- https://technet.micr...lletin/ms14-apr
April 08, 2014 - "This bulletin summary lists security bulletins released for April 2014...
(Total of -4-)
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS14-017 - Critical
Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Word and Office Web Apps Could Allow Remote Code Execution
- http://technet.micro...lletin/ms14-017
Critical - Remote Code Execution - May require restart - Microsoft Office, Microsoft Office Services, Microsoft Office Web Apps
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS14-018 - Critical
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (2950467)
- http://technet.micro...lletin/ms14-018
Critical - Remote Code Execution - Requires restart - Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS14-019 - Important
Vulnerability in Windows File Handling Component Could Allow Remote Code Execution
- http://technet.micro...lletin/ms14-019
Important - Remote Code Execution - Requires restart - Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS14-020 - Important
Vulnerability in Microsoft Publisher Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2950145)
- http://technet.micro...lletin/ms14-020
Important - Remote Code Execution - May require restart - Microsoft Office
- http://blogs.technet...ty-updates.aspx
Deployment Priority, Severity, and Exploit Index
- http://blogs.technet.../deployment.jpg
[ Open link target in IE ]
MS14-019 - MSRD info:
- http://blogs.technet...r-bat-file.aspx
8 Apr 2014
April 2014 Office Update Release
- http://blogs.technet...te-release.aspx
8 Apr 2014 - "... There are 13 security updates (2 bulletins) and 28 non-security updates..."
MS14-017, MS14-020
- - MS14-017
- - MS14-018
- - MS14-019
- - MS14-020
ISC Analysis
Last Updated: 2014-04-08 20:23:09 UTC - Version: 3
Edited by AplusWebMaster, 10 April 2014 - 07:17 AM.