Thunderbird v2.0.0.23 released
August 20, 2009
Fixed in Thunderbird
MFSA 2009-42 Compromise of SSL-protected communication
Last Update: 2009-08-21
Highly critical
Impact: Security Bypass, DoS, System access
Where: From remote
Solution Status: Partial Fix
Software: Mozilla SeaMonkey 1.1.x, Mozilla Thunderbird 2.x
Solution: Update to Mozilla Thunderbird version, which fixes the security bypass vulnerability...
August 21, 2009 - "... What appears to have happened is that this security update, which is being deployed across all Mozilla Foundation products, has changed the rules for security certificates generated with wildcards. While a certificate generated for “*” would previously be accepted for a machine with a name such as “” (the mail server), now the warning pops up on every such connection. This is going to strike lots of people who use a common site-wide certificate across all the machines in a server farm, or use a single server to host sites in several different domains. Fortunately, there is a Thunderbird add-on, “Remember Mismatched Domains”*, which adds a check box to the warning dialogue which allows accepting the “mismatch” and not warning further about that specific mismatch. This add-on has already been downloaded more than 125,000 times, and methinks it's about become even more popular in the near future. Just download and install the add-on, accept the domain(s) which are generating the warning, and you're back in business."
Edited by AplusWebMaster, 22 August 2009 - 04:54 AM.
"Add-on" notes...