it gives me a lot of vbs code, like this below, is that correct?
'Silent Runners.vbs -- find out what programs start up with Windows!
'Copyright Andrew ARONOFF 24 April 2006,
'This script is provided without any warranty, either expressed or implied
'It may not be copied or distributed without permission
Option Explicit
Dim strRevNo : strRevNo = "45"
Public flagTest : flagTest = False 'True if testing
'flagTest = True 'Uncomment to test
'This script is divided into 28 sections.
'malware launch points:
' registry keys (I-XII, XV)
' folders (XIX)
' enabled scheduled tasks (XX)
' Winsock2 service provider DLLs (XXI)
' IE toolbars, explorer bars, extensions (XXII)
' started services (XXVI)
' keyboard driver filters (XXVII)
' printer monitors (XXVIII)
'hijack points:
' System/Group Policies (XIV)
' prefixes for IE URLs (XXIII)
' misc IE points (XXIV)
' HOSTS file (XXV)
'Output is suppressed if deemed normal unless the -all parameter is used
'Sections XVIII & XXII-dormant Explorer Bars are skipped unless the -supp/-all
' parameters are used or the first message box is answered "No"
' I. HKCU/HKLM... Run/RunOnce/RunOnce\Setup
' HKLM... RunOnceEx/RunServices/RunServicesOnce
' HKCU/HKLM... Policies\Explorer\Run
' II. HKLM... Active Setup\Installed Components\
' HKCU... Active Setup\Installed Components\
' (StubPath <> "" And HKLM version # > HKCU version #)
' III. HKLM... Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\
' IV. HKLM... Shell Extensions\Approved\
' V. HKLM... Explorer\SharedTaskScheduler/ShellExecuteHooks
' VI. HKCU/HKLM... ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad\
' VII. HKCU... Command Processor\AutoRun ((default) <> "")
' HKCU... Policies\System\Shell (W2K & WXP only)
' HKCU... Windows\load & run ((default) <> "")
' HKCU... Command Processor\AutoRun ((default) <> "")
' HKLM... Windows\AppInit_DLLs ((default) <> "")
' HKLM... Winlogon\Shell/Userinit/System/Ginadll/Taskman
' ((default) <> explorer.exe, userinit.exe, "", "", "")
' HKLM... Control\SafeBoot\Option\UseAlternateShell
' HKLM... Control\Session Manager\BootExecute
' HKLM... Control\Session Manager\WOW\cmdline, wowcmdline
' VIII. HKLM... Winlogon\Notify\ (subkey names/DLLName values <> O/S-specific dictionary data)
' IX. HKLM... Image File Execution Options\ (subkeys with name = "Debugger")
' X. HKCU/HKLM... Policies... Startup/Shutdown, Logon/Logoff
' XI. HKCU/HKLM Protocols\Filter
' XII. Context menu shell extensions
' XIII. HKCR executable file type (bat/cmd/com/exe/hta/pif/scr)
' (shell\open\command data <> "%1" %*; hta <> mshta.exe "%1" %*; scr <> "%1" /S)
' XIV. System/Group Policies
' XV. Enabled Wallpaper & Screen Saver
' XVI. WIN.INI (load/run <> ""), SYSTEM.INI (shell <> explorer.exe, scrnsave.exe), WINSTART.BAT
' XVII. AUTORUN.INF in root of fixed drive (open/shellexecute <> "")
' XVIII. DESKTOP.INI in any local fixed disk directory (section skipped by default)
' XIX. %WINDIR%... Startup & All Users... Startup (W98/WME) or
' %USERNAME%... Startup & All Users... Startup folder contents
' XX. Scheduled Tasks
' XXI. Winsock2 Service Provider DLLs
' XXII. Internet Explorer Toolbars, Explorer Bars, Extensions (dormant
' Explorer Bars section skipped by default)
' XXIII. Internet Explorer URL Prefixes
' XXIV. Misc. IE Hijack Points
' XXV. HOSTS file
' XXVI. Started Services
' XXVII. Keyboard Driver Filters
'XXVIII. Printer Monitors
Dim Wshso : Set Wshso = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim WshoArgs : Set WshoArgs = WScript.Arguments
Dim intErrNum, intMB 'Err.Number, MsgBox return value
Dim strflagTest : strflagTest = ""
If flagTest Then
strflagTest = "TEST "
Wshso.Popup "Silent Runners is in testing mode.",1, _
"Testing, testing, 1-2-3...", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation
End If
'Configuration Detection Section
' FileSystemObject creation error (112)
' CScript/WScript (147)
' Dim (161)
