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[Closed] Help with my Hijack This log file please? :)

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5 replies to this topic

#1 Dr Bonz

Dr Bonz

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Posted 24 November 2007 - 09:15 AM

My laptop has been running a bit slow lately so I thought it was time to run Hijack This.

Here is my logfile. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 9:47:54 AM, on 11/24/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

Running processes:
C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\EvtEng.exe
C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\S24EvMon.exe
C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\WLKeeper.exe
C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\ZcfgSvc.exe
C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\VPN Client\cvpnd.exe
C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\HackerWatch\HWAPI.exe
c:\program files\common files\mcafee\mna\mcnasvc.exe
C:\Program Files\McAfee\MPF\MPFSrv.exe
C:\Program Files\McAfee\MSK\MskSrver.exe
C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\RegSrvc.exe
C:\Program Files\SiteAdvisor\6172\SAService.exe
C:\Program Files\Viewpoint\Common\ViewpointService.exe
C:\Program Files\McAfee\MPS\mpsevh.exe
C:\Program Files\Apoint\Apoint.exe
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\jusched.exe
C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\ifrmewrk.exe
C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDVD\DVDLauncher.exe
C:\Program Files\Musicmatch\Musicmatch Jukebox\mmtask.exe
C:\Program Files\Apoint\Apntex.exe
C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\UpdateService\issch.exe
C:\Program Files\McAfee\MSK\MskAgent.exe
C:\Program Files\SiteAdvisor\6172\SiteAdv.exe
C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
C:\Program Files\Digital Line Detect\DLG.exe
C:\Program Files\Southwest Airlines\Ding\Ding.exe
C:\Program Files\SpywareGuard\sgmain.exe
C:\Program Files\SpywareGuard\sgbhp.exe
C:\Program Files\Musicmatch\Musicmatch Jukebox\MMJB.EXE
C:\Program Files\Musicmatch\Musicmatch Jukebox\MMDiag.exe
C:\Program Files\Musicmatch\Musicmatch Jukebox\mm_TDMEngine.exe
C:\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware 2007\aawservice.exe
C:\Documents and Settings\Ed Uberti\Desktop\HijackThis.exe

