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open up an inspiron 600m for repair

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#16 KathiMI1


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Posted 18 September 2006 - 08:48 AM

Nico, I actually intended to upgrade the memory from one laptop to the other, but both memory slots are already occupied so I'm going to save the parts in case I need them later. I hope you're right about the build. I was really shot down when my dimension 8100 wouldn't even boot up. I did some more research and I'm pretty sure the problem is the AGP Video card... so now I'm trying to find out what I can/cannot buy as a PCI card.


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#17 siatnan


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Posted 18 September 2006 - 11:00 AM

hey, if it's an AGP video card then it fits on an AGP slot not PCI. Keep me informed. Nico

#18 KathiMI1


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Posted 21 September 2006 - 06:08 PM

I lucked out! I found a PCI video card on newegg.com for $45. Sweet. Soon as it comes in, I'll try getting the 8100 up and running. I received the refurbished mother board for my 9100 and got that up and running. I'm a bit ticked though. I no longer have my old mother board issues, but now I get a "system battery voltage is low" error. I swapped out the battery 3 times and then did some googling... only to find out that this was a chronic issue with Dell computers. Great, trade in one problem for another. sigh. I really am ready to build my own.

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