Adobe Flash... 0-day... unpatched
Release date: October 28, 2010
CVE number: CVE-2010-3654
A critical vulnerability exists in Adobe Flash Player and earlier versions for Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Solaris operating systems; Adobe Flash Player and earlier versions for Android; and the authplay.dll component that ships with Adobe Reader 9.4 and earlier 9.x versions for Windows, Macintosh and UNIX operating systems, and Adobe Acrobat 9.4 and earlier 9.x versions for Windows and Macintosh operating systems. This vulnerability (CVE-2010-3654) could cause a crash and potentially allow an attacker to take control of the affected system. There are reports that
this vulnerability is being actively exploited in the wild against Adobe Reader and Acrobat 9.x. Adobe is not currently aware of attacks targeting Adobe Flash Player. We are in the process of finalizing a fix for the issue and expect to provide an update for Flash Player 10.x for Windows, Macintosh, Linux, and Android by November 9, 2010. We expect to make available an update for Adobe Reader and Acrobat 9.4 and earlier 9.x versions during the week of November 15, 2010..."
Last Update: 2010-10-29
Criticality level:
Extremely critical
The vulnerability is currently being actively exploited...
... Adobe plans to release a fixed version on
November 9, 2010.
... Reported as a 0-day.
Original Advisory: Adobe APSA10-05*
Adobe Reader/Acrobat ...
...Adobe plans to release a fixed version on November 15, 2010.
Original Advisory: Adobe APSA10-05*
Chrome ...
28 October 2010
File name:
Submission date: 2010-10-28
15/42 (35.7%)
There is a more up-to-date report (27/43) for this file...
File name:
Submission date: 2010-10-29
27/43 (62.8%)
Last Updated: 2010-10-28 21:51:01 UTC - "...
mitigation measures recommended by adobe:
Adobe Reader and Acrobat 9.x - Windows
Deleting, renaming, or removing access to the authplay.dll file that ships with Adobe Reader and Acrobat 9.x mitigates the threat for those products, but users will experience a non-exploitable crash or error message when opening a PDF file that contains Flash (SWF) content.
The authplay.dll that ships with Adobe Reader and Acrobat 9.x for Windows is typically located at C:Program FilesAdobeReader 9.0Readerauthplay.dll for Adobe Reader or C:Program FilesAdobeAcrobat 9.0Acrobatauthplay.dll for Acrobat.
Adobe Reader 9.x - Macintosh
1) Go to the Applications->Adobe Reader 9 folder.
2) Right Click on Adobe Reader.
3) Select Show Package Contents.
4) Go to the Contents->Frameworks folder.
5) Delete or move the AuthPlayLib.bundle file.
Acrobat Pro 9.x - Macintosh
1) Go to the Applications->Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro folder.
2) Right Click on Adobe Acrobat Pro.
3) Select Show Package Contents.
4) Go to the Contents->Frameworks folder.
5) Delete or move the AuthPlayLib.bundle file.
Adobe Reader 9.x - UNIX
1) Go to installation location of Reader (typically a folder named Adobe).
2) Within it browse to Reader9/Reader/intellinux/lib/ (for Linux) or Reader9/Reader/intelsolaris/lib/ (for Solaris).
3) Remove the library named ""
More information at
http://contagiodump....layer-zero.html ..."
2010-10-28 - "... consider the following workarounds:
Disable Flash..."
ThreatCon... Elevated.
Oct. 29, 2010 - "... Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Reader, and Acrobat...
vulnerability... being actively exploited in the wild..."
Last revised: 10/29/2010
Edited by AplusWebMaster, 29 October 2010 - 01:31 PM.