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#16 SuzyQZ


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Posted 15 January 2016 - 09:48 AM

Still trying to figure this out.


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#17 paws


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Posted 17 January 2016 - 03:33 AM

Hi Suzy, apologies for the delay in getting back to you... ( I missed your posts for some reason)

Try renaming the normal.dotm template manually....( navigate to it right click and rename to normalold.dotm  or something appropriate.


Can you print in word safe mode?


I am worried that you can't make a disc image... if you are following the correct procedures then it is indicating fundamental problems with your systems... :(I know you have had infections on your machine and whilst these have been cleared, resulting damage, can often manifest itself at any time...)


Are you prepared for a reinstall of Windows and all your applications and are all your back ups and discs readily accessible and tested working?



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#18 SuzyQZ


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Posted 19 January 2016 - 03:08 PM

I will try this later today or tomorrow. Lots of medical appointments the last few days. Thanks, Paws.

#19 paws


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Posted 20 January 2016 - 03:38 AM

Good luck with the medical appointments.... hope you get the results you want... :thumbup:

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#20 SuzyQZ


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Posted 23 January 2016 - 12:03 PM

Paws, There are too many things that seem to be not working properly on my computer. I am going to have to reformat it. Suzy

#21 paws


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Posted 23 January 2016 - 04:29 PM

Hi Suzy, We don't often recommend, here on the forums, that folks format and reinstall, however there is no doubt that when all the usual things have been tried and not been successful then often a format and reinstall is a very sensible course of action to take.

Good luck and post back if you need any help with it.



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#22 SuzyQZ


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Posted 24 January 2016 - 10:17 PM

Paws, I don't think there is anything else to do. It gets worse daily. Nothing happens when I left click the start icon. The small popup windows on the open windows on the Task bar stick open. I have to repeatedly click on icons to get the pages to switch to page two or three, and can't click on some without closing and reopening windows. I am not sure what happened. What do you think?



#23 paws


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Posted 25 January 2016 - 04:59 AM

Hi Suzy, All I can say is that if it was my machine I would do the reinstall without more ado.


If you have a recovery partition that restores the machine to its factory or out of the box state then this saves a lot of time.


Make sure you back ups are solid and kept safe on removable media, not on the troublesome machine and that you have all the discs you need for your applications and serial product keys.


Be prepared to do a lot of Windows updates once you have performed the reinstall.... a lot of folks comment on how quick and responsive their computer seems after the reinstall.... hope this applies to you!


All best and we hope the back is behaving itself!



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#24 SuzyQZ


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Posted 25 January 2016 - 10:27 AM



Thanks, back is progressing. :)


A lot of these problems started after I upgraded to Windows 10. I liked Windows 7 better. Would you recommend me keeping Windows 7.


You helped me through a reinstall 18 months ago. I can refer to the old notes from that.


I assume that would still be on this site?


The computer worked like a charm after the last reinstall.



#25 paws


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Posted 25 January 2016 - 01:05 PM

Hi Suzy, conventional wisdom would tend to suggest that the more modern operating system (Win 10) is likely to be more robust and resilient than earlier versions like Win 7, and there is certainly a great deal of "pressure" from many sources, including from Microsoft itself to use Win10.


Its up to each person to try and make an informed judgement as to the merits and demerits of the operating systems available...


Some folks are very happy to continue with a tried and tested operating system like Win 7 with which they are familiar, and are willing to forgo the published advantages of Win 10  to avoid its privacy implications, and some of the other changes that have been made.


Win 7 is being supported by Microsoft (with security updates etc.,) until the year 2020 and for some folks that is about as far forward as they care to look, bearing in mind the age of their existing computer.


I don't wish to try and persuade you either way as you need to be happy with the decision you make, but there is a lot to be said for using an operating system with which you are satisfied and familiar, like Win 7..... however as always it has to be your call.



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