R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = http://www.dell4me.com/myway
R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = http://www.philly.com/
R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = http://www.dell4me.com/myway
R0 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = http://www.dell4me.com/myway
O2 - BHO: AcroIEHlprObj Class - {06849E9F-C8D7-4D59-B87D-784B7D6BE0B3} - C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\ActiveX\AcroIEHelper.dll
O2 - BHO: (no name) - {089FD14D-132B-48FC-8861-0048AE113215} - C:\Program Files\SiteAdvisor\6172\SiteAdv.dll
O2 - BHO: SpywareGuard Download Protection - {4A368E80-174F-4872-96B5-0B27DDD11DB2} - C:\Program Files\SpywareGuard\dlprotect.dll
O2 - BHO: (no name) - {53707962-6F74-2D53-2644-206D7942484F} - C:\PROGRA~1\SPYBOT~1\SDHelper.dll
O2 - BHO: DriveLetterAccess - {5CA3D70E-1895-11CF-8E15-001234567890} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\dla\tfswshx.dll
O2 - BHO: SSVHelper Class - {761497BB-D6F0-462C-B6EB-D4DAF1D92D43} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\ssv.dll
O2 - BHO: scriptproxy - {7DB2D5A0-7241-4E79-B68D-6309F01C5231} - c:\PROGRA~1\mcafee\VIRUSS~1\scriptcl.dll
O3 - Toolbar: McAfee SiteAdvisor - {0BF43445-2F28-4351-9252-17FE6E806AA0} - C:\Program Files\SiteAdvisor\6172\SiteAdv.dll
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ehTray] C:\WINDOWS\ehome\ehtray.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Apoint] C:\Program Files\Apoint\Apoint.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [NvCplDaemon] RUNDLL32.EXE C:\WINDOWS\system32\NvCpl.dll,NvStartup
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [nwiz] nwiz.exe /installquiet
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SunJavaUpdateSched] "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\jusched.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [IntelWireless] C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\ifrmewrk.exe /tf Intel PROSet/Wireless
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [DVDLauncher] "C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDVD\DVDLauncher.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [mmtask] C:\Program Files\Musicmatch\Musicmatch Jukebox\mmtask.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [QuickTime Task] "C:\Program Files\QuickTime\qttask.exe" -atboottime
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ISUSPM Startup] C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\UPDATE~1\ISUSPM.exe -startup
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ISUSScheduler] "C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\UpdateService\issch.exe" -start
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [MskAgentexe] C:\Program Files\McAfee\MSK\MskAgent.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SiteAdvisor] C:\Program Files\SiteAdvisor\6172\SiteAdv.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [dla] C:\WINDOWS\system32\dla\tfswctrl.exe
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [MSMSGS] "C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe" /background
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [MsnMsgr] "C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\MsnMsgr.Exe" /background
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [SecretSmileys] C:\PROGRA~1\SECRET~1\ss.exe
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [Aim6] "C:\Program Files\AIM6\aim6.exe" /d locale=en-US ee://aol/imApp
O4 - Startup: DING!.lnk = C:\Program Files\Southwest Airlines\Ding\Ding.exe
O4 - Startup: SpywareGuard.lnk = C:\Program Files\SpywareGuard\sgmain.exe
O4 - Global Startup: Digital Line Detect.lnk = ?
O4 - Global Startup: QuickBooks Update Agent.lnk = C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intuit\QuickBooks\QBUpdate\qbupdate.exe
O4 - Global Startup: VPN Client.lnk = ?
O8 - Extra context menu item: &Search - http://edits.mywebse...arch.jhtml?p=ZJ
O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608501} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\ssv.dll
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Sun Java Console - {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608501} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\ssv.dll
O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {B205A35E-1FC4-4CE3-818B-899DBBB3388C} - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Encarta Search Bar\ENCSBAR.DLL
O9 - Extra button: Real.com - {CD67F990-D8E9-11d2-98FE-00C0F0318AFE} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\Shdocvw.dll
O9 - Extra button: Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Windows Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
O10 - Unknown file in Winsock LSP: c:\program files\juniper networks\secure application manager\samnsp.dll
O10 - Unknown file in Winsock LSP: c:\program files\juniper networks\secure application manager\samnsp.dll
O16 - DPF: {BFF1950D-B1B4-4AE8-B842-B2CCF06D9A1B} (Zylom Games Player) - http://aolsvc.aol.co...zylomplayer.cab
O16 - DPF: {CC747132-616C-4F7C-8259-AF8F325A3318} (WebStudyList Control) - http://pacsprod/WPP/...ebStudyList.ocx
O16 - DPF: {CCA0B877-CB5E-4ADC-AD30-457C379512DD} (Gif89 Lite Class) -
O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\..\{034BA8D3-A160-497D-8521-AE61FAB023F1}: NameServer =,
O17 - HKLM\System\CS1\Services\Tcpip\..\{034BA8D3-A160-497D-8521-AE61FAB023F1}: NameServer =,
O17 - HKLM\System\CS2\Services\Tcpip\..\{034BA8D3-A160-497D-8521-AE61FAB023F1}: NameServer =,
O17 - HKLM\System\CS3\Services\Tcpip\..\{034BA8D3-A160-497D-8521-AE61FAB023F1}: NameServer =,
O18 - Protocol: msnim - {828030A1-22C1-4009-854F-8E305202313F} - "C:\PROGRA~1\MSNMES~1\msgrapp.dll" (file missing)
O18 - Protocol: siteadvisor - {3A5DC592-7723-4EAA-9EE6-AF4222BCF879} - C:\Program Files\SiteAdvisor\6172\SiteAdv.dll
O20 - Winlogon Notify: IntelWireless - C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\LgNotify.dll
O20 - Winlogon Notify: WgaLogon - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WgaLogon.dll
O23 - Service: McAfee Application Installer Cleanup (0141441195698747) (0141441195698747mcinstcleanup) - McAfee, Inc. - C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\014144~1.EXE
O23 - Service: Ad-Aware 2007 Service (aawservice) - Lavasoft AB - C:\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware 2007\aawservice.exe
O23 - Service: Cisco Systems, Inc. VPN Service (CVPND) - Cisco Systems, Inc. - C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\VPN Client\cvpnd.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee E-mail Proxy (Emproxy) - McAfee, Inc. - C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\McAfee\EmProxy\emproxy.exe
O23 - Service: EvtEng - Intel Corporation - C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\EvtEng.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee HackerWatch Service - McAfee, Inc. - C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\HackerWatch\HWAPI.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee Update Manager (mcmispupdmgr) - McAfee, Inc. - C:\PROGRA~1\McAfee\MSC\mcupdmgr.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee Services (mcmscsvc) - McAfee, Inc. - C:\PROGRA~1\McAfee\MSC\mcmscsvc.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee Network Agent (McNASvc) - McAfee, Inc. - c:\program files\common files\mcafee\mna\mcnasvc.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee Scanner (McODS) - McAfee, Inc. - C:\PROGRA~1\McAfee\VIRUSS~1\mcods.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee Protection Manager (mcpromgr) - McAfee, Inc. - C:\PROGRA~1\McAfee\MSC\mcpromgr.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee Proxy Service (McProxy) - McAfee, Inc. - c:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\mcafee\mcproxy\mcproxy.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee Redirector Service (McRedirector) - McAfee, Inc. - c:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\mcafee\redirsvc\redirsvc.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee Real-time Scanner (McShield) - McAfee, Inc. - C:\PROGRA~1\McAfee\VIRUSS~1\mcshield.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee SystemGuards (McSysmon) - McAfee, Inc. - C:\PROGRA~1\McAfee\VIRUSS~1\mcsysmon.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee Personal Firewall Service (MpfService) - McAfee, Inc. - C:\Program Files\McAfee\MPF\MPFSrv.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee Privacy Service (MPS9) - McAfee, Inc. - C:\PROGRA~1\McAfee\MPS\mps.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee SpamKiller Service (MSK80Service) - McAfee Inc. - C:\Program Files\McAfee\MSK\MskSrver.exe
O23 - Service: Virtual Com Port Service (neoNcSvc) - Unknown owner - C:\WINDOWS\system32\ncsvc.exe
O23 - Service: NICCONFIGSVC - Dell Inc. - C:\Program Files\Dell\NICCONFIGSVC\NICCONFIGSVC.exe
O23 - Service: NVIDIA Display Driver Service (NVSvc) - NVIDIA Corporation - C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvsvc32.exe
O23 - Service: RegSrvc - Intel Corporation - C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\RegSrvc.exe
O23 - Service: Spectrum24 Event Monitor (S24EventMonitor) - Intel Corporation - C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\S24EvMon.exe
O23 - Service: SiteAdvisor Service - Unknown owner - C:\Program Files\SiteAdvisor\6172\SAService.exe
O23 - Service: Viewpoint Manager Service - Viewpoint Corporation - C:\Program Files\Viewpoint\Common\ViewpointService.exe
O23 - Service: WLANKEEPER - Intel® Corporation - C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\WLKeeper.exe


