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Adssite causing pop-ups and error messages on my PC

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#16 cemourot


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Posted 15 January 2008 - 05:46 PM

Hi there. Sorry for the lateness of my reply. I did everything you told me to. The good news is that there are less addssite popups in general. The bad news is that they are not gone completely. I noticed that the only time I really seem to get them is just as I am logging on to Facebook. It doesn't seem to do it any other time, and it seems to happen when I am using firefox. I am wondering if I should just get rid of Firefox. My homepage is www.care2.com, and I can never seem to navigate on that page very long before I get an error message telling me I have to close. After a while, if I close my Firefox browser too many times it will no longer open Firefox (whereas it will still open IE and the error message never happens when I use IE). I'm almost becoming indifferent to the problem. It sucks, but I don't know what else I can do. Thanks for all of your help so far. Do you think sticking to IE is my best bet?

Edited by cemourot, 15 January 2008 - 05:48 PM.


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#17 shelf life

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Posted 18 January 2008 - 06:10 PM


sorry for the delay. only pop ups in firefox is a big help. lets completely remove firefox from your computer reboot then you can reinstall it again.

follow all these directions on how to completely remove firefox:

shelf life
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#18 cemourot


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Posted 18 January 2008 - 06:43 PM

Hi. Thanks for the info. I took Firefox off. I'll let you know if it helps.

#19 cemourot


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Posted 19 January 2008 - 11:20 AM

Hi. All of my Firefox stuff is officially removed, and good news: today is the first time ever that my startup scan did not find those "fotomoto" infections. A subsequent scan of my entire computer also turned up no infections. No popups have occured either. Yay! I'm hoping that I have seen the last of Addsite. Thank you!!! :thumbup:

#20 shelf life

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Posted 19 January 2008 - 04:11 PM

hi, great. glad to help--if you followed the directions at that link to remove it you can safely reinstall firefox and use it again. it must have been a exploit common to firefox only. internet explorer has nothing on firefox in the security realm.you can safely reinstall it if you want to. happy safe surfing out there. shelf life
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