- https://technet.micr...curity/ms14-dec
Dec 9, 2014 - "This bulletin summary lists security bulletins released for December 2014...
(Total of -7-).
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS14-075 - Important
Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange Server Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (3009712)
- https://technet.micr...curity/MS14-075
Important - Elevation of Privilege - May require restart - Microsoft Exchange
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS14-080 - Critical
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (3008923)
- https://technet.micr...curity/ms14-080
Critical - Remote Code Execution - Requires restart - Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS14-081 - Critical
Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Office Web Apps Could Allow Remote Code Execution (3017301)
- https://technet.micr...curity/ms14-081
Critical - Remote Code Execution - May require restart - Microsoft Office
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS14-082 - Important
Vulnerability in Microsoft Office Could Allow Remote Code Execution (3017349)
- https://technet.micr...curity/ms14-082
Important - Remote Code Execution - May require restart - Microsoft Office
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS14-083 - Important
Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Excel Could Allow Remote Code Execution (3017347)
- https://technet.micr...curity/ms14-083
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS14-084 - Critical
Vulnerability in VBScript Scripting Engine Could Allow Remote Code Execution (3016711)
- https://technet.micr...curity/ms14-084
Critical - Remote Code Execution - May require restart - Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS14-085 - Important
Vulnerability in Microsoft Graphics Component Could Allow Information Disclosure (3013126)
- https://technet.micr...curity/ms14-085
Important - Information Disclosure - May require restart - Microsoft Windows
- http://blogs.technet...14-updates.aspx
Dec 9, 2014 - "... we released seven security updates – three rated Critical and four rated Important in severity, to address 24 unique Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) in Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer (IE), Office and Exchange...
We re-released two Security Bulletins:
MS14-065 Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer
MS14-066 Vulnerability in Schannel Could Allow Remote Code Execution
- https://technet.micr...curity/MS14-066
One Security Advisory was revised:
Update for Vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash Player in Internet Explorer (2755801)..."
- https://technet.micr...ecurity/2755801
MS Advisories for Dec 2014:
Microsoft Security Advisory 3009008
Vulnerability in SSL 3.0 Could Allow Information Disclosure
- https://technet.micr...ecurity/3009008
Oct 14, 2014 | Updated: Dec 9, 2014
Microsoft Security Advisory 2755801
Update for Vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash Player in Internet Explorer
- https://technet.micr...ecurity/2755801
Updated: Dec 9, 2014
- - MS14-075
- - MS14-080
- - MS14-081
- - MS14-082
- - MS14-083
- - MS14-084
- - MS14-085
ISC Analysis
Edited by AplusWebMaster, 09 December 2014 - 06:43 PM.