delay (never goes there) if I right click on (c:) so is it the same to do Disk Cleanup in All Programs, Accessories, System Tools? I can get there..... I don't find an entry for Office Set Up Files using that method.

Edited by Jeff Davis, 08 October 2009 - 01:14 PM.

#37 paws


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Posted 08 October 2009 - 02:55 PM

Hi Jeff, Yes that's the same. On my system there is 283 Meg of Office setup files...(Office 2003 Pro), but if you haven't got this on yours I guess this closes down this particular avenue. I am worried that you get a "super long delays" when you right click on your C drive...the response on a healthy system should be practically instant. Do you know how to run chkdsk /r and then sfc /scannow ? If you do please run them , if not post back and I'll send you a step by step. Regards paws
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#38 Jeff Davis

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Posted 11 October 2009 - 03:09 AM

Maybe cCleaner or something removed the Office setup files? I don't know anything about chkdsk /r and then sfc /scannow. Please post me your info so I can do it.

Edited by Jeff Davis, 11 October 2009 - 04:07 AM.

#39 paws


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Posted 11 October 2009 - 10:47 AM

Hi Ok Jeff, We will try and run chkdsk and then sfc as this may clear up some underlying problems that may be present on your machine, before trying to sort out the MSOffice problems Note the following procedure may take several hours to complete, and once started you should let it finish...Do not power off your machine, or try to use it whilst it is running. 1 Click on Start 2 Click on Run 3 type in the white box chkdsk /r 4 click on OK..(note the above command has a space after the k it needs to be there!) 5 In the black window press Y and then the Enter key if the black window disappears then close down your machine wait 30 seconds with a blank black screen and then restart it......there will now be nothing for you to do, do not press any keys, but watch (if you like) as 5 passes on your system will be made and suitable errors found will be corrected if possible. if the black window does not disappear after stage 5 then type exit in the black window and then press the Enter key. the black box will now disappear so you can follow the instructions to close down your machine, wait , and then restart it etc. When chkdsk has finished it will restart your machine. next run sfc here's how. 6 Click on Start 7 Click on Run type in the white box sfc /scannow 8 Press the Enter key (note the above command has a space after the c it needs to be there 9 The Windows System File Checker will scan and repair any missing or damaged files that it can, if it needs to copy clean files to the dll cache then it will ask you to insert your Microsoft Windows Installation disc, so have this handy. Note if you can't find your disc then for the purposes of sfc its OK for you to borrow one from a chum..(just make sure its the correct disc for your operating system) This scan will take about half an hour or so and your machine will be ready for use when its finished. Let us know how you go Regards paws

Edited by paws, 11 October 2009 - 10:57 AM.

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#40 Jeff Davis

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Posted 12 October 2009 - 01:07 AM

Well, it is done. Here are my notes: The chkdsk /r step first told me that it is Already Running when I typed chkdsk /r in Run and clicked OK, so I restarted with a 30 second wait and it ran the chkdsk modes on the black screen. It took a few hours and restarted the pc as your note had said that it would. The SFC step was quicker. It popped up a box saying "Please wait while Windows verifies that all protected Windows files are intact and in their original version." After it ran and restarted the pc, a window popped up saying "The system is clean. Windows has finished checking the disc." It did not ever ask for my operating system disc, which I do have. I have an XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 with Service Pack 2 recovery cd from Motion Computing (my machine is on SP3 now which downloaded over the internet). As a note, I restarted the pc and then I clicked Word and Excel. I clicked their icon in All Programs, Microsoft Office and I tried going directly to the folder on C: and clicking the exe applications files. They don't work yet. They still pop open a box saying "The operating system is not currently configured to run this application."

Edited by Jeff Davis, 12 October 2009 - 04:48 AM.


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#41 paws


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Posted 12 October 2009 - 01:29 AM

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#42 Jeff Davis

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Posted 13 October 2009 - 12:29 PM

Hi. I hope that I haven't lost you........

Edited by Jeff Davis, 13 October 2009 - 10:19 PM.

#43 paws


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Posted 14 October 2009 - 01:19 AM

Hi Jeff, Lets try a few more things before we go for the uninstall and then the reinstall again! Well done on running the chkdsk and the sfc, that should have eliminated some underlying problems with your system. Next I would like you to start Word with the "a" switch as this will provide some extra information. To start Word by using the /a switch, follow these steps: 1 Locate Winword.exe. 2 Note by default this program is in the following location with Word 2003 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11 however if yours is somewhere else please let me know where it actually is! 3 Click Start 4 Click Run. In the Open box, type the path for Winword.exe as you found it in step 1. Enclose the path in quotation marks that are similar to the following: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\Winword.exe" In the Open box, move the insertion point to after the quotation marks at the end of the path Type a space, and then type /a. The path should look like this: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\Winword.exe" /a If the above line shows the path as above on your machine then just copy and paste the above line as this will ensure its OK with the spaces and the quote marks etc Click OK. (Note You must type the /a switch outside the quotation marks.) Tell me what happens or the error code you get Regards paws
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#44 Jeff Davis

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Posted 14 October 2009 - 06:47 PM

Hi paws. I find the application in the same place as you mentioned. I put the path in Open, hit OK and it gave me this Error -- The operating system is not presently configured to run this application. I clicked OK and the box goes away and nothing else happens.

Edited by Jeff Davis, 14 October 2009 - 06:48 PM.

#45 paws


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Posted 15 October 2009 - 01:54 AM

Hi Jeff, Ok thanks for the information It seems pretty clear that you have incorrect Registry entries that are pointing to different versions of MS Office that may have been installed at some times in the past. I am working up a fix for you at the moment that will provide a "clear up" of the incorrect Registry entries so that we can then get a clean uninstall of every single element of MS Office, of whatever flavour, that may be lurking in corners of your machine! we can then start a fresh install of MS Office but only when every last trace of the old ones have gone ! This fix will take me a little while to work up, and test on a machine that I have set up to mimic your own configuration as far as possible. I know its tough for you, as you have been working on this problem for some time....but I think, if you can hang on in there...we will get a result for you in the end! Regards paws
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