DOWNAD/Conficker II ?...
Oct 7, 2010 - "... This threat, detected as PE_LICAT.A,
uses a domain generation algorithm, a technique last seen in WORM_DOWNAD/Conficker variants. This technique allows the file infector to download and execute malicious files from various servers on the Internet. Like WORM_DOWNAD, PE_LICAT.A generates a list of domain names from which it downloads other malicious files. The domain name generation function is based on a randomizing function, which is computed from the current UTC system date and time. This particular randomizing function returns different results every minute... whenever a file infected by PE_LICAT.A is executed, the malware generates a pseudorandom domain name, with the exact value depending on the system’s time. It then tries to connect to the said domain name. If it is successful, it downloads and executes the file at that pseudorandom URL. If not,
it tries up to 800 times, generating a “new” URL every time. This helps ensure that the malware will be able to keep itself updated and even if one or more domains are taken offline, others can take its place..."
Oct 8, 2010 - "... We have been able to isolate a copy of the main file infector, which we detect as PE_LICAT.A-O...
It injects itself into the Explorer.exe process, which has two effects. First, it becomes memory resident. Secondly, any file executed afterwards becomes infected with malicious code and is detected as PE_LICAT.A. We have looked into the pseudorandom domains that LICAT uses to download files from. Every time PE_LICAT.A is executed
it attempts to download files from these domains, trying to do so a maximum of 800 times... Our monitoring indicates that most of these domains have not been registered. A small number have been registered, and although some of the sites these actually lead to are currently inaccessible, some are still alive and active... These
domains appear to link PE_LICAT and ZeuS. Several of the domains that PE_LICAT was scheduled to download files from in late September are confirmed to be
known ZeuS domains in that period... Another domain was hosted on an ISP that has seen significant levels of ZeuS-related activity in the past, and is a known haven for cybercrime... The downloader file shows certain behavior often associated with ZeuS..."
Updated... Oct. 14, 2010
Edited by AplusWebMaster, 15 October 2010 - 09:39 AM.