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#2 Dr Bonz

Dr Bonz

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Posted 01 December 2007 - 09:48 PM

I know your not supposed to bump these but no one has replied in over a week. Help please?

#3 Dr Bonz

Dr Bonz

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Posted 07 December 2007 - 05:30 AM

Is there anybody out there?

#4 LDTate


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Posted 22 December 2007 - 08:52 AM

Hello and Welcome to the forum.

I suggest you do this:

Double-click My Computer.
Click the Tools menu, and then click Folder Options.
Click the View tab.
Clear "Hide file extensions for known file types."
Under the "Hidden files" folder, select "Show hidden files and folders."
Clear "Hide protected operating system files."
Click Apply, and then click OK.

Please do not delete anything unless instructed to.

1.Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.
2.Next, open Add/Remove Programs and remove if listed:
Viewpoint <--All Viewpoint programs listed

Run hijackthis. Hit None of the above, Click Do a System Scan Only. Put a checkmark/tick in the box on the left side on these:

R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = http://www.dell4me.com/myway
R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = http://www.dell4me.com/myway
R0 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = http://www.dell4me.com/myway
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [mmtask] C:\Program Files\Musicmatch\Musicmatch Jukebox\mmtask.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [QuickTime Task] "C:\Program Files\QuickTime\qttask.exe" -atboottime
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [MSMSGS] "C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe" /background
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [SecretSmileys] C:\PROGRA~1\SECRET~1\ss.exe
O8 - Extra context menu item: &Search - http://edits.mywebse...arch.jhtml?p=ZJ
O23 - Service: Viewpoint Manager Service - Viewpoint Corporation - C:\Program Files\Viewpoint\Common\ViewpointService.exe

Close ALL windows and browsers except HijackThis and click "Fix checked"

Please download ATF Cleaner by Atribune.
Download - ATF Cleaner»
Double-click ATF-Cleaner.exe to run the program.
Under Main choose: Select All
Click the Empty Selected button.

(If you use FireFox or the Opera browser
To keep saved passwords, click No at the prompt.)

It's normal after running ATF cleaner that the PC will be slower to boot the first time or two.

Reboot and "copy/paste" a new HijackThis log file into this thread.

Also please describe how your computer behaves at the moment.

The forum is run by volunteers who donate their time and expertise.

Want to help others? Join the ClassRoom and learn how.

Logs will be closed if you haven't replied within 3 days


If you would like to paypal.gif for the help you received.

Proud graduate of TC/WTT Classroom


#5 LDTate


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Posted 27 December 2007 - 04:20 PM

You still need help?

The forum is run by volunteers who donate their time and expertise.

Want to help others? Join the ClassRoom and learn how.

Logs will be closed if you haven't replied within 3 days


If you would like to paypal.gif for the help you received.

Proud graduate of TC/WTT Classroom


#6 LDTate


    Grand Poobah

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Posted 31 December 2007 - 09:46 AM

Due to inactivity this topic will be closed. If you need help please start a new thread and post a new HJT log

The forum is run by volunteers who donate their time and expertise.

Want to help others? Join the ClassRoom and learn how.

Logs will be closed if you haven't replied within 3 days


If you would like to paypal.gif for the help you received.

Proud graduate of TC/WTT Classroom


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