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Cpu Usage Jumps Up To 35% Every 10 Secs

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#31 bbedo


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Posted 01 June 2007 - 03:50 PM


I would like you to download Process Explorer from the SysInternals website. This program will allow you to see, in real-time, what programs are accessing your processor and should give us a hint (if not the answer) to what is causing your CPU spike.

1. Navigate to the Process Explorer website.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Download Process Explorer (1.5 MB).
3. Save the .zip file to your Desktop
4. Double-click the .zip file to open it
5. Select procexp.exe and Extract it to your Desktop.
6. Double-click procexp.exe from your desktop.

What you will see is a listing of every process currently running on your machine. I'd like for you to watch the CPU column and note which process grabs your CPU time every ten seconds. Watch for a couple minutes or so and make sure that nothing else (media players, etc.) is running on your PC. Post back and let me know which process(es) is/are taxing your processor.


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#32 Jorge Chiriboga

Jorge Chiriboga

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Posted 01 June 2007 - 07:33 PM

One snapshot: csrss.exe-816-9.09-Client Server Runtime process-Microsoft Corporation wmiprvse.exe-3776-13.6-WMI-Microsoft Corporation spoolsv.exe-668-4.55-Spooler Subsystem App-Microsoft Corporation HPTLBXFX.exe-2368-4.55-HPTLBXFX-HP Second Snapshot: csrss.exe-816-9.09-Client Server Runtime process-Microsoft Corporation wmiprvse.exe-3776-16.6-WMI-Microsoft Corporation spoolsv.exe-668-3.03-Spooler Subsystem App-Microsoft Corporation HPTLBXFX.exe-2368-3.03-HPTLBXFX-HP There were three more processess running with a 1.52% usage each: services.exe, explorer.exe and avgas.exe.

Edited by Jorge Chiriboga, 01 June 2007 - 07:44 PM.

#33 bbedo


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Posted 02 June 2007 - 02:38 PM


It looks like the cause of your spike is the wmiprvse.exe file. This program represents WMI -- a feature new to Windows XP that allows virus programs, firewall programs, etc. to talk directly with the OS (think the little red shield in your system tray). If you have no anti-virus, etc. that utilizes WMI, the wmiprvse.exe program is not utilized. Once a program that needs it (McAfee.com, for example) is installed, the feature becomes active.

Unfortunately, this process is essential to the OS and should not be removed.

From my research, there have been a couple of bugs discovered with this process eating up more CPU juice than it should and all sources point to keeping your OS updated. I would highly recommend keeping Automatic Updates turned On to make sure that all bugs/vulnerabilities are patched. As far as your specific situation goes, I can only recommend updating your OS with all critical updates and keeping it that way.

You may want to try posting this to the "Other Computer Problems" forum of this website -- maybe some of the OCP techs there can shed some light. Likewise, you may want to try searching Microsoft's Support site for any answers.

#34 Jorge Chiriboga

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Posted 18 June 2007 - 06:14 PM

Ben, Thank you very much for your help. I did everything you recommended and I noticed that the spiking has dissapeared. I no longer have the constant ticking. I believe all the advice paid well. Thanks a lot, Jorge

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