' GetFileVersion(WinVer.exe) (VBScript 5.1) (182)
' OS version (223)
' WMI (279)
' Dim (364)
' command line arguments (440)
' supplementary search MsgBox (532)
' startup MsgBox (557)
' CreateTextFile error (583)
' output file header (625)
' WXP SP2 (629)
On Error Resume Next
Dim Fso : Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
intErrNum = Err.Number : Err.Clear
On Error Goto 0
If intErrNum <> 0 Then
strURL = ""
intMB = MsgBox (Chr(34) & "Silent Runners" & Chr(34) &_
" cannot access file services critical to" & vbCRLF &_
"proper script operation." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF &_
"If you are running Windows XP, make sure that the" &_
vbCRLF & Chr(34) & "Cryptographic Services" & Chr(34) &_
" service is started." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF &_
"You can also try reinstalling the latest version of the MS" &_
vbCRLF & "Windows Script Host." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF &_
"Press " & Chr(34) & "OK" & Chr(34) & " to direct your browser to " &_
"the download site or" & vbCRLF & Space(10) & Chr(34) & "Cancel" &_
Chr(34) & " to quit.", vbOKCancel + vbCritical, _
"Can't access the FileSystemObject!")
'if dl wanted now, send browser to dl site
If intMB = 1 Then Wshso.Run strURL
End If
Dim oNetwk : Set oNetwk = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Const HKLM = &H80000002, HKCU = &H80000001
Const MS = " [MS]"
Const DQ = """"
'determine whether output is via MsgBox/PopUp or Echo
Dim flagOut
If InStr(LCase(WScript.FullName),"wscript.exe") > 0 Then
flagOut = "W" 'WScript
ElseIf InStr(LCase(WScript.FullName),"cscript.exe") > 0 Then
flagOut = "C" 'CScript
Else 'echo and continue if it works
flagOut = "C" 'assume CScript-compatible
WScript.Echo "Neither " & Chr(34) & "WSCRIPT.EXE" & Chr(34) & " nor " &_
Chr(34) & "CSCRIPT.EXE" & Chr(34) & " was detected as " &_
"the script host." & vbCRLF & Chr(34) & "Silent Runners" & Chr(34) &_
" will assume that the script host is CSCRIPT-compatible and will" & vbCRLF &_
"use WScript.Echo for all messages."
End If 'script host
Const SysFolder = 1 : Const WinFolder = 0
Dim strOS : strOS = "Unknown"
Dim strOSLong : strOSLong = "Unknown"
Dim strOSXP : strOSXP = "Windows XP Home" 'XP Home or Pro
Public strFPSF : strFPSF = Fso.GetSpecialFolder(SysFolder).Path 'FullPathSystemFolder
Public strFPWF : strFPWF = Fso.GetSpecialFolder(WinFolder).Path 'FullPathWindowsFolder
Public strExeBareName 'bare file name w/o windows or system folder prefixes
Dim strSysVer 'Winver.exe version number
Dim intErrNum1, intErrNum2, intErrNum3, intErrNum4, intErrNum5, intErrNum6 'error number
Dim intLenValue 'value length
Dim strURL 'download URL
Dim flagGP : flagGP = False 'assume Group Policies cannot be set in the O/S
Dim intCLL : intCLL = 1 'CLSID Lower Limit, default is for O/S <= NT4
'Winver.exe is in \Windows under W98, but in \System32 for other O/S's
'trap GetFileVersion error for VBScript version < 5.1
On Error Resume Next
If Fso.FileExists (strFPSF & "\Winver.exe") Then
strSysVer = Fso.GetFileVersion(strFPSF & "\Winver.exe")
strSysVer = Fso.GetFileVersion(strFPWF & "\Winver.exe")
End If
intErrNum = Err.Number : Err.Clear
On Error Goto 0
'if old VBScript version
If intErrNum <> 0 Then
'store dl URL
strURL = ""
'if using WScript
If flagOut = "W" Then
'explain the problem
intMB = MsgBox ("This script requires VBScript 5.1 or higher " &_
"to run." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & "The latest version of VBScript can " &_
"be downloaded at: " & strURL & vbCRLF & vbCRLF &_
"Press " & Chr(34) & "OK" & Chr(34) & " to direct your browser to " &_
"the download site or " & Chr(34) & "Cancel" & Chr(34) &_
" to quit." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & "(WMI is also required. If it's " &_
"missing, download instructions will appear later.)", _
vbOKCancel + vbExclamation,"Unsupported VBScript Version!")
