Hello guys, I'll start off by saying I'm not a big gamer but recently seen a game that I quite liked the look of.
The problem is I'm not sure if the spec on my computer will run it adequately.
The game is Flaming Cliffs 2, it is a flight/combat simulator released in 2010, they are already working on the follow up.
My computer is an Acer Aspire X1301
Windows 7 64 bit operating system
2.70 GHz processor
AMD Athlon ll X3 425
Nvidia Geforce 9200 graphics card
282 HDD
So the question is, will this game work sufficiently on my computer, thanks for your help.
I'm also getting a Flightstick to go along with this game and any future flight sims I may purchase, I was looking at these two.
Are these good choices, or could you recommend anything better, also any recommendations on any other combat sims for console or pc, or suitable graphics cards for pc would be much appreciated.
its very simple to know your computer run that game or not? visit one of the site systemrequirementlab or yougammers ->select the game -> run. Thats's it, shows the result with suggestions too
Edited by matthew ben, 28 January 2015 - 01:14 AM.