'if dl wanted now, send browser to dl site
If intMB = 1 Then Wshso.Run strURL
'if using CScript
Else 'flagOut = "C"
'explain the problem
WScript.Echo Chr(34) & "Silent Runners" & Chr(34) & " requires " &_
"VBScript 5.1 or higher to run." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF &_
"It can be downloaded at: " & strURL
End If 'WScript or CScript?
'quit the script
End If 'VBScript version error encountered?
'use WINVER.EXE file version to determine O/S
If Instr(Left(strSysVer,3),"4.1") > 0 Then
strOS = "W98" : strOSLong = "Windows 98"
ElseIf Instr(Left(strSysVer,5),"4.0.1") > 0 Then
strOS = "NT4" : strOSLong = "Windows NT 4.0"
ElseIf Instr(Left(strSysVer,8),"") > 0 Then
strOS = "W98" : strOSLong = "Windows 95"
ElseIf Instr(Left(strSysVer,8),"") > 0 Then
strOS = "W98" : strOSLong = "Windows 95 SR2 (OEM)"
ElseIf Instr(Left(strSysVer,3),"5.0") > 0 Then
strOS = "W2K" : strOSLong = "Windows 2000" : : intCLL = 0 : flagGP = True
ElseIf Instr(Left(strSysVer,3),"5.1") > 0 Then
'SP0 & SP1 = 5.1.2600.0, SP2 = 5.1.2600.2180
strOS = "WXP" : strOSLong = "Windows XP" : intCLL = 0
If Instr(strSysVer,".2180") > 0 Then strOSLong = "Windows XP SP2"
ElseIf Instr(Left(strSysVer,3),"4.9") > 0 Then
strOS = "WME" : strOSLong = "Windows Me (Millennium Edition)"
ElseIf Instr(Left(strSysVer,3),"5.2") > 0 Then
strOS = "WXP" : strOSLong = "Windows Server 2003 (interpreted as Windows XP)"
flagGP = True : intCLL = 0
Else 'unknown strSysVer
If flagOut = "W" Then
intMB = MsgBox ("The " & Chr(34) & "Silent Runners" & Chr(34) &_
" script cannot determine the operating system." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF &_
"Click " & Chr(34) & "OK" & Chr(34) & " to send an e-mail to the " &_
"author, providing the following information:" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF &_
"WINVER.EXE file version = " & strSysVer & vbCRLF & vbCRLF &_
"or click " & Chr(34) & "Cancel" & Chr(34) & " to quit.", _
49,"O/S Unknown!")
If intMB = 1 Then Wshso.Run "mailto:Andrew%20Aronoff%20" &_
"<%73%72.%6F%73.%76%65%72.%65%72%72%6F%72@%61%61%72%6F%6E%6F%66%66.%63%6F%6D>?" &_
"subject=Silent%20Runners%20OS%20Version%20Error&body=WINVER.EXE" &_
"%20file%20version%20=%20" & strSysVer
Else 'flagOut = "C"
WScript.Echo Chr(34) & "Silent Runners" & Chr(34) & " cannot " &_
"determine the operating system." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & "This script will exit."
End If 'flagOut?
End If 'OS id'd from strSysVer?
'use WMI to connect to the registry
On Error Resume Next
Dim oReg : Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:\root\default:StdRegProv")
intErrNum = Err.Number : Err.Clear
On Error Goto 0
'detect WMI connection error
If intErrNum <> 0 Then
strURL = ""
'for W98/NT4, assume WMI not installed and direct to d/l URL
If strOS = "W98" Or strOS = "NT4" Then
If strOS = "W98" Then strURL = ""
If strOS = "NT4" Then strURL = ""
'invite user to download WMI & quit
If flagOut = "W" Then
intMB = MsgBox ("This script requires " & Chr(34) & "WMI" &_
Chr(34) & ", Windows Management Instrumentation, to run." &_
vbCRLF & vbCRLF & "It can be downloaded at: " & strURL &_
vbCRLF & vbCRLF & "Press " & Chr(34) & "OK" & Chr(34) &_
" to direct your browser to the download site or " &_
Chr(34) & "Cancel" & Chr(34) & " to quit.",_
vbOKCancel + vbCritical,"WMI Not Installed!")
If intMB = 1 Then Wshso.Run strURL
'at command line, explain & quit
Else 'flagOut = "C"
WScript.Echo Chr(34) & "Silent Runners" & Chr(34) & " requires " &_
Chr(34) & "WMI" & Chr(34) & ", Windows Management Instrumentation, " &_
"to run." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & "It can be downloaded at: " & strURL
End If
'for W2K Or WXP, explain how to start the WMI service
ElseIf strOS = "W2K" Or strOS = "WXP" Then
If strOS = "W2K" Then strLine = "Settings, "
'explain how to turn on WMI service
If flagOut = "W" Then
MsgBox "This script requires Windows Management Instrumentation" &_
" to run." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & "Click on Start, " & strLine &_
"Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services," & vbCRLF &_
"and start the " & Chr(34) & "Windows Management Instrumentation" &_
Chr(34) & " service.",vbOKOnly + vbCritical,"WMI Service not running!"
'at command line, explain & quit
Else 'flagOut = "C"
WScript.Echo Chr(34) & "Silent Runners" & Chr(34) & " requires " &_
"Windows Management Instrumentation to run." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF &_
"Click on Start, " & strLine & "Control Panel, Administrative " &_
" Tools, Services," & vbCRLF & "and start the " & Chr(34) &_
"Windows Management Instrumentation" & Chr(34) & " service."
End If 'flagOut?
Else 'WME
'say there's a WMI problem
If flagOut = "W" Then
MsgBox "This script requires WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation)" &_
" to run," & vbCRLF & "but WMI is not running correctly.", _
vbOKOnly + vbCritical,"WMI problem!"
'at command line, explain & quit
Else 'flagOut = "C"
WScript.Echo Chr(34) & "Silent Runners" & Chr(34) & " requires " &_
"WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) to run," & vbCRLF &_
"but WMI is not running correctly."
End If 'flagOut?
End If 'which O/S?
End If 'WMI execution error
'array of Run keys, counter x 5, hive member, startup folder file,
'startup file shortcut, IERESET.INF file
Dim arRunKeys, i, ii, j, k, l, oHiveElmt, oSUFi, oSUSC
'dictionary, keys, items, hard disk collection
Dim arSK, arSKk, arSKi, colDisks
'arrays: Run key names, keys, sub-keys, value type, Protocol filters
Dim arNames(), arKeys(), arSubKeys(), arType, arFilter()
'Sub-Directory DeskTop.Ini array, Sub-Directory Error array
Public arSDDTI(), arSDErr()
'DeskTop.Ini counter, Error counter, Classes data Hive counter
Public ctrArDTI, ctrArErr, ctrCH
Public ctrFo : ctrFo = 0 'folder counter
'name member, key array member x 4, O/S, drive root directory, work file
Dim oName, oKey, oKey2, strMemKey, strMemSubKey, oOS, oRoot, oFileWk
'values x 7
Dim strValue, strValue1, strValue2, strValue3, strValue4, strValue5, strValue6, intValue
'name, single character, startup folder name, startup folder, array member, temp var
Dim strName, strChr, arSUFN, oSUF, strArMember, strTmp
'output string x 3
Public strOut, strOut1, strOut2
'output file msg x 2, warning string, title line
Dim strLine, strLine1, strLine2, strWarn, strTitleLine
Dim strKey, strKey1, strKey2, strKey3, strSubKey 'register key x 4, sub-key
'output file name string (incl. path), file name (wo path),
'PIF path string, single binary character
Dim strFN, strFNNP, strPIFTgt, bin1C
Public datLaunch : datLaunch = Now 'script launch time
Public intCnt 'counter
'ref time, time taken by 2 pop-up boxes
Public datRef : datRef = 0
Public datPUB1 : datPUB1 = 0 